Between ongoing opposition to the development of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline to the West Coast and the recent Lax Kw’alaams First Nation vote rejecting a $1-billion offer from Pacific Northwest LNG proponent Petronas, myriad questions remain about how these economically important projects can be approved.
One is whether it would make a difference if diversity around the boardroom table included the addition First Nations members.
Last week, the Canadian Board Diversity Council held a daylong plenary that examined barriers to increasing the representation of aboriginal peoples within corporate Canada.
The logic goes that First Nations representation at the board level would give a company more credibility on the ground when it came to negotiating for the approval of proposed projects that involve their lands, particularly those without treaty. Taking this step would also provide more insight into environmental concerns before they developed into an adversarial relationship.
“Engaging with people who live on and survive the land simply makes better decisions with respect to land use planning, with respect to resource development versus those who are passing through,” said Jody Wilson-Raybould, regional chief of the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. “To incorporate that into the decisions that are being made with respect to pipelines or mines or whatever it is, is something that is fundamental to ensuring we develop a sustainable and hopefully diversified economy.”
Today, fewer than one per cent of board seats are held by members of First Nations communities. When it comes to Canada’s energy sector, only one First Nations band member — Mel Benson, a director at Suncor Energy — serves on a board.
Readers of Sun Rise, the book written by former Suncor chief executive Rick George, will recall it took him a year of talking to his board and the governance committee before Benson’s name was put forward. While some companies such as TransCanada have employed prominent members of aboriginal communities as consultants, board seats remain elusive.
The same holds true for senior leadership positions within Canada’s energy sector. The so-called glass ceiling is in place for First Nations members as it is for women, though women are making some progress on that front.
Unfortunately there is no easy solution to any of this. As Benson said last week, the issue is one of boardroom diversity writ large.
“Corporations need to be encouraged to look at diversity in a very serious way at all levels — from the entry level into the companies themselves right through to boards,” Benson said. “I think there are ways to encourage industry to look at diversity … and we need to do that with a lot more powerful voice than we currently have.”
In other words, it’s not as simple as imposing quotas — nor should it be.
However, initiatives such as the ‘comply or explain’ policy put forward last October by the Ontario Securities Commission alongside a federal report aimed at growing female representation on corporate boards to 30 per cent within five years are a good place to start.
The OSC policy, which set forward a disclosure model regarding representation of women on boards, executive officer positions and director term limits, was adopted last fall by seven provinces and two territories. Alberta and B.C., two energy-heavy provinces, did not sign on.
Marie Delorme, chief executive of The Imagination Group of Companies, said it’s also important that indigenous peoples have mentors and sponsors within organizations to assist the development of a talent pool that can move up through organizations, including the boardroom.
“Aboriginal people need to have more social capital. Otherwise it is hard to get into a management or board position,” Delorme said last week, echoing a statement often made about advancing women in the corporate world and how the selection process too often does not cast as wide a net as needed.
Wilson-Raybould said the transition to a comply or explain model could be a good place to start.
“But you want to diversify in a way that has longevity because you want to ensure the fundamental underlying values and objectives of the company are carried forward,” she said.
Stepping back further from the issue at hand and casting it in the context of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it becomes evident that while increasing the proportion of representation by indigenous peoples within corporate Canada is important, more fundamental issues need to be addressed, including an apparent lack of knowledge and understanding of aboriginal communities by corporate Canada.
“It appears there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how legislation operates with respect to aboriginal peoples, misconceptions on what is actually going on reserve. It’s enough for me to say that there needs to be more education generally in society,” said Tom Isaac, a partner with the law firm Osler Hoskin & Harcourt. Isaac leads the firm’s aboriginal law practice and was formerly the chief treaty negotiator for the B.C. government.
And it goes deeper than that.
“I think there are bigger issues with respect to aboriginal people. There are deeper issues we need to address as a country,” said Wilson, who referred to systemic challenges facing aboriginal peoples in Canada, including socio-economic conditions that hinder progress.
These issues — from the lack of adequate education, housing and health in what are often remote parts of the country — can only be solved with intensive government involvement at all levels and clarity on treaty rights in regions where they remain unresolved.
By the same token, a commitment to greater continuity and clarity of governance structures within aboriginal communities would improve the potential for accountability and progress on all fronts. This also includes an end to the bevy of lawyers and consultants who sell the vision of empowerment through opposition rather than finding bona fide ways to collaborate.
The endgame for all sides must be to work toward a future for today’s aboriginal youth that one day leads to appropriate representation in the C-suite of corporate Canada and around a boardroom table. It’s a long-term goal worth fighting for, and in highlighting the gaps, the Canadian Board Diversity Council has rightly brought the discussion to a higher level.
Deborah Yedlin is a Calgary Herald columnist