
Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons – Grade 8
By Easy Grammar Systems

About the curriculum

180 daily teaching lessons

10 minute lessons

Concepts presented in an easy, step-by-step manner

Building-block approach

Emphasis is placed on phrases (gerund, infinitive, participial, etc.) and concepts at Grade 8 level

The Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts are similar to both Easy Grammar andDaily GRAMS. The texts are like Easy Grammar in that they are teaching texts. Concepts relating to phrases, clauses, compound-complex sentences, and other higher-level concepts (as well as basics) are presented in a 180 daily lesson format found in Daily GRAMS texts. Concepts are introduced, reintroduced, applied, expanded, etc. throughout each text. See the "Scope and Sequence" for each EGUS level: Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12.

My Thoughts

We have been using Easy Grammar since Alexandre started grade 3.   After seeing the result is has made on him in learning English grammar, we decided to purchase the grade 2 book in order to prepare his siblings to the method of Easy Grammar.

This year after 5 years of using the methodology of Easy Grammar, Alexandre embarked on a new journey with  the 180 Daily Teaching Lessons from Easy Grammar for upper grades.     The 180 Daily Teaching Lessons consists of the Teacher book, the student workbook and the test booklet.  The presentation is very different to what Easy Grammar was but the concept is still the same.

Essentially, each day the student will go through exercises that will reinforce his/her knowledge of grammar.  The exercises consist of applying rules for capitalization, punctuation, parts of speech as well as sentence combining.    Each “lesson” will take approximately 10 minutes per day.  Every ten lessons, you can assign a test to your student in order to see if your student has mastered the material covered.

For the past few weeks, Alexandre has been using the 180 Daily Teaching Lessons from Easy Grammar.   It is very different for him compared to the previous years where he had to learn the rules of grammar.  This time around, he has to complete some exercises while allows him to recall what he has learned in the past.    However, even though he has a strong understand of the grammar rules in English, I find this series will allow him to retain and put in practice all the things he has learned during his elementary years in primary homeschool.    As this point in time, the only issue I can see he has would be in the sentence combining exercises.   Sometimes he forget a part of a sentence while other times his sentence is too long.  However, when the test comes around, he has understood his errors during the exercises and apply it properly.

To be honest, I almost wish that I would have had these books when I learned English grammar during my primary and high school years.   Being Francophone, I think my English would have greatly flourished if I had used these in the past.  Mind you, I am learning alongside my own kids because I am teaching them using the techniques presented in the Easy Grammar books.   And I have seen the difference it made for a child who learn easily as well as for a child who is learning differently and who takes longer to understand the rule.    All my kids are thriving using Easy Grammar.   I highly recommend it for anyone considering a curriculum to teach English Grammar.

If you student has not learned the various rules of grammar during his elementary homeschool days, I strongly suggest that you use the Easy Grammar Plus curriculum which will provide the lessons needed in order to understand English Grammar.  Then the transition to the 180 Daily Teaching Lessons can be done easily with more practice throughout the high school years.

Note that the student workbook does not contain the answer key and is to be used in conjunction with the teacher’s guide.  Though technically, since the teacher’s guide allows you to reproduce the pages of the exercises, you might only need the teacher’s book for your own use.  The test booklet will give the parent a way to assess their child’s mastery of the concepts.  The test is reproducible for student use.

The teacher edition of this curriculum is available to purchase in paper or pdf format for the price of 26.95$.  The student workbook is available for purchase in paper format for the price of 13.95$.  The test booklet is available for purchase in paper or pdf format for the price of 5.95$.  (all in US dollar)

These resources are also available as a kit on amazon.com.

Disclaimer: Thanks to Easy Grammar Systems for sending me the above mentioned product for review purposes. I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way. All opinions expressed here are only my own.

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