

I fixed my game!

For future reference, if anybody else has Windows 8/10 and the launcher suddenly does not want to work anymore for you (this is a PC guide, not sure about Mac):

Open your Control Panel

Go to System and Security

Go to System

Under ‘Control Panel Home’ (usually on the left), click Advanced system settings

Click the tab Advanced and find the “Performance” block and select Settings

Go to the Data Execution Prevention tab and choose “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select”

Add!! I went through 68/electronic arts/game/bin for the base game and all EPs and added all of the TS3, TS3W, and TS3Launcher Application files for every sims related thing.

If it’s an online download (from Origin), you’ll have to go through the Origin file obviously

It completely saved my game, uninstalling and reinstalling didn’t even work, but this did first try. Now I can play again after many days of not being able to. I know I could’ve just bypassed the launcher, but I have some sims3packs to install and I don’t like just ignoring a problem, I rather fix it lol.

I hope this helps anybody who ever needs it! Adding random tags to hopefully have it show up should anybody ever need to google this problem.

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