
Australian integrated mobile advertising sales agency, Mobile Embrace's 4th Screen Advertising, has today announced the launch of its latest mobile marketing innovation and cutting-edge audience targeting capability, PAT (Premium Audience Targeting).

Developed in-house, PAT enables brands and advertisers to target mobile users in contextually relevant, premium mobile environments with precision, as well as create custom mobile audiences to target with engaging creative content. By collecting and combining contextual data, including user activity and user demographics, into audience segments, PAT can create a more complete view of a users' intent to, and likelihood of, engaging with a particular type of ad - such as an automotive, travel, or luxury lifestyle ad.

Designed to address one of the biggest challenges in mobile advertising -
the ability to target the right users, at the right time, and in the
right environment - PAT delivers premium mobile audiences by accessing
4th Screen Advertising's unique combination of industry leading mobile

Contextual environments: 4th Screen Advertising's
premium publisher network consists of more than 14,000 local and global
publishers. Reaching an estimated audience of more than 7 million
Australians each month on mobile-web and app platforms, this offers
brands and advertiser's significant visibility and audience reach.

Trusted first party data. Through direct relationships with premium
publishers, such as Bauer Media, BBC Worldwide, and Perform Group, 4th
Screen Advertising has access to quality, and transparent first party
user data, such as in-app browsing habits, geo-location, and user
demographics, and in real-time.

Third party and zero party
data. User data from mobile ads, mobile devices and mobile carriers,
plus third party data on browsing habits, can be overlayed with first
party data to target users at the granular level, creating specific
audience profiles to segment and sell.

Advanced behavioural
and emotional targeting techniques. Using tools such as App Verify,
users can now be targeted based on their genuine interests. It's also
possible to re-target users based on their emotions. For instance, user
actions within social media m-sites and apps means users can be targeted
according to what they are tweeting or hash tagging, adding another
layer to the targeting mix.

Says Peter Birch (pictured), managing director at
4th Screen Advertising Australia: "The mobile ad ecosystem has
become increasingly cluttered and increasingly specialised. By using
PAT, we're combining targeted and contextually relevant environments
that brand advertisers need, with the most advanced audience targeting
that mobile can uniquely offer. One of the key benefits of PAT is that
it enables us to significantly reduce impression wastage while
maximising engagement with the right audience."

While targeting
is one part of the mix, brand safety and transparency are also critical.

Says Birch: "Brands need to know where their ads running, the quality of the
publisher, and the environments where their target audience is most
active. Running ads on blind networks comes with risks, especially when
ads are placed in irrelevant m-sites or apps - which sometimes lead to a
waste of ad dollars. This is why we only work with trusted, premium
publishers, offering our advertisers peace of mind because they're
engaging audiences in environments relevant to a user's unique

As mobile becomes the most preferred platform
for communication, it is imperative that digital businesses reach and
interact with the right mobile users.

Says Birch: "Customised, highly targeted ad
placements featured in premium publisher environments are significantly
more likely to offer brands visibility and cut-through. For instance,
research by Celtra and Opera Media Works shows rich media mobile ads
featured on premium advertising platforms generate higher engagement
rates compared to standard banner ads that adopt a programmatic approach
(at 15.6 per cent versus 0.35 per cent respectively).

targeting users in contextual environments alongside rich media
creative, as well as creating the most specific audience segments to
sell on premium publishing platforms, audience engagement rates can be

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