
Jockey has supported great men like Babe Ruth, General Patton and Buzz
Aldrin, who went to the moon. Droga5 New York asks us to imagine where
Buzz would've gone in today's Jockey underwear.


This multi-channel TV, print and digital campaign plays on the triple entendre of "Supporting Greatness": literally, Jockey is greatness and has best-in-class products; emotionally, Jockey supports all great men in life; and functionally, Jockey's features and benefits support great quality.

The broadcast, print and digital elements ask audiences to imagine what
further greatness these men could have achieved with modern-day Jockey
underwear as the campaign depicts Babe Ruth hitting a home run, Buzz
Aldrin walking on the moon and General Patton leading his men to
victory, and marry the historical feats with a modern-day depiction of
how underneath their respective pinstripes, spacesuit, and camouflage
uniforms, Jockey underwear was supporting them along the way.

has been supporting great men since 1876 and is known as one of
America's premier heritage brands based on its rich history of
quality-crafted and innovative products," said Dustin Cohn, CMO of
Jockey International, Inc. "We are uniquely positioned like no other
underwear brand to tap our history and celebrate our legacy by featuring
some of the great men the brand has supported with innovative,
quality-crafted products."

Jockey has been a pioneer in the
underwear category from the very beginning: inventing the men's brief in
1934; pioneering the movement of stitching the brand on the waistband
and putting well-known athletes in underwear for advertisements; and
continuing to be dedicated to creating the highest quality, most durable
product possible.

The campaign debuted this week across some of the USA's biggest media properties, including ESPN, "Monday Night
Football," Esquire, GQ, Sports Illustrated, cbssports.com and more.

York City-based Droga5 developed print, digital and TV creative; GRP
Media of Chicago is the media partner; and Zeno Group of New York
provides PR support for the campaign.

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