
If you live in the great state of Minnesota, you can find your polling station by clicking here. If you are a Minnesotan and are not registered to vote, thankfully you live in a state that allows same day registration.

Here are one of the many forms of ID (yes, Minnesota already requires ID in order to register to vote) you can use to register on election day:

If you are not registered to vote or need to update your registration information, you may do so at your local polling location on Election Day as long as you can provide proof of residence.

To register at your polling place on Election Day, you must bring one of the following with your current name and address to verify your residence in the precinct :

A valid Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, Minnesota ID card, or receipt for any of these

A valid student ID card including your photo, if your college has provided a student housing list to election officials

A Tribal ID card that contains your picture and signature

A valid registration in the same precinct under a different name or address

A notice of late registration sent to you by your county auditor or city clerk

A voter registered in the same precinct as you who can confirm your address with a signed oath

An employee of the residential facility where you live who can confirm your address with a signed oath

Both 1) a photo ID from the list below, and 2) a current bill from the list below with your current name and address in the precinct

Photo IDs (may be expired)

Bills (delivered electronically or by mail)

Minnesota Driver's License

Minnesota ID Card

United States Passport

United States Military ID Card

Tribal ID Card

Minnesota University, College, or Technical College ID Card

Utility bill due within 30 days of election day:

Telephone (landline, cell, VOIP, etc.)

TV (cable, satellite, etc.)

Internet services



Solid Waste

Sewer Services


Rent statement dated within 30 days of election day that itemizes utilities

Current student fee statement

Surely we need a more secure form of identifying people when they vote....cough...bulls**t...cough.

Go on, get off the computer and go out and vote.

Until later and go Wolves!

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