
Here's a video at Live Leak (It was on You-Tube but soon deleted) showing a wounded police officer in Paris being shot by one gunmen responsible for the multiple murder at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Note the lack of blood, and the absence of either rifle recoil or reaction in the motion of the victim's head. Strange that, and rather different from the Zapruder movie images of the shooting of President Kennedy.

But not to worry. Someone added blood later (Thanks to Aangirfan for the link:

As the Sky News reporters states at 1:02

"You can see the blood on the ground that was put there because of the blood that was shed at this spot yesterday."

So what happened to the blood that was shed at this spot yesterday. Did someone scrub it off and then add fresh blood, or what?

But the Sky News report didn't last long on U-Tube. LOL.

It's a pity, though, that the video's gone as it prevents one from checking an interesting point made by LoopDLoop on the Let's Roll Forum. What he says is:

Notice anything?

The cars that are parked there are exactly the same. They have not been moved since the night before. You can clearly match them up. Starting from back up the street a little way there is: a large white van, followed by a small black car, followed by the large white rental van, followed by the small red car with the white sign on the side, followed by the grey car with the yellow roof, followed by a grey sedan.

Watch both videos clearly and you will agree: the same cars are parked in exactly the same locations. So, there can be no question about it: the film of the policeman being shot was certainly taken the day before.

So instead of speculating that it was shot months before, focus instead on the greater mystery: how could these same 5 or 6 cars have remained in exactly the same paid parking positions for over 24 hours in a busy Parisian street?

Suggestion: it's a controlled location.
If anyone has a link to the Sky News report on Live Leak or else where, I'd be glad if they'd pass it on so we can restore the video here.


Moon of Alabama: Some Additional Bits On The Hebdo Attack

The whole political outrage over "free speech" in this case is completely made up. There is no "free speech" in France or elsewhere in Europe or in the U.S. Most states have blasphemy and lèse-majesty laws. Additionally social laws are effectively in place against other speech issues. Just try to make a few public point about the racist colonizations project of some East European in west Asia and see the reaction. Hebdo Charles itself fired one of its writers for alleged anti-semitism ...
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