Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems. in Tyseley, has a credible claim of contributing to a huge reduction in the UK’s carbon emissions over its 40 year history.Established in 1973, long before the mainstream carbon reduction agenda hit the headlines, the huge part that the company has played in the carbon reduction scenario is almost impossible to calculate.
They specialise in a technology called “Power Factor Correction” which can considerably reduce industrial energy bills whilst recovering its initial cost within two years.Many industrial energy consumers have resigned themselves to paying a hefty penalty imposed by their energy provider called a “Reactive ChargeThe amount of electricity present upon the capacitor's plates. Also, the act of forcing of electrons onto the capacitor's plates. See CoulombA coulomb is the unit of electric charge. It is named after Charles-Augustin de Coulomb.1 coulomb is the amount of electric charge transported by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second. It can also be defined in terms of capacitance and voltage, where one coulomb is defined as one farad of capacitance times one volt of electric potential difference..” which can run into hundreds of pounds a month.This is because they have a poor power factor which is a reflection of their inefficient use of electrical energy.Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems. can offer a relatively simple solution. They have been installing and maintaining Power Factor Correction technology since 1973, reducing energy bills and carbon output for thousands of industrial consumers.“We have an idea how much product we have sold over 40 years, but not how much is still in operation,” said sales manager Tim Brown. “Although we are proud to say that we have customers still operating our equipment containing original components that were installed in 1977.“The total carbon dioxide reduction could realistically be as much as four million tonnes. With most Power Capacitor products producing a two year return on investment whilst at the same time energy costs are unlikely to reduce, it’s easy to see how attractive a proposition Power Factor Correction is.”Carl Brampton with a pallet of capacitors at Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems. based in Tyseley, Birmingham. Birmingham Yardley MP John Hemming paid a visit to Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems.’ Tyseley base to investigate this incredible achievement and help them celebrate 40 years in business.He is certainly qualified to agree as amongst his many talents he specialised in atomic & nuclear physics at university and was naturally impressed by the technology involved.Mr Hemming said: “We are all naturally concerned about the impact of global warming and rising energy costs in this country. “Power Factor Correction is proving to have had a significant impact in both these areas and will continue to do so.“I would like to congratulate Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems. on celebrating 40 years in business.”Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems. were invited to Westminster with a number of other Birmingham based companies to showcase the technology to an audience of MP’s, Lords and parliamentary staff.The oldest private company specialising in the little known technology of Power Factor Correction, Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems. has engineers throughout the UK.
via Birmingham Day March 2014: Profile – Power CapacitorsThis is a general term referring to capacitors that handle large currents or high voltages, can be used in charging systems, and applications in electrical distribution systems., Tyseley – Birmingham Post.