
The tap room at the Olds College brewery occupies a small corner of the Pomeroy Inn and Suites on the north end of campus. Jordan Ramey, a professor of brewing science, is standing behind the bar, the brewery’s stainless-steel fermentation tanks visible through a window behind him. The air is thick with the bready aroma of malted barley as Ramey describes how he helped Calgary’s Tool Shed Brewing capture a strain of wild Alberta yeast. He brewed small test batches using the microorganism last spring, and the resulting beer has some surprisingly dynamic flavours.

“It has for sure some banana,” he says, “and then it has some phenolic character, which some folks described as a really light smokiness—I get more of a clove off of it.” Ramey has a PhD in microbiology immunology. While studying at the University of California, Los Angeles, he explored how the anthrax toxin could be used to treat cancer. Last winter, all that expertise was brought to bear during this experiment to isolate a strain of local yeast—those single-celled creatures that make possible the miracles of baking bread and brewing beer. Ramey explains that yeast is ubiquitous and can be found anywhere there’s fruit or anything else fermentable. And yet this is the first time an Alberta strain has been cultivated for the purpose of brewing beer.

The shape of things: Last Best offers a uniquely local take on beer flights

“Why don’t we go out and take what is naturally existing here and then make a flavour that is somewhat unique to this time and place?” asks Ramey. That question inspired Graham Sherman and Jeff Orr, the founders of Tool Shed, to drive around the Keller family farm last summer with a metal basin full of wort (a sugary liquid created during the brewing process) mounted to the bed of their pickup truck. Tool Shed’s contraption attracted many varieties of the micro-organism. With the help of some students from the college’s brewmaster and brewery-operations-management program, Ramey isolated individual strains in the lab and then brewed small batches of beer. Taste tests were conducted at Tool Shed to zero in on the type of yeast that produced the most delectable beer.

“The idea then is to take that and produce a production-scale batch of beer with Alberta barley, Alberta hops, Alberta water and Alberta yeast—so everything is physically harvested right here in the province,” says Ramey. The yeast, Alberta’s own microscopic coat of arms, awaits its destiny in two test tubes, one at Tool Shed’s brewery and another under close guard in Ramey’s office refrigerator. We’ll all get the chance to taste this thoroughly Albertan brew next spring when Tool Shed releases it commercially.

This quest to discover a local strain of yeast is just one example of how over a century’s worth of Alberta’s agricultural acumen—accumulated by multi-generational barley-farming families and rural research institutions—is supporting the province’s nascent craft-beer industry. Craft brewers have an abiding respect for the quality of their raw materials and an insatiable curiosity regarding their source. This fascination brings them into regular contact and collaboration with Alberta’s foundational industry. Parking a metal basin of wort beneath a lilac bush for the night is not an isolated instance of a craft brewer going to unusual lengths to unearth the perfect element for a new recipe. As a species, craft brewers go bonkers for local ingredients. They share many values with the local food movement: support regional economies, know your grower, follow ethical production standards. However, that mad-scientist gleam in your friendly neighbourhood brewer’s eye speaks to a much deeper obsession, one that is linked to the immense creative potential of his or her favourite beverage.

Beer is a cultural artifact. That might sound a little too lofty or pointy-headed (especially if you’re the least bit hungover), but the world’s third most popular drink (after water and tea) can express unique characteristics of the time and place in which it is created. Yeast, water, hops and barley—the four beery pillars—can produce distinctive flavours and other sensual clues to their origins. Beer, in short, has a terroir—a term that links distinct qualities in products such as wine, cheese and olive oil to their geography. Beer’s relationship to a place has particular resonance in Alberta, with its agricultural heritage and intimate connection to the land. Plus, some of the world’s best malting barley is grown on fields stretching between Lethbridge and Edmonton.

Alberta’s deep agricultural roots help to explain the unprecedented speed with which the province’s craft-beer industry is expanding. Every time you turn your head, a new brewery pops up. Staying on top of all these new Alberta beers makes for a game of Whac-a-Mole that can leave you wobbly. Jason Foster, a home brewer and beer writer (onbeer.org) in Edmonton, has a hard time keeping track of this explosive growth. “The last six months is making my head spin,” says Foster, who has resorted to detailed spreadsheets to preserve his sanity. Back in 2013, Alberta was home to roughly a dozen small breweries. At the end of 2013, the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission axed the minimum-annual-production quota of 500,000 litres for breweries. Just over two years later, by the end of May, Foster’s spreadsheet included 31 small breweries in the province. If all the breweries that Foster is tracking open, we’ll reach 57 in the next year. “And I know I am missing people,” he says.

Hands-on learning: As co-ordinator of Olds College’s brewing program, Peter Berresford-Johnston wears his heart on his sleeve and his name on his shirt. the two-year-old program has a 100 per cent success rate in placing graduates in jobs.

Phil Bryan, the brewery operations manager at Bear Hill Brewing, which runs brew pubs in Banff, Jasper and Fort McMurray, as well as Last Best in Calgary, sees another unusual dynamic in the ascension of craft beer in Alberta. “What’s different here from what I’ve ever seen anywhere worldwide is that people are opening breweries in rural areas first,” he says. Edson, Lacombe, Turner Valley, Cochrane, Camrose, Canmore, Olds, Okotoks, Edgerton and Plamondon, a hamlet of 350 on the west edge of Lac La Biche, are a few of the smaller centres that now have local taps. Lethbridge, Grande Prairie, Red Deer, Medicine Hat and Fort Saskatchewan also have craft breweries up and running or on the way. The rapid emergence of rural breweries underscores the booze-fuelled marriage between grain farming and brewing.

The agricultural know-how, chutzpah and brain power supporting craft beer’s unique trajectory in this province can be traced back to barley. The crop is the perfect ingredient for brewing beer, and Alberta is the perfect place to grow it. “We can produce some of the best barleys in the world,” says Flavio Capettini, head of research at the Field Crop Development Centre, a plant-breeding facility in Lacombe run by the provincial government. “It is often used to correct the defects of the local barley they have in other countries,” he says. Alberta’s ideal growing conditions include a cooler climate that inhibits diseases, long sunny days during the growing season, and just the right amount of moisture. About 4.3 million tonnes of barley was produced in Alberta in 2015, just over half of all Canadian production.

Alberta’s barley-growing prowess has also made the province a centre for malt production. Malt fuels fermentation. It provides the sugar that yeast consumes to produce alcohol. Two international companies have giant malteries—facilities that transform barley into malt through a process of steeping, germination and kilning—in Alberta. Canada Malting’s concrete silos tower over Ogden in Calgary’s southeast. The facility produces 200,000 tonnes of malt annually and celebrated its centennial in 2013. Rahr Malting’s plant in Alix, a village of 900 surrounded by a veritable sea of barley in central Alberta, makes 140,000 tonnes. Breweries across North America source this key ingredient from our backyard. Of the 576,172 tonnes of malt that Canada exported last year, 56 per cent came from Alberta.

Just as craft brewers upended the mass-production model for beer, a new cadre of micro maltsters is shrinking the scale and increasing the variety of malts available. Along with Hobo Malt (near Irricana), Red Shed Malting is one of two craft malteries in the province (there are only nine in the country). Another small-scale Alberta facility, Hogarth Malt, plans to start production by next spring. Red Shed is half an hour north of Olds College on the Hamill family farm, a 2,100-acre operation that grows equal parts barley, wheat and canola.

“It tastes really good to just eat,” says Daelyn Hamill. I take her hint and reach into the white plastic bin labelled “Biscuit” to scoop out a handful of grains. The crunchy kernels release a sweet, bready flavour reminiscent of fresh baking. The first batch of barley went through Red Shed’s gleaming array of tanks, pumps, augurs and vessels in April. “It’s really, really new,” says Joe, Daelyn’s husband and a 28-year-old fourth-generation barley farmer (he and Daelyn live in the original homestead). Just like the farm, Red Shed is run by the Hamill family, which includes Joe’s parents, John and Susie, and his older brother, Matt. The Hamills produce about five tonnes of malt a week.

Red Shed’s crown jewel is a 120-kg capacity malt roaster, which is fire-engine red and about the size of a compact car. Joe and Matt travelled to Izmir, on Turkey’s Aegean coast, for a week last June to learn how to use the machine from the experts who built it. Red Shed has already created amber, chocolate, biscuit and roasted-barley specialty malts. (A craft beer is typically brewed with 80 per cent base malt and 20 per cent specialty malt, which adds flavour, colour and texture.) Red Shed will provide brewers with new malt flavours, and also plans to produce malt from barley grown on a single field, reinforcing any unique contributions from the landscape’s terroir.

It takes 15 minutes to drive from the Hamill farm to Troubled Monk Brewery in Red Deer. Garret Haynes, the head brewer, recently created the Insomniac IPA, the first commercial beer to use Red Shed malt. He also formulated the recipe for the brewery’s Open Road American Brown Ale, which won silver in May at the World Beer Cup in Philadelphia, the first time in 20 years that an Alberta brewery has earned a medal. “That’s extraordinary for a little brewery that is just over a year old,” says Peter Berresford-Johnston, co-ordinator of the Olds brewing program. “It kind of puts Alberta on the map.” It also helps to bring attention to Olds College’s brewmaster program because Haynes was part of the first graduating class in April 2015. He went to work for Troubled Monk pretty much the next day. So far the two-year program has a 100 per cent employment rate—some students get snatched up even before they graduate.

In addition to producing a fresh crop of 30 brewers each spring, Olds College is an indispensable resource for Alberta’s craft industry at large. Brewers can approach experts to help troubleshoot problems, experiment with new techniques or track down that perfect ingredient. Instructors also conduct research. They’ve applied for funding to create a half-acre experimental hop farm to test the plant’s commercial viability in Alberta. Olds College is also embedded within the province’s agricultural research network. Last spring, staff from the brewmaster program collaborated with the FCDC, Canada Malting and the Food Processing Development Centre in Leduc on a research proposal to quantify barley’s role in making tasty beer.

“When we realized we had all the players within about 150 kilometres—that helps to make a good research group,” says Capettini at the FCDC. This beer-focused brain trust will find out by the end of 2016 if the Agricultural Funding Consortium will support the project. Even if it doesn’t get off the ground, the research team sees this as the first collaboration among many.

Business or pleasure? For Phil Bryan, brewery operations manager at bear hill brewing, there is no discernible difference. The company operates brew pubs in Jasper, Banff, Fort McMurray and, with Last Best, calgary.

Until recently, the prevailing industry view has been that maltsters are responsible for deriving all the flavour from barley. Brewers and farmers alike are now curious about the impact of the type of barley used to create the malt. “We’re going to see rapid change in barley production, and you’re going to see breweries starting to utilize malt in new and unique ways,” says Ramey. After years of increasingly hoppy beers, Ramey explains how the industry is primed for a new horizon of flavours. We could be entering an era of malt-forward beers—an exciting prospect for a province with over a century of barley-growing and malting expertise.

On the second floor of the FCDC’s brick building in downtown Lacombe, two floor-to-ceiling stainless-steel freezers sit in a hallway across from the library. Metal shelves line both sides of the narrow walk-in freezer. Each shelf has several wooden crates and each crate contains dozens of labelled plastic bottles. The bank stores living genetic tissue for 13,000 plant varieties, including 8,000 types of barley. This massive genetic reservoir, built up over the FCDC’s 44-year history, could soon be applied to the noble pursuit of making Alberta beer more delicious.

“Our intention is to try and make better beer with this project, and also try to measure those parameters in a more objective way,” Capettini says. Malting barley has historically been selected according to how well it grows in the field and performs in the malt house. Beer flavour has been an afterthought. The research group plans to test new varieties of barley by producing small batches of malt and beer and then rigorously quantifying the flavours. With enough data, scientists can develop a flavour equation for barley, a formula that will connect the grain’s molecular composition to the flavours it produces in beer. Armed with this new equation, researchers can also analyze the 8,000 barley varieties in the FCDC’s germplasm bank. A handful of long-forgotten barley seeds, stored in a pop-bottle-sized plastic container at the back of one of those freezers, might carry the genetic key to unlocking a whole new realm of beer flavours.

Craft beer is one of those things that is greater than the sum of its parts. It brings people together. It gives you a buzz. It can help to define the place where it’s created. “That’s a huge value for me in the industry—it feels like it’s about more than the beer itself,” says Hans Doef, a co-founder of Blindman Brewing in Lacombe. “When people think of Lacombe lately, I would love to think that they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, that’s the one with Blindman.'”

Jason Foster, the beer blogger, explains that throughout most of human history beer has been a rallying point for communities, and that the craft revolution is restoring that cultural dimension. “Every town in Europe would have their own brewery, and every brewery brewed different beer,” he says, adding that beer was seen as a public good and brewers were often on the city’s payroll. The styles and flavours of a local beer were distinct and people would have to travel to the source to imbibe the suds. “It created identity for the town. It unified the town,” says Foster.

In the same way, Red Deer may become known as the home of Troubled Monk Brewery. “Do you want to try a beer off the line?” Charlie Bredo asks me. Bredo is persuasive—he founded Troubled Monk with his brother Graeme, and resembles the grinning monk painted on the wall in the tap room. “It tastes best right off the line.” Bredo returns from the canning machine, where three staff fill, seal and label a fresh batch of the award-winning Open Road American Brown Ale. “This is the one we just can’t keep up with the demand for.” Bredo hands me an unlabelled, lidless can that is full to the brim.

The Bredo brothers served their first pint in the tap room in Red Deer’s Riverlands district on June 12, 2015. By December, they had tripled their capacity to 3,000 hectolitres. “We’re finding that Central Alberta, and Alberta in general, is pretty thirsty for craft beer,” says Garret Haynes, who is criss-crossing the 2,600-square-foot brewery, monitoring the progress of another fresh batch of Open Road.

I take a long pull on the brown ale. Conceived by an Olds-trained brewer from Ponoka and created using barley grown on nearby fields, the beer speaks to craft brewing’s exciting trajectory in Alberta. I wonder if the smooth, earthy flavour expresses something quintessentially Albertan—a subtle note or texture that can be traced back to the province’s geographic attributes. This demands further investigation. I must continue to belly up to the bars in tap rooms from Lethbridge to Fort McMurray and study the artifacts crafted by this new generation of artisans. A province-wide round of wobbly Whac-a-Mole is no small feat, but Albertans aren’t known for shrinking from a challenge.

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