Looking for a job?
Like thousands of Calgarians, Dawn Stewart is searching. But the former oilpatch employee, laid off last spring from Encana Corp., isn’t just on a job hunt.
She’s also helping more than 1,000 other unemployed Calgarians find work, as well as local companies looking to find new staff.
Since losing her finance-IT-related job, Stewart created a Facebook page called Calgary Job Board to bring would-be employers together with Albertans, as well as job-hunters who want to talk about issues such as how to set up a resume.
“I use social media quite a lot to network with my friends and we’ve all been talking about the job market situation and how bad it is,” she said Friday.
“I thought if I’m looking and my friends are talking about this, too, why don’t we just set up a Facebook group and share it out with our friends. It’s just an extra (search) venue.”
While Stewart’s approach may be unique, the relentless search for work isn’t isolated.
Across the province, thousands of Albertans are seeking full-time positions and keeping a close eye on job listings, economic updates and signs that things will get better.
So far, the data is decidedly mixed.
While Calgary-based Precision Drilling announced last week that it’s hired 1,000 people and other drillers are looking for staff, there’s also been layoffs at companies like pipeline giant Enbridge, which recently announced it’s cutting 370 jobs in Canada.
New Statistics Canada data this week showed the challenges facing Alberta’s unemployed. The number of people working in August fell 60,500 from the same period a year earlier.
And since the oil rout began and the downturn really started to bite in December 2014, the number of jobs has dropped by 122,000.
Economist Trevor Tombe of the University of Calgary notes the data show other telling trends.
In Alberta, the length of time people were without work jumped to about 25 weeks in September from 15 weeks a year ago.
Tombe notes some 60,000 Albertans have been unemployed for a half year; 35,000 have been without work for more than a year.
“The average duration of unemployment has really increased measurably in the last few months,” he says. “It’s much higher than any other province expect Newfoundland.”
Faced with such news, it’s easy to become pessimistic about the state of the economy.
Tombe points out the province is still a high-income province, well above the national average.
“Broadly speaking, Alberta’s economy is still good,” he says. “But the pain, though, is pretty concentrated and sharp and so the number of long-term unemployed is a good illustration of that.”
The outlook for next year will depend upon commodity prices, which remain volatile. Oil closed Friday at US$48.70 a barrel, down more than a dollar.
The Petroleum Labour Market Information division of industry group Enform is preparing an updated jobs outlook for Canada’s oil and gas industry.
In a labour study conducted earlier this year, it predicted direct employment in the oil and gas sector would fall by up to 53,000 positions over a two-year period ending in 2016, based on crude around US$40 a barrel this year and remaining below $55 in 2017.
However, the study forecast about 17,000 additional people will find employment in the sector next year.
“Some of the jobs will start to come back in 2017,” says Carol Howes, vice-president of communications with the information group. “We will start to see hiring again, but we are starting from a much lower place … you can’t compare it to 2014.”
For those on the front-line of a job search, it’s still a difficult period.
Many point out that when they put in a resume for an open job, they’re up against hundreds of other applicants. Some question whether they want to stay in the industry.
Like Stewart, former oilpatch worker Darren Kondrat is searching for employment after losing his job in January as a professional geophysicist with a junior oil and gas producer.
In the sector for 26 years, he’s since taken courses to upgrade his professional skills, done some volunteering and computer programming, as well as taken on some consulting.
But the search is frustrating.
“Since January, I can say I’ve seen two job posting that were legitimate job postings (in my profession). That’s the reality,” says the 48-year-old Calgarian.
“I want to remain positive, but I find it a real struggle sometimes….I don’t get the sense our politicians think this is an urgent matter.”
For Stewart, the mother of three children hasn’t had any luck finding a job either. After working in the energy industry for 20 years, she is considering a return to university.
As for the job board, she estimates between 20 and 30 people have found work through it.
“It’s just kind of took off on its own,” Stewart adds. “At some point, I hope that it will come back to me (with a job) as well.”
Chris Varcoe is a Calgary Herald columnist.