Since I know some of you like to take pictures of your fish, this might be worth the drive. Note the location is different this month. For those that came down to the Fall Auction, it's the same store. I don't know for sure, but when I spoke to the owner in the fall he was planning on setting up an epic 800 gallon tank in his store. I hope he finished it because that will be worth the drive across town alone.
Anyway, here's the info about the meeting. Perhaps many of you know David or he has presented at a CCA meeting.
Hi Gang,
NOTE** We will be holding our February 2016 James River Aquarium Society Monthly Meeting this coming Wednesday,
February 24th at 7:00 PM AT Logo Advantage, 8007A Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 - THIS IS THE SAME SITE THAT WE HELD OUR 2015 AUCTION! [For the locals, Logo Advantage is located in the old Southern States building on Old Mechanicsville Turnpike.]
Any questions contact Dennis Bragg, Cell/Text: *phone number removed from post* (send me a PM and I can provide Dennis' contact info if you like).
About this month’s Program: “All About Aquarium Photography!”
David Snell is an avid aquatic photographer and prolific writer, and has published articles and photographs in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium magazine (FAMA), Tropical Fish Hobbyist (TFH), Journal of the American Killifish Association (AKA Journal), American Cichlid Association’s (ACA’s) Journal- The Buntbarshe Bulletin, and the North American Native Fishes Association’s (NANFA’s) American Currents’ quarterly Journal. Davie has collected fish on trips to Venezuela in 2002, and Peru in 2007 & 2013.
Dave will bring to us his techniques, tips, methods, and anecdotes from a life spent as a professional aquatic photographer- a rare treat for us and a privileged look inside the arcane world of aquatic and aquarium photography. One past viewer of Dave’s aquatic photography presentation said that “you could have heard a pin drop” in the audience during his presentation- a good sign for us!
If you have ever struggled to take photographs of fish or plants in an aquarium, or in nature, THIS IS A PRESENTATION YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS!
About our Program Speaker: David Snell has been a tropical fish hobbyist since 1993, and has been specializing in killifish since 1996. He went mostly “dry” for about five years or so due to work, family, and a Masters degree, but eventually came back into the hobby. Since 1993 he has spawned and raised numerous killifish, as well as various tetras, a few corydoras, and the occasional cichlid. He has been active in the tropical fish hobby in the Washington DC area serving in former PVAS positions to include: Treasurer & Board Member, three terms as President, and one term as VP. He launched PVAS’s original website in the late 90s. He’s been a member of the American Killifish Association (AKA) since 1996, a lifetime AKA member since 2006, and a member of the Chesapeake Area Killifish Club.