Friends of mine asked me if I was going to watch the debate tonight. I said, no, I was going to dedicate my time towards something more important instead. Specifically, I was going to provide the answer to the question millions of Americans have been waiting for these past 8 years:
Did Obama help blacks?
So if you care to advance your mind and help make meaningful progress to help improve the economic lot of blacks (as opposed to having your brain cells destroyed by watching Cheech and Chong duke it out), turn off the TV, pour yourself a drink, and let us look at some empirical data.
To be blunt, Barack Obama, "magic negro" as he might be, no longer has the time left in his presidency to do anything meaningful or helpful for the nation. As Americans are glued to the shitshow that is going on between arguably the most corrupt person in America and a man who has diarrhea of the mouth, it is a short 3 months before one of those two is sworn into office, replacing America's first (sort of) black president. Ergo, I think I can safely assume it's OK to start measuring the improvement blacks have enjoyed under the Obama presidency, without too much of a margin of error between now and January 20th.
So how did America's first Kaepernick-esque president do in improving the lives of blacks?
Matter of fact, you wouldn't have thought a "sorta black" guy was even president.
The first and most important measure of economic well-being - median income - not only showed a worsening gap between blacks and whites, BUT OVER ALL NOMINAL DECLINES IN INCOMES FOR BLACKS! In other words, blacks not only lost ground against whites in income, but their incomes fell by 2%!!!
The second, and arguably second-most important measure of economic well-being - net household wealth - also showed deterioration against a white-measuring stick. At the beginning of the recession (before Obama took over) white wealth was 10 times that of your average black person, while 2013 (the latest data available) showed it worsening to 13x's that of blacks.
Third, life expectancy.
Here some genuine progress has been made. In 8 years (though the latest data is only up till 2014) Obama has managed to close the life expectancy gap by almost 1%. Sadly, this is likely more due to whites drinking more and having more complications of gluttonous behavior, but I guess you gotta take a win when you can get one.
Fourth, crime. Sadly, like life expectancy, no real improvement either (arguments against incarcerations rates vs. arrest rates duly noted, the data is the best data I could find available AND of a consistent measuring nature).
Fifth, unemployment. Not only a very important measure of economic well-being, but again, absolutely no progress in closing the gap between whites.
Now we could go on, and I'm sure as more recent data emerges there will be no surprises, but the FACT is that the plight of blacks HAS NOT improved under Barack Obama. No measurable or significant improvement has been made and the past 8 years HAS BEEN COMPLETELY WASTED in terms of helping blacks (and hispanics too if you care to look at the data) close the wealth, income, employment, crime, and life expectancy gaps.
And this utter failure (not to mention the doubling of our national debt) grants the likes of me, and everybody else who has been saying socialism is not what is going to "save the blacks," the right to start asking some serious questions of everybody who supported this failure of a president.
1. If you'll permit me to plagiarize Donald Trump, "What DO you have to lose?" Be it the more-than-adequate track record of large liberal cities headed up by leftist, liberal mayors (black or not), the academic performance of your children, your job prospects, or the plethora of economic data presented above, when does the black community wake the fuck up and realize the democrats and the socialism they're offering are NOT the solution? This isn't to say Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, or even Jessie Jackson don't care to improve the plight of blacks, but that they are WRONG when it comes to the medicine they're prescribing. And before you start blaming it on other people with "but it's the evil republicans" or "white institutional" or "but but but," I think it's about time the black community start realizing it's not whitey paying the price, but themselves for this constant lying to themselves.
2. Do you know what 11% is?
That's the percent of your life you just wasted, spending 8 years on false hope Obama promised you. This not only goes for the black community (who have shorter life expectancies btw), but the white, hispanic, and all other people who think that socialism, free health care, and, frankly, using the government to bail out people from their mistakes (be it an illegitimate child or bankster scum) is going to help improve the lives of minorities. This unfounded and religiously-stupid belief that government is the solution to people's self-inflicted problems just got debunked (again). But like all experiments with socialism, it didn't come free. It cost another three generations of blacks their youth, their time, and their mortality. But hey, at least some rich, upper middle class academians with their sociology degrees got to feel good and some politicians got re-elected to cushy government positions. And that's worth all the murdered blacks in Chiraq this year.
3. Do any of you white leftists feel any guilt for misleading the black community down the wrong path for another 8 years? Is it because you lack the spine to tell them the harsh truths about escaping poverty and achieving economics success? Or is it because it's just so much easier to tell them pretty lies so they like you, vote for you, and don't call you racist? Or do you make too much money on them heading up some bullshit academic department like "African American Studies" or "Diversity Director" or any one of the thousands of non-profit jobs that fail to ACTUALLY IMPROVE the lives of black people? I know you make money off of selling them into poverty, but hey, better they live in poverty than you work a real job, right?
4. Will you leftists now stop accusing people who disagree with Obama's/socialist policies of racism when it's empirically clear these policies do NOT improve the lives of minorities?
and finally
5. Will the black community have the self respect to set aside its emotion, pride, ego, and tribalism, and instead in an effort to improve itself make an honest and long-term commitment towards empiricism, logic, the scientific method, facts, reason, discipline, reality, and hard work? I understand the sheer scope and consistency of lies told these past 50 years is compelling, completely self-validating, even angering. But with nothing to show for it, with no measurable improvement, how many MORE generations of blacks must live in a dead-last place position relative to whites for these failing social experiments to go on?
ANY self-respecting black person who wishes to improve their (and their childrens') lot in life owes themselves at minimum an alternative strategy, or at least the right to explore other explanations as to their poverty. And I suggest you don't look at the tired and failed policies of socialism for the answer, but an alternative explanation in freedom, liberty, self-ownership, and responsibility.
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