Lives have been intersecting with the grace of Jesus for 30 years at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. These are the stories celebrating the people of this church and the testimonies of God’s faithfulness over the last 30 years. We hope you’ll join us on this journey and be inspired as we go forward in faith together!
“In 1995—two years after I came to Christ—I was looking for a church in Moscow, Russia. I went to Calvary Chapel-1905, a church plant of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. This is where I really started to grow in God’s grace and where I met my wife Shari, a missionary sent from Fort Lauderdale.
God called me to pastoral ministry in 1999. Since then, Calvary has supported that calling so faithfully. Through the birth of our daughter and son, Shari’s diagnosis of breast cancer, her death, and our family expanding with my marriage to Natasha, the body at Calvary has always encouraged me to receive God’s call and walk in it.
Serving God and His people by teaching them the Bible is the best thing in my life. I’m so thankful that in Moscow, people are still being saved and encouraged. It’s a privilege to have this fellowship standing beside me for the sake of the gospel.”
“I’ve been serving at Calvary Hollywood since the campus opened in April 2008. God has blessed me with the ability to setup and operate the sound and video equipment that’s needed every Sunday, and I still get chills when people come forward at the end of service to accept Christ as their Savior. I’m blown away God has used me in a small way to bring someone into His Kingdom.”
“There’s an automatic assumption because I sing on the Calvary Worship Team that I must be so ‘holy,’ but in reality I’m one of the most broken souls up there. I just have the honor to share the truth of Jesus with my voice, and I know how desperately I need Him at all times.
At one point, I was signed with Atlantic Records in Los Angeles. I was in school here in Florida, so my manager would send me three beats on Monday, I would write my songs during the week, and then I literally flew out to LA every weekend to record my album.
I would be in the studio with major rappers and record executives, surrounded by drugs and alcohol. I narrowly escaped being raped. I caught my manager of three years in a bunch of crazy lies and discovered he wasn’t the person he claimed to be. I remember thinking, ‘God, why did you give me this voice if I haven’t “made it” yet? And why do I feel so wrong about this?’ I had been saved in high school, but I didn’t live for Jesus because I didn’t know how. I didn’t feel right, but singing was the only escape I had to push through all the pain. It got so bad that my mom and grandma were so desperate to get me out of there, they had to lie to my management to get me home.
When I got back here, things totally spiraled out of control. I started using cocaine really heavily, partying, and sleeping with every guy I was with. It wasn’t long before I got pregnant with my son, and that’s when my whole life changed.
All the doctors and people around me were telling me to abort him, but I’d reached a breaking point where I wanted and needed to wholeheartedly give my heart back to Jesus. I had known about Calvary for years and started coming with friends. This church was there for me every step of the way as I navigated through single motherhood, and now I’m actually a mentor for the young moms in crisis as His Caring Place and Mom’s Life.
I met my husband at Calvary and we’ve been married for almost four years. We have an amazing two-year-old son now in addition to my firstborn, who is a wonderful big brother. I just can’t get over how Jesus went after me—that He’s chosen me to sing for Him on that stage. It’s truly so easy for me to sing every lyric of those songs because I’ve experienced God’s miracles firsthand.”
“Home is a place where you grow up, where you feel comfortable with those around you, where you’re taught how to live. To me, Calvary has been that home. My mother and I started attending Calvary when I started high school in 2005, and I’m grateful we did.
This is the place where God wove my life together with friends in high school that I still have to this day, who still encourage me every day. I began to love Jesus here, and really started to pursue Him towards the end of my senior year in high school. I got baptized on October 10, 2009. I knew I wanted to know Jesus more, and then I found out about an opportunity with Patmos. A month later, I was on the first flight of my life, heading to Brazil.
Patmos taught me so much. It was so hard, but so radically life-changing. I learned things about God and the Bible that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. Now I serve in Six78 and HSM at our newest campus, Calvary Midtown. I’m looking forward to how God will use me for His Kingdom and His gospel. We have a great group, led by a great pastor who cares truly for each person he sees in his flock. God has really used Calvary to bless my life in so many ways.”
“I was in prison praying for my friend Jimmy to get saved. When I got out, Jimmy told me he had gone to a church across the street from his work and gotten saved. He kept asking me to go to church with him, but I was looking for a full-on charismatic church that believed the spiritual gifts were for today. Finally, one Sunday I went with him to his church behind Albertson’s just to shut him up.
The sanctuary was full of blue seats like you’d see in the Delta terminal at the airport. There was a guy with long hair up front preaching the Bible. When I listened to Bob teach, it was just so relatable. The guy had my attention.
When the Bible study was over, I walked out to a tiny room where there was a display set up, with copies of the Calvary’s Statement of Faith. And it was right there: ‘We believe in the present day ministry of the Holy Spirit in regard to the exercise of all biblical gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the instructions given to us in 1 Corinthians Chapters 12 through 14.’ A Bible-teaching church that believes God is the same yesterday, today, and forever? A great pastor, and comfortable seats? Everything about this church was right on. I was stuck, and I knew it. And God’s had me stuck at Calvary for twenty-six awesome years.”
“I had a broken family, broken dreams, and broken faith. Yet, I had the gift of laughter, and I laughed a lot! I laughed to hide my pain, my fear, and the deep sadness I felt. I used my ability to laugh to protect myself, but I was so broken I couldn’t truly share that gift with anyone else.
In 2013, God opened up the floodgates of healing in my life, and I rushed in ready to answer the call He put on my heart. I so desired to give joy to those who came to church in pain every week, as I had done for so long. So I started volunteering with the Welcome Team and quickly discovered—serving my heart out for the Lord, with people who have truly embraced me with open arms—what my healing was all about.
I get to welcome hurting people onto the property every week, and my prayer is that I would be a bright spot in their day. Now, my laughing expresses gladness and pure joy. . . and can definitely be heard from the east side entrance to the west!”
“My family started coming to Calvary not only because our friends were here, but because Calvary embraced and supported the vision of First Priority. In the South Florida community, 96% of the students are lost and need Jesus. We wanted a way to reach them where they are—the public school campuses. To have Calvary’s support financially, have Calvary’s Youth Ministry staff serve in leadership on many public school campuses, and to have a great place where new believers can plug in and grow has helped us reach this generation with the gospel. Last year, 3,496 students surrendered their lives to the hope Christ brings.”
“My dad’s story is far better than mine. He’s leaving a lasting imprint on the world and to tell his story would take hours, if not days.
I always knew his principles and values were non-negotiable, and I’ve seen him consistently put everyone else’s needs before his own—for almost 70 years. Growing up, I saw my dad pass on what would be viewed as huge opportunities from a worldly standpoint. He’s walked away from business deals where the potential for power and money were limitless.
In Latin America, honest business ethics are hard to come by and making a quick buck is the norm. My dad would tell you it was only by the power of God’s Spirit, and His grace, that he was able to say no to that life.
As a twenty-three-year-old former Patmos student, I’ve had the chance to go places, meet people, and see things that have made me so grateful—yet nervous—about the opportunities God has entrusted me with.
With such big shoes to fill, my prayer is that God would graciously use my life as much as He’s used my dad’s. I’ve dedicated my life to the idea that a not just for-profit company can operate with honesty, ethics, and integrity—and for God’s glory.
I want to change the way the world looks at every purchase they make. I want to be my father’s son.”
“We know how it feels to walk into this huge church and feel disconnected. We did it for years. We would sit in the sanctuary, listen to the Bible study, and leave without anyone knowing we had even been there. Those were tough years.
One year we decided to serve at the Easter service, and that’s when it happened—we suddenly felt connected. We quickly realized that getting plugged into the right ministry—for us, it was the Welcome Team—is how a huge church can have a small church feel, in the best possible way.
We don’t want anyone that walks through the doors here to feel alone, like we did for so long. God didn’t intend for us to do life that way. Our heart and focus is to make every person feel welcome here—like they’re finally home.”
“I started prostituting at a young age. By fifteen, I was doing heroin and crack. Chris and I, we have some really crazy stories, but through all of that (deep down) we both knew that Jesus came to save us—the lost ones, not the righteous. That truth really sunk in for us when we starting going to Calvary.
We’re both real examples that Christians come in all different packages. That’s the message of Jesus, right? He’s about unity, and love, and diversity in the body of Christ. We really want people to know that.
It hasn’t been easy, but God’s been so good to us. We got married last year and recently opened our own tattoo shop, which is a dream come true. When you look at how far we’ve come—only God can do that.”
“Growing up in Minnesota, I was surrounded by a loving family and involved at church, but somehow I missed the good news of the gospel. I was caught up in the false illusion that I could earn my way to heaven if I was ‘good.’ I was obsessed with perfection, obeying the rules, and striving for approval and acceptance for all the wrong reasons. But when I looked in the mirror all I saw was an idolater, victim, fornicator, and selfish liar.
I moved to Florida to pursue my master’s degree and marry my then boyfriend, but the Lord had other plans. Through mutual friends, I was connected to a ladies community group and plugged in at Calvary Boca. As I truly surrendered to His will, God walked me through Calvary’s Trees of Hope, and Forgiven and Set Free ministries, along with an eating disorder recovery program. I now see that I was created for His purpose, and He has a specific plan for my life woven into His eternal plan.
He has shown me that I am perfected in Him, not because of my effort, but instead through His finished work on the cross for my sin. I can’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, and that is why it is GOOD NEWS! It’s an honor to do His will. He presents me as valuable, beautiful, forgiven, and whole. I can breathe.”
“They called me and said, ‘Rod, this thing is out of control. We have four thousand people coming every weekend, and we need people to disciple them. We need help leading all of these people in ministry.
When I showed up and saw what was happening, I was just in awe. I still am to this day. Looking back, I can’t even count the number of people who have walked forward and met Jesus here. They’re still meeting Jesus here.
We would constantly look at each other and laugh, knowing there wasn’t a manual to tell us exactly how to do what we needed to do. We wished so badly that there was, but we just kept doing our best.
In 1995, God clearly called me to serve the Body of Christ at this church. Now, seeing all He has done at Calvary, only He could call me away.”
“I tried about ten churches before finding Calvary. Getting frustrated in my search for a church that wasn’t boring, but biblically sound, I literally googled “churches with good music” and stumbled upon Calvary.
I loved the music and the study from the beginning, but, I won’t lie, the “hand raisers” made me a little uncomfortable. And then, suddenly, I became one. Calvary is the place where I finally understand what it means to worship. And the people who sometimes cry during worship or an altar call? Yeah, I became a crier too.
God has used this church to draw me close, instruct, convict, humble, and inspire me. I always leave feeling like I can go out into this dark world and shine some light. This place is so alive with God’s Spirit. I’m learning I’m not perfect, but I know the One who is. I love it here.”
“Calvary has been instrumental in bringing our redemption story full circle. Andrew’s roots have always been deep here. Pastor Bob took an interest in mentoring him when he started school at CCA in 6th grade, but he still managed to become notoriously known as the ‘bad boy’ when he got kicked out of school his junior year. By the grace of their hearts, the administration let him come back for his senior year, and he graduated as part of CCA’s very first graduating class.
Andrew was still slightly off-course when he went to Patmos—where I was on staff—in the fall of 2007, and that’s how we met. He walked away from that experience a totally different person, and we got married in 2008. We knew we were called to full-time ministry, but more specifically, we knew we were supposed to be at Calvary. We prayed for God to open the door for four years, and He finally did in 2012. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect—we got here right after our second son, Jackson, was born.
The crazy part is that Jackson was born with special needs that require incredibly specialized medical care—and South Florida has every resource he needs. But as I’ve suffered with debilitating postpartum depression, anxiety, and manic-depressive illness, attending church with two little kids—and Jackson having autism—had become pretty impossible.
King’s Kids has SAVED ME. I couldn’t do church without them. Knowing Jackson is in a place where he belongs has allowed me to venture back into the sanctuary with way less anxiety. For me, there is no other church in the world where this would be possible.
Our oldest son, Elias, is going into kindergarten at CCA this fall—he’s literally the first CCA grandchild! That’s what I mean when I say ‘full circle.’ I get pretty overwhelmed when I think about how God did this. Now, we’re both on staff full-time and our family is firmly planted in this House. We’re absolutely in this for the long haul.”
“Picture a very dissatisfied girl, who has it together on the outside, but needs some serious changing on the inside. A girl who never believed she was worthy, beautiful, or that she would be good enough for anyone, let alone Jesus. She believed the countless lies of the enemy—that she could never be pure and beautiful. She hid deeply and shamefully in homosexuality, lust, anger, pride, selfishness, rebellion, and arrogance—a painful, broken existence. That girl, she was me.
I never thought I’d know Jesus, let alone love Him, but that was before I knew what His love looked like or what it meant. His love is surprising and overwhelming. I had a moment during Calvary’s worship where I was fighting guilt—over everything evil, dirty, and shameful in me—and this phrase washed over me: ‘I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.’ It was like a flood of truth was set free in my heart and soul. Until then, I never fully understood that Jesus chose the cross. He chose it and all that it entailed so He could set me free from all my pain, fear, and brokenness. He did it to erase my shame.
It hasn’t been a pretty process. I’m still human. My heart still desires to stray, to sin, to control my life. But at the end of the day, I know who I am. I’m loved by God for who I am. I’ve been created with a purpose. And I know I am free, for freedom’s sake.”
“About four years ago, the Lord began an amazing work in the Rozenblum family. My wife Karen and I had been in New Mexico for all of our adult lives. I had a few successful clinics and served (and still do) on the board of Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque. My wife served at church and in the local PTA. While on vacation visiting my parents, we came to Calvary for a weekend service. We had been listening on the radio and watching online for a few years. While here, I was invited to consider partnering with the church and overseeing the Men’s Ministry.
We went home and prayed for a year. We really felt strongly that the Holy Spirit was calling us to Florida, and we knew it would be disobedient if we didn’t come. The decision was unanimous and as a family, we held hands, ‘jumped off the high dive,’ and landed here.
I traveled back and forth weekly for a year, which was exhausting. Eventually, I sold my businesses and we transitioned fully to Fort Lauderdale. Now, I’m able to have the best of both worlds—I oversee Men’s Ministry, and I opened a couple of chiropractic offices near Fort Lauderdale. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s been an incredible adventure.”
“I had a great childhood—always well-loved and cared for. I was seven when my parents got divorced and my life was turned upside down. My heart was absolutely broken and I turned to food for comfort. I gained a lot of weight, and by the time I was in middle school, I was being bullied a lot. My self-worth was at an all time low.
In high school, I found a new way to dull my pain—drugs and girls. My drug use intensified quickly and I went through multiple unhealthy relationships. By the time I was eighteen, I had multiple arrests, overdoses, and suicide attempts under my belt. I was kicked out of my house and homeless for nine months before I’d finally had enough and called my mom. She sent me to rehab in South Florida.
While I was in rehab, we had the option to go to church at Calvary, so I thought I’d give it a try. It was during the second service I attended that I knew I was supposed to walk forward to the altar. On May 7, 2012, I gave my life to the Lord.
Jesus has totally healed my addiction—I’ve been completely sober for over three years. He blessed me with my beautiful fiancé and is teaching me how to love and lead her. I’m able to be a light in my work as a tattoo artist, influencing my clients and coworkers. Both of my parents and my brother are now believers. I serve with Eikon and I’ve been on the Peru missions trip with my fiancé twice. Jesus Christ and Calvary Chapel have completely transformed my life.”
“I was a little kid when my stepdad was surfing one day and met a guy with a big cross on his surfboard. The man told him about this church in Fort Lauderdale—behind Albertson’s—and a pastor who wore jeans and taught the Bible in a practical way. My parents took a chance and decided to check out Calvary. They immediately loved it.
At first, I was reluctant to attend the middle school Bible class on Wednesday nights, but I actually ended up giving my life to Jesus a few weeks into the study. I went to Bible college at Calvary after I graduated high school, and I even met my wife here. Now, we have the honor to help grow our new Calvary Midtown campus.
You could say I’m really grateful to the surfer that invited us to church all those years ago.”
“I’ve always heard people say that Christians are boring, and if you had asked me a year ago, I probably would have agreed. But now, I have friends in Christ who make me laugh until I snort and my cheeks hurt, who don’t judge me for eating as much as Dwayne Johnson, and who encourage and make me want to know Jesus more deeply. I pray for those who don’t have friends like the friends I’ve made through serving at Calvary. All of my favorite things are here—God, friends, laughter, and of course, great food!”
“God has the power to provide, comfort, heal, forgive, and love us forever. And God has the power of conviction.
Conviction is standing up for what’s right. Even when others don’t.”
“I remember I’d just finished teaching the Thursday night Spanish Bible study at Calvary Chapel Las Vegas when Pastor Bob told me he and Diane were going to Fort Lauderdale to plant a church. I immediately wondered to myself about the enormous distance between Las Vegas and Florida. ‘Don’t even think about it,’ was the next thought that flew through my brain.
I drove home, told Theresa, and asked her how far she thought it was to Fort Lauderdale. Her immediate response echoed my sentiments—“Don’t even think about it.” I’d flunked geography pretty hard, but her answer was clear enough, even for me. It was too far. I remember waking up the next morning around 4am, wondering, ‘Why does he have to go all the way to Florida?’ And then I answered myself. ‘Who cares?’
I’d just bought a big truck and we were about to build our third house. As a concrete finisher, becoming a contractor was the obvious next step in my career path. Up until that point, my plan had been very well defined. But for two weeks, I couldn’t stop thinking about Fort Lauderdale.
I came home one afternoon and Teresa was in the bathroom doing that lash thing girls do. I was ready to explode—I felt like I was an ugly guy about to ask a beautiful girl out for the first time. I was dying to hear her answer—afraid she would say yes and afraid she would say no. Either way, everything was going to change.
‘What do you think about going to Fort Lauderdale?’
She stopped doing the lash thing and turned to me.
‘Why not?’ she responded.
I wanted to shout at her. I had just asked my wife to leave Las Vegas and go to Florida. FLORIDA! I was positive she wouldn’t go. But almost immediately, she was selling our stuff at yard sales and happily planning a fun cross-country trip with the kids.
In my mind, all the ingredients for failure were there. I was pouring concrete and Bob was going to start a church. We’d eaten lunch together once—it wasn’t like we were best friends. But I gathered my wits and told Bob I felt God wanted Theresa and I to go to Fort Lauderdale with them. He agreed. At the time, I had figured he was just glad to know he and Diane wouldn’t be going alone.
All of us left Las Vegas together on July 20, 1985. Bob was driving the 24’ U-Haul truck with Diane. Theresa, myself, and our three kids followed them in our 1978 Chevy Malibu, with no A/C, and we arrived in Fort Lauderdale on July 25.
For a while, we met at a funeral home in Fort Lauderdale. Every Sunday morning for six months, Pastor Bob and I would stand at the front of the building and stare through the glass doors. Our hearts would beat a little bit faster when a car pulled up, but it was always just so they could flip a U-turn in the parking lot. We wondered if there would ever be anyone other than each other to preach to.
My greatest joy is watching people come to hear the Word of God. Thirty years later, it’s still absolutely overwhelming for me. Even now, I’ll catch myself staring through my office window, watching people drive their cars into the church parking lot. But now, they stay. And it still thrills me, every time.”