
Ruth Everett, left, Jane Tallick, centre, and Elina Viola, right, at Fit Republic.

Now that we’ve successfully broken through those workout comfort zones and set attainable health and wellness goals (don’t dare call them resolutions!) for 2015, it’s time to start developing a regular fitness regime that will not only get you where you want to be physically, but will also be enjoyable. Maybe even fun once you get in the swing of things?

The key to making your intentions a reality is to find a workout that you like. I know there are a lot of you out there pulling a face and thinking, “She’s crazy, working out is never going to be fun.”

I’ve been there, thinking those same thoughts. Then on New Year’s Day 2010 I set myself some fitness goals and over the past five years have not only shed more than 60 pounds, but somehow became a certified nutritionist and a person whose day isn’t complete without breaking a sweat in the gym. Those endorphins are addictive little suckers.

Kick-boxing was the physical activity that got me excited in the beginning. That eventually expanded to kettlebells, Crossfit-esque training and gymnastics. Don’t get me wrong, there are still some activities that I despise — I will never be a distance runner and I can accept that.

But finding one thing — and then eventually a few things — that I genuinely like and that put a smile on my face even when I’m fighting through the pain has made my fitness ambitions stick long enough to become an ingrained habit. You can, too.

You just need to figure out which forms of exercise are going to keep you coming back for more.

This week’s challenge

There’s no shortage of exercise options. And each year, the American College of Sports Medicine publishes a survey of fitness professionals predicting the hottest workout trends for the coming year. This is a great resource for those trying to light their fitness fire. While we don’t have access to all the top trends for 2015 in Calgary just yet, here are three hot (and fun) options to try out.

Orange Theory Fitness (HIIT training)

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been regarded in the fitness community as one of the most efficient methods of burning fat since 2010. It can be a little tricky to push yourself to a work capacity upwards of 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate without the help of a domineering trainer and/or a heart rate monitor, however. That’s where Orange Theory Fitness, a chain of gyms out of Florida, which offers 60-minute sessions with a high-tech twist, comes in. When executing High-Intensity Interval Training at OTF, there is no guesswork. You’re either working at the desired and optimal level, or you aren’t, and the colour-coded big screen displaying your vital statistics is there to keep you honest.

Every class is different, but loosely follows a design involving 30 minutes of heart rate-based interval training on either treadmills, spin bikes or water rowers. Participants work through their base pace (an easy 71 to 83 per cent of their maximum heart rate), push pace (a challenging 84 to 90 per cent of their MHR) and all-out pace (a full sprint at 84 to 100 per cent of your MHR), dropping back and forth between intensities to keep your system guessing — and the sweat flowing.

This is followed by 30 minutes of dynamic strength and functional training with equipment like dumbbells, medicine balls, bosu balls, benches, body weight movements and TRX suspension trainers. Afterwards, OTF sends you an e-mail depicting your performance and offering guidance for future workouts. It’s a fitness nerd’s dream come true and an efficient way of attacking your weight-loss goals.

Body Weight Training

According to the annual ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends, workouts in 2015 are going to be all about going back to basics. Body Weight Training (all those classic moves you did when you first started going to the gym: squats, lunges, planks and pushups) narrowly beat out High-Intensity Interval Training for top spot this year thanks to the repackaging of these simple, yet efficient, no-equipment-needed, training techniques by commercial gyms across North America.

It’s refreshing after years of gimmicky workout regimes (Tae Bo, anyone?) to come back to classic, muscle-shaping moves that, if nothing else, don’t cost you anything more than sweat equity.

AntiGravity Fitness

Whether your workout style of choice is more yoga or barre-based or high-intensity fitness, Bridgeland’s Fit Republic is literally turning each of those genres on their heads with its AntiGravity classes. The brainchild of gymnast and Broadway dancer Christopher Harrison, AntiGravity fitness originated in New York City in 1991, when the founder discovered the AntiGravity Hammock (it really does look like a cross between a Cirque du Soleil silk and a Mexican hammock) had many health and fitness benefits for the general public as an exercise device, not just as part of the stage shows he worked on Broadway.

He created the AntiGravity Yoga & Fitness training models and now his trademark techniques are taught in gyms and studios in over 30 countries including Madonna’s Hard Candy Fitness and in Richard Branson’s Virgin Active and, since last August, Calgary’s own Fit Republic.

While it’s true there is a great AntiGravity yoga program, this rig also offers the potential for high-intensity fitness, restorative mobility work and almost everything in between in the discipline’s varied class formats. For those who don’t necessarily spend as much energy working on elongating their hard-earned muscles as they do contracting them (endurance runners, cyclists and heavy lifters, to name a few), AntiGravity offers an ideal addition to your workout program. It forces you to work on the elements of physical training that so often get “forgotten” at the end of a tough session.

For the keeners

There’s no denying 2014 was the year of the spin studio in Calgary. With an indoor cycling option popping up in every neighbourhood, it seemed like everyone was hopping on board (or on bike). If you haven’t given it a whirl, you likely think it’s too late to be initiated into the indoor biker gang with a bunch of established veterans.

Trisha Stuart, one of the owners of 17th Avenue’s Union Athletica, understands this trepidation and has launched a Beginner Spinner class to help ease newbies into spin.

“Anything new is always scary and there will probably be some seasoned spin junkies in your class, but there will also be some newbies and people of all different ages, sizes, and levels,” Stuart says. “Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from trying an awesome workout! You control everything from your speed and resistance to your intensity level, so it can be as easy or as challenging as you want it to be.”

Designed to be slightly less intense than Union’s signature classes and to educate new riders on the best practices of spinning, Beginner Spinner classes include 10 minutes of bike setup, review of cycling positions and bike resistance, followed by a 35-minute ride and five-minute stretch. “Spin is such a great way to torch mega-calories regardless of your fitness level, but that doesn’t mean you become invincible once you put on your cycling shoes,” Stuart explains. “Rather than hop on a bike unprepared for such a rigorous workout, we feel it is important for beginners to be prepared and understand the joys — and risks — of spin.”

Comfort & joy

By now your system is detoxed, you’ve (mostly) kicked the sugar cravings and life is getting back into a normal rhythm. That translates to the immortal question: what’s for dinner?

With all those gym/activity sessions on your agenda, it’s important to ensure you are incorporating enough protein and vegetables into your diet. With a simple slow cooker meatball recipe like this one from thegraciouspantry.com, which follows the principles of “clean eating,” that goal couldn’t be easier — even on those nights when you come running in from the gym ravenous and ready to eat anything in sight.

Spaghetti with turkey meatballs and tomato sauce.

Clean Eating Slow Cooker Italian Style Meatballs

(Makes 22 meatballs)


1 1/2 (700 g) pounds lean, ground turkey

1 tbsp (15 mL) garlic powder

1 tbsp (15 mL) onion powder

1 tbsp (15 mL) Italian Seasoning

1 1/2 (350 mL) cups clean tomato sauce

1/4 (60 mL) cup fresh, grated Parmesan cheese

1. In a large mixing bowl, knead the turkey together with the spices.

2. Roll meat into 22, walnut-sized meatballs, and place in a single layer in your slow cooker (Mine is a 5-quart).

3. Pour the tomato sauce over the top, being sure to cover the meatballs well and evenly.

4. Sprinkle the cheese across the top and set the slow cooker to low heat for 4 hours.

5. Serve over pasta with a little extra Parmesan cheese.

Note: These are fairly dense meatballs. You can add finely chopped mushrooms to the mixture to soften them up a bit. About 1/2 (115 mL) to 1 cup (250 mL) should be fine, and you’ll get more meatballs out of it to boot.

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