
Chapter 3

Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: T-M (M after ch. 20)
Author: CalzonaFan4Ever
Summary: Callie & Arizona AU fic. Arizona is lost in a whirlwind of circumstances, relying on her motor cycle to give her clarity. Will this ride lead to the change that she needs, or lead to further hurt and heartache, or is this just the journey that she needs?
Chapter: 3/?
Disclaimer: All characters from Grey's Anatomy belong to the Queen that is Shonda Rhimes… I only wish I was old enough and wise enough to come up with them first….


At the hospital Arizona spent most of her day in a very medicine induced sleep, often interrupted by the stream of doctors and nurses floating in and out. But that's what happens when your injured body is being held in a teaching hospital. For every real surgeon there was a resident whose lips were readily attached to their attending's ass, and at least four interns standing around taking up space.

Living up to the careless motor cycle, thrill seeker, attitude having persona that was being described as her, the young blond made no attempt to offer anyone any information. Her only desire at this point was to get out of the hospital, and as far away from SGMW as possible.

"I know you're not sleep" her brother spoke up as the latest round of doctors made their exit. Leaning over the side of her bed, Daniel began to flick her nose. "You do realize, I am the one that taught you how to fake sleep…. Arizonaaaa…" he dragged out, continuing to tease the young blonde's nose.

"What did you eat…ugh…" screwing up her face as if she had just tasted a spoonful of vomit "dude, your breath is so bad I'm picking it up with all five senses." With this, the blonde sat up pushing her brother away.

Taking full advantage of his strength he hovered over her blowing into her face "hhhaaaaaa…" he allowed the fumes of his breath to permeate her nostrils, like a fresh skunks spray. "Bada ba ba ba, you're loving it, hhhhaaa…" finally letting go of his smaller sibling, Daniel doubled over as the laughter rolled through him.

"Ewww…I think I'm going to puke….ugh, that is so bad, like soooo bad" Arizona finally sat up, she began searching for something, anything to throw at him. Before he could stand up, a half full cup of ice chips were flying across the room hitting him on the side of his head. Ice feathered across the floor, as the man playfully shook the bone chilling cold specks off his person. "Owwww… shit…" feeling the effects of her quick movement, she lowered herself back into a laying position on the bed.

"And, that's what you get, ha!" her older sibling started poking at her before retaking his seat next to her bed. And one more time just for good measure "hhhaaaaa…." He blew into her face, "hmm, is it really that bad? I can't tell."

"You are a disgusting pig…ugh" in true form; she very dramatically morphed her face into one of great disgust. A few beats passed before speaking up again, this time leaving the playfulness behind. "You know, you can go home and get some real sleep and…" motioning up and down his body "…freshen up, it's not like I'm on suicide watch or anything."

Sitting back, slowly rubbing his hands up and down his thighs, Daniel took that in. "Maybe, I just want to spend time with my baby sister"

Arizona quickly interrupted "only sister…I'm not a baby any more Jr." being the blessing was always a blessing and a curse. On one hand, she could get away with robbing a bank, but on the other, apparently she never grew up, she was always the baby.

"Yeah, yeah, because all of your actions as of late clearly don't scream tantrum…mhm…so what do you call it then?" A squinted eye was directed at the younger sibling, waiting for her clarification on how they were now sentenced to this hospital room for the foreseeable future.

Gently inhaling, Arizona looked off in contemplation of what her brother was saying. He had no intention of coming down too hard on her; after all, they had just lost their father. But right now while he had her locked in place, where she couldn't easily get up and run away, they were going to really talk... Grief is some kind of monster, and she needed to actually go through it.

"I… I just…. I don't know how to keep going" blue eyes started to glisten as tears threatened to break loose. "How do I move, how do I breathe?..." taking her brother's proffered hand "I dreamed about that first time he caught me on a bike… remember that bike?" a small smile began to capture his face in remembrance of that bike, well if it could be called a bike. "Man, that thing was barely holding on. There I was swerving through the lot, barely holding on. And dad was there, in his uniform, just for extra measure, arms across his chest."

"Truth?... I wanted to run, but I couldn't get my feet to move."

"I was the one on the bike, what did you have to run for?"

"I let the Colonel's baby girl get on a motorcycle, huh, he was so mad…"

"I think he was more scared than anything really." A sullen moment of silence was brought on while the siblings relished in the memory of their youthful shenanigans. "When I woke up…I forgot…" she dropped her head to hide the tears that started to escape "I was happy…. I woke up and, for just a few minutes he was still alive…"

Stroking her hand with his thumb, Daniel sat and listened. Arizona was finally opening up and facing life. Knowing this was something that she had to work through, he feared if he were to cut in, she would shut back down. So he sat, offering his support with his presence. They stayed this way for another half hour or so, coming to terms with the happenings of life as of recent.

Daniel finally spoke up, asking a question he had been avoiding asking since his sister first woke up. "So…." Arizona turned, waiting for her brother to continue. "So, how long before you think someone in here knows who you are?"

Face planting into her hands, she released a very audible huff "shit…"

"Is it such a bad thing?" At this, his sister looked at him as if he'd mysteriously just grown a second head; ending with a very prominent eye roll as accent to inform him how stupid she felt he was being right now.

Choosing not to focus on that for now. "Let's call mom… that, I can deal with. That way you can go home, freshen up and bring her here. Hopefully she'll be too happy to see me alive, that she will forget about the accident…" The younger sibling looked to her brother to see if this train of thought was plausible.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I mean it Arizona, you know as well as anyone, if you don't want to be a gimp you need to lay in this bed and let your leg heal."

"I'm not going anywhere…" she offered a sarcastic half smile "it's not like I can just hop down and break free."

Blowing his breath in Arizona's face one last time, he left her a wet sloppy kiss on her cheek before taking his exit with the promise to be back within a few hours.

Waiting thirty minutes to assure her older brother was really gone from the hospital, she picked up the remote and pressed for the nurse to come in.

"Miss. Robbins, how can I help you?" the young nurse spoke up upon entering the room.

"Yes, can you possibly wheel me outside?" laying on the charm thick, she made sure to smile just enough for her dimples to pop. "I would really love to see the sunlight for a bit, please?"

Seeing no harm in a simple trip outside, the nurse complied with her wishes. Quickly pulling a wheelchair into the room, the nurse helped the patient into the chair, making sure not to jostle anything. "Can you grab my jacket over there please?"

Rolling through the double doors, the nurse parked the blonde next to one of the benches aligning the walkway. Quickly feeling through her jacket pockets, she pulled out her real reason for this impromptu stroll outdoors. Placing the stick in her mouth, the nurse's jaw immediately dropped at the sight. "If you don't want to see it, don't watch" was all the blonde offered in response as she exhaled the toxic fumes.

Nearly three hours later Arizona's eye opened as she heard her room door opening. Looking up she monitored her mother walking into the room; she attempted to gauge the elder woman's demeanor.

"Hey momma… I'm happy you're here"

Leaning in placing a kiss on the top of her daughter's head "mhm, so happy that you started smoking again."

A little dumbstruck that her mother called her out, she fumbled to come up with a response. "Busted!" Daniel laughed with a smug smirk promptly in place.

"I'm sorry momma, that was the last one, I promise…"

Barbara took a seat next to her daughter's bed. "Now, we're going to talk… really talk. That means the both of us are going to hold a dialogue Arizona. First you are going to sit and listen, yes you are going to listen, without the eye rolling and huffing. This tantrum that you're knee deep in, it ends right now" Momma Robbins knew this was the last thing her daughter wanted to be doing right now, but now, enough was enough. They were all dealing with this loss, and now it was time for her to stop running. In three short weeks the young blonde had done a great job of flipping her own life on upside down. Now it was time for momma to step in and get her straight.


Walking up to her 2013 Audi Q5, Callie looked up to the sky. Standing there embracing the rare sun of Seattle, relishing in the rays that washed over her being. Never one to take the stress of her day home, the Dr. stopped momentarily letting go of the happenings of her past 48 hours. This latest shift was long, and, and…but her last case was still haunting her. Although, she did end on a high note…not everyone can say they spent their night rebuilding a leg. But thinking back to the young blond falling apart, there was something about her. Not really understanding it, but Callie felt some sort of kin-ship to her. But now her shift was over, now she had her life outside of the hospital waiting for her. Expressing a meditational breath, she prepared for her next 36 hours that she would be spending outside her job. She could go home to her place of refuge that held her bed, her bed that was heavens better than any on-call room cot that she'd ever had the courtesy of sleeping on. Hopping into her SUV, Callie pumped up the radio. She may be off the clock at SGMW, but her day was far from over.

A quick fifteen-minute drive across town she pulled up to a quant farm style family home. Looking up at the sea-foam green shutters, the two-person porch swing, and the white painted door, Callie prepared herself. Inhaling, then exhaling she took her time strolling to the door. Meekly lifting her finger to the bell she pushed.

Moments later the door swung to life. "Look who it is little lady, mami is here!"

Leaning in her lips grazed the cheek of the elder woman. A cheek riddled in wrinkles, each wrinkle telling a story, some of happiness, the most recent of heartache. Callie had such a love for this woman, this woman that was some kind of surrogate mother to her. But yet, it was still bittersweet being in her presence.

"Hey baby girl!" Turning to the elder woman "How was she?"

"An absolute treat, isn't that right little lady?"

"mhm" came the cheeky response from the little girl.

"Sofia Marie, is that how we talk?" Callie gently scolded her young daughter.


"Yes, what?" the Latina admonished.

"Yes ma'am" turning and grabbing unto her mother's leg "mami, are we going home now? I want pancakes" the small tike put on her best smile insuring that she would win her mother over.

"For a three year old, you have quite the appetite miss lady" Callie teased the young brunette, picking her up. "Thank you so much Mama O'Malley! You are a lifesaver" turning her attention back to the graying woman in front of her.

"Aww it was my pleasure dear. And as you can see, she's getting her appetite back. No fever for the past twenty-four hours now, and thankfully she stopped puking sometime last night before bed." She kissed the tiny cheek of her grand. Every time she looked at the toddler, she could feel the presence of her son, and for that she was grateful. "She slept all night, and has been up for about ten minutes now."

High-fiving her daughter "Yay, no more puke, alright!" Matching smiles from the two Latinas greeted Mrs. O'Malley. "Alright, we're going to get out of your hair now. Have to get home to get this little lady some pancakes."

Leaning forward, the little Latina reached for her grandma "Bye nana, I love you" and with a kiss, the elder woman's heart melted.

Securing Sofia into her car seat and hopping into the driver's seat, they were off. Now she was clocked into mommy duty. She thanked the heavens for the naps that she was able to take, because now Sofia seemed ready to go. "Alright DJ which song are we singing first?"

Always excited for her time to sing in the car with her mami "The Spider Song mami! Please please, please….." she drew out, begging.

"Let's do it….The… itsy bitsy spider…" the young Latina joined in accessorized with all of the moves. The entire ride home, the belted toddler tune after toddler tune. They made sure to hit all the greats, "B-I-N-G-O", "The Farmer and the Dale", and what would any ride be without "The Wheels on the Bus".

Walking into their building "Alright, so are you going to be my kitchen helper today? Or you going to ditch me for your coloring book again?"

Squishing up her small, nearly identical face as the taller brunette "uhm…big helper!" She answered with enough enthusiasm, her mother was sure she had just woken the occupant of the door they just passed. "Mami?…."

"Yes love?"

"Did you save a lot of people at work?" She was young, and didn't understand exactly what mami did at work. But to her young mind, she was a super hero that saved hurt people.

"I did, but you know who I was thinking about the entire time?" finally reaching their door, she sorted through her keys for the right one. Looking at the younger version of herself for an answer, she noticed her swing her head from side to side. "You silly, all I could think about was you. I don't like when there's a monster in your belly making you not feel so good."

"Aww mami, but the monster is all out now" having spent the entire previous day releasing anything she tried to eat, she was all too grateful for the belly monster going away.

"How about un beso para mami? I missed you so much…" She leaned over to meet the lips of the young girl that was waiting for her. "muah, much better now. Alright, what do you say we get washed up and get these pancakes going… I'm thinking strawberry toppings?" And with that Sofia was off to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Being a single parent wasn't easy, and it wasn't what she signed up for, but it's what she had. It would be a lie, if she said she didn't go to bed crying a great number of nights. But looking at the little face of her daughter always shined a light through the darkness. Her marriage to George was never what she thought it would be. It definitely never amounted to the dreams she had when she was a little girl. But, she was in love, or so she thought, so she happily said "I do". She was married, so naturally the next thing was a baby right? So she told him "I want a baby", never would she imagine that her life would be like this now.

"Sofia ¿sigues ayuando con los panqueques?" (Sofia, are you still helping with the pancakes?) the little girl came running from the bathroom, grabbing her miniature kitchen apron from the hook.

"Estoy aqui mami" (I'm here mami) the young Latina really couldn't help with much, but from her point of view, she was destined to be the next top chef one day.

After breakfast, mother and daughter fought in a fierce competition to see who could build the best castle out of her Legos. Of course, again, Sofia had the best castle in the land. Curling up on the couch with a warm blanket and an encore of Brave on the television screen, both dozed off before the triplets even had the opportunity to turn into tiny little man-eating bears.


"What's the damage to my bike?"

Rolling his eyes at his sister "Really Arizona? Momma left not even ten minutes ago…"

"Come on, I'm going to do everything she said, but seriously how is she?"

"Hey, did you see how hot your Dr. is?" Expanding his eyes in emphasis of his assessment. "Like, almost dirty hot!" knowing his sister, a pretty lady was her kryptonite.

"Come on Jr. it's not like I can ride her anytime soon…."

"Your doc, or your bike?" he suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.

This earned him an empty cup being thrown at him. "You're a jerk! My, bike, what is the damage to my bike?"

"Hmmm…let's see, seeing that it landed on you and the impact from the crash practically crushed your leg here… you took most of the impact, I'm thinking a tune up, new kickstand, a little work on the handlebars, and a revamp in the paint job, and she'll be good as new."

"Is she in the shop yet? That's all easy, by the time I'm out all of that can be fixed." A glimmer of happiness could actually be seen in those ocean blue eyes of hers. Reading her brother, she knew she didn't have him on board yet. "Come on, I promise I'm not going to ride it before I'm all cleared…I just don't feel right getting all fixed up, and she's just sitting somewhere damaged…" adjusting the point at just the right moment, she knew she was winning him over.

Picking up a bag that he'd brought back with him, Daniel reached in "You're such a dork…anyways, I will get your bike fixed up, but on one condition…" she wasn't really ready for a counter-offer, but she was interested. Pulling out and iPad, he handed it over "one, you have to study… all of your books are already in there, thank Tim for that by the way" he paused waiting for the tantrum, that… hm, didn't happen…maybe that talk with Momma Robbins worked "alright, and number two; you have to let us in Zo. Right now things suck, but we are going to come out on the other end, and I'm going to be here to make sure of it."

Tapping the Disney themed iPad cover, she bopped to the imaginary beat while she thought about the proposal. "I thought you had to get back to base…"

"I…. tooksometimeoff, so yes? You agree? I will go ahead and get your bike sent over to the shop" he wanted to skip over the whole time off thing, not wanting her to feel like he was putting his career on hold because of her.

Turning her head a fraction, the young blonde squinted "hmmm, even on drugs, I did catch what you said…. You don't have to take time off to babysit me Danny!" her response was a little sharper than she intended, but in all, she meant it. She didn't need him to babysit her.

"You do know, every move that we make isn't determined by you." Daniel started to get annoyed with his sister, but reined it in. "After dad…. I just need some time at home. With you and Tim away, we haven't had many family gatherings…so I had some time saved up"

Backing down, she took in what her brother was saying, "Alright, we have a deal…." She looked up, hoping this would be some good news that he needed. This could be a good step for the both of them. "I have to ask you though…" she looked towards her brother, devious smirk in place "was she really hot?"

A knock at the door interrupted their moment of giggling. Neither of them was expecting anyone, they eyed each other for a moment. "Come in…." both siblings spoke up.

As the door slowly opened, a tall man, chocolate colored man with graying hair stepped in. Adorned in a white lab coat, his grave voice broke through "Dr. Robbins.. do you have a minute?"


The next morning the Latina was getting ready for work after a quick breakfast when her door swung open. "Torres!" Mark walked in, moving into the kitchen he hopped up on the breakfast island picking an apple from the fruit bowl. "Munchkin!"

The toddler stumbled out of her room with excitement "Uncle Mark!" she started climbing up the stool "You missed breakfast…" she playfully scolded.

Mussing his hand through the young girl's hair, "Yeah big girl, I had a different kind of breakfast this morning." Cheeky smile in place, he replayed the events of his morning in his head.

"Mark, stop corrupting my daughter" Callie called from the other room. "I mean it, don't say another word! Sofia, do you have your shoes on?"

Looking down at the Princess Elsa socks, Mark lowered his voice to a whisper "uhm, I don't think those count as shoes munchkin." Hopping off the island he picked up the small boots setting in assisting with getting the boots slipped on.

"Yes, mami!" Sofia spoke up, slapping high-five with her uncle.

"Tell uncle Mark thank you for helping" Callie walked in placing the back on her earring. She handed off the toddler's jacket and small backpack.

"Hey, I was thinking… I have the morning off, how about I take the munchkin to the park this morning?" Seeing the skeptical look he was getting from his best friend "Come on Cal, I can drop her off to daycare before my shift."

Mark was good with her daughter, so she wasn't really worried. From the time she'd found out that she was pregnant Mark was a great support. Yeah, she had Addison, and Cristina, but surprisingly Mark stepped up as a strong anchor. "Hmmm, and may I ask what brought on this little impromptu trip to the park?" a perfectly cared for eyebrow rose as she read the man.

Tickling his niece "she kicked that belly monster's a…butt like a champ, so she deserves a trip to the park" Hoisting the toddler onto his shoulders "Come on mami, please?" he fake pouted, luring Sofia in to join his pout.

"Please mami, please…. I will be a good girl, I promise" Sofia poked out her bottom lip, a sure fire way to push her mother towards an answer of "yes".

"Alright, alright you two. You win…." Already running late, she leaned up for a kiss from her mini-me. "Love you mija, see you tonight. No dejas que tu tio te metes en cualquier de sus travesuras." (Don't let your uncle get you into any of his shenanigans.) Pinching Mark's cheek she scolded "Keep my baby safe Mark".

"I know you just said something about me." Mark called out to the retreating Latina.

"Bye Mark, love you!" she called out over her shoulder.

"So, you going to tell me what she said?" Mark tried to get the toddler to let him in on the secret. "I gotta learn Spanish…alright, let's get this date moving along."

Walking into the attending's locker room, Callie had just enough time to change before she was scheduled in surgery. The Dr. clipped her pager onto her waist, moving towards the elevator in search of the surgical floor.

Exiting the elevator, she saw Cristina dip into the scrub room. Pushing into the door, tying her scrub cap in place. "Hey…did you piss off Altman?" Anyone anywhere in the vicinity of Cristina knew the only thing she cared about was hearts, and ortho was about as far as you could get away from cardio.

"No… you asked for a cardio assist…" the resident filled her in. "Hey, did you hear about that meeting Webber called?"

Picking her nails before applying soap Callie thought about it "Uhm… no, but I just got in. And… not to disappoint or anything, I just asked for cardio to be nearby for a just in case. He's been have spurts of an irregular heartbeat, I would just rather be safe than sorry…" she kicked on the water, rinsing the soap off.

"Wait, so this isn't like a real surgery?" Cristina paused "The irregular heart beat, might have something to do with the extra hundred pounds of fat that piggy is carrying around" She pointed towards the patient "…..So, I can go then right? There's probably some lucky idiot coming into to pit right now whose heart I could actually put my hands on."

"Piggy…. and don't you mean unlucky… alright, yeah, you can go." Callie stepped up to the OR door, drying her hands off. "Let me know what you hear about this meeting with Webber."

"The gerbil wheel, on your floor actually, sent it around that we're getting a new doctor…" Cristina pulled out her pager, making sure it was still alive.

"Alright, seriously, you have to stop calling the nurses gerbil's" The brunette lightly chuckled. "New doctor, hmmm, must have something to do with our rating's still not changing…"

"Well, I'll leave you to ponder that… try not to kill the guy, and maybe tell him, he could stand to stay away from burgers, and fries…. well all food except carrots and celery really." The resident quickly took her exit.

Walking into the OR, even with a routine replacement, Callie was in her element. She could forget about the outside world and just focus on the limb in front of her. The news of this mysterious new doctor took over Callie's thoughts for a moment. "I have to text Mark, to see what he knows about this." Not being a department head, Callie wasn't completely in the know. That also had a little to do with her returning to her status as "the kid in the back of the class, chewing on her hair" lately.

She hadn't been hiding; just, trying to stay out of the spot light lately. Her being left in the parking lot by one, Erica Hahn, seemed like it was plastered on the cover of "People Magazine". She was still recovering from being everyone's pass time conversation. So for now, she was happily playing the background, saving life and limb when scheduled, and kick ass super mom every other minute of the day.

Back on her floor, Callie scrolled through her patient charts. It was time to check in on her post ops, so she decided to get the worst out the way first. So now she was headed in to check on one very annoying, Arizona Robbins.

Strolling up to room 5420 she prepared herself before entering; doctor smile in place. Knocking twice, she entered the room when given the all clear. This time, it was like she walked into a totally different room. In bed was still the blonde, but something about her was different. She had her tray pulled over her bed, with and iPad, and notebook placed on top. "How are we feeling today?" Scanning the room, she noticed the patient's brother wasn't occupying his usual seat.

Closing the iPad and notebook, Arizona gave the ortho surgeon her full attention "The pain is bearable… Dr. Bailey was by earlier; she said everything with my liver is looking good so far. No sign of infection still, and proper function."

Callie examined the young blonde's leg, taking in her work. "It's healing better than I expected…we will be getting you in for an x-ray this morning. The outside looks good, but I need to make sure the bones are healing properly as well."

"OK, cool…" the blonde spoke up enthusiastically. "And with PT you're expecting a full recovery right?"

Looking up from the leg she was met with a smiling Arizona, who was patiently awaiting her response. "uhm, yeah, a full recovery as long as you apply yourself in PT."

Eyeing the stitching on the brunette's lab coat "Ca..lliope…, that is a very pretty name Dr. Torres." She sat back, whispering the name again to herself as if she was getting used to it.

Momentarily dumbstruck by the use of her full name, Callie stumbled back a short step. Looking up at the blonde, she stood still unsure of how to respond… "uhm, Thank you." Moving over to the IV, she checked to see it the patient was maybe receiving too much pain meds…

As if her thought were being said out loud for the younger woman to hear "My pain meds aren't up too high, they have actually been lowered… I don't like the haze of pain meds.." Looking down at her hand, she started to twirl her fingers around each other. "I… I owe you an apology. I was a total bitch the other day"

At this, the brunette's features betrayed her. Eyebrows furrowed, as she released as shocked gasp. In her mind all she could think was "what did I miss yesterday?"

Read the very expressive eyes of the brunette, Arizona pushed forward "I'm sorry… that person that you met the other day wasn't me. And…" she dipped her head, attempting to capture the gaze of the ortho doc "thank you, you worked hard to fix my leg; I don't know that I could ever repay you. Most other docs would have just cut it off, but you… you didn't, you saved my leg."

Shaking herself a bit, cluing back in she finally spoke "uhm, no problem at all, it's my job…but you're welcome."

"Don't be so modest, as I hear it, I kind of have some sort of bionic leg now…that's pretty cool."

"Mark…" Callie whispered to herself "Actually, you should be thanking your brother, I was only able to fix your leg because he saved it when he placed that tourniquet in the field." She absolved, adding her notes to the chart. Not sure, what was going on, Callie pushed towards the door closer towards her impending exit.

"Now his head is already big enough, no thanks being handed out in his direction. A doctor, and a naval officer, he gets enough praise. I'm going to save mine for the pretty doctor that didn't cut my leg off. The placement and severity of that break, it wasn't an easy fix; but you did it. So…thank you" for good measure, she sent a dimple filled smile to the good doctor.

Rubbing her hands together, she searched her mind for some sense of what was going on. "Alright, well, I will be back for later on with the results of the x-ray." Callie bumped into the door forgetting to first slide it open. "Ugh..alright, take care now." A quick wave and she made her exit.

Stepping our of the twilight zone, the brunette walked down the hall a bit, Callie stopped mid-stride leaning against the wall… "What the hell was that?... was she just flirting with me?"


AN: Thank you to everyone that has tuned into my story. Hope to see your thoughts so far in your reviews… with that said, take all mistakes in love… Some of this stuff, I have searched on google, and attempted to interpret it.


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