
The post PIP Claims—The Initial Steps When Involved in an Auto Accident appeared first on Callagy Law

The purpose of this post is to help assist those with questions they have concerning their business or medical practice. The Callagy Law team is knowledgeable in many law practice areas and will frequently post topics ranging from Medical Revenue Recovery, PIP, Workers Compensation, and Commercial Insurance. We hope to have this blog shed a light on many common questions.

If you are involved in an auto accident, the steps you take or do not take can affect your ability to be reimbursed properly from your auto insurance company. First, seek medical attention, as injuries that may seem minor initially can end up being a very serious condition in the long run. Next, inform your automobile carrier of the accident, and fill out whatever paper work is required to have your claim processed. Finally, take detailed notes on the injuries and medical treatment obtained. Save all of the medical bills and receipts.

Consider a personal injury attorney, if warranted by the circumstances of the accident and the nature of your injuries, but realize that under the New Jersey No Fault laws, it is your auto insurance company that, in the first instance, is responsible for paying your medical bills.  It is critical that you contact your automobile carrier, whenever you are involved in an automobile accident, whether your vehicle was involved in the accident or not.

When considering a personal injury attorney, look for one experienced in dealing with these auto claims and one who is aware of the rights of the patient. In personal injury cases, it is common to come across tons of paperwork and confusing legal and medical terms. An attorney with experience in these matters is able to sift through documents and records and initiate a resolution. It is also important to choose a personal injury attorney who cares about you and your claim, beyond simply the monetary aspects of the claim. You have been injured—perhaps very seriously—and you should have an attorney that is sensitive to the pain, discomfort and inconvenience that accompanies the misfortune of an auto accident.

As these incidents are quite common, following these steps can make the process easier and less stressful.

We hope you found the information provided in this article helpful to various questions you may have had concerning the healthcare industry. For information pertaining to our services for medical providers, please click here. Please note, Callagy Law has recovered over $200,000,000 for medical providers, and that number grows daily. Our team of knowledgeable PIP Arbitration attorneys are ready to help you. Please free to reach out to Sean Callagy of Callagy Law at any time for questions you may have concerning personal and business matters. Callagy Law offices are located conveniently in Paramus, NJ. Beyond the scope of information, Sean Callagy has developed multiple areas of our healthcare legal practice and business coaching. Feel free to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn! Additionally you can subscribe to our daily videos on YouTube.

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