Capital Ideas members were asked about when they started paying themselves for their hard work. Here’s what members of our community of business owners helping business owners had to say:
“Paying myself a minimum salary, and paying the payroll tax now, has a double long-term benefit. The basic minimum salary is paying myself (as per the Wealthy Barber). Even if I can live without it, I need to invest in things other than my business to diversify my overall portfolio. It also keeps pressure on me to keep the business profitable for my own well-being. Paying payroll tax (which includes EI and CPP) keeps me assured that if I do ever need those things they will be an option.”
— Len Nanjad, partner, COREinternational Inc.
“When I started my dental hygiene clinic, it wasn’t until year two when I drew a salary, and it was small. I kept as much money as I could reinvested into the practice to make it survive and thrive, and each year since then I’ve drawn more. The first one to two years less money comes into the practice in terms of sales, so I believe until that scale tips in the other direction you should draw very little.”
— Melissa Parcels, owner, Solo, The Dental Hygiene Spa
“Businesses don’t grow in a linear way. This is the hard part — you have to figure out when your next step will be. Pay yourself a salary when you reach a plateau. Capitalize during this period, focus on the next step, make the right investment, hit another plateau and repeat. That’s my recipe and has worked for me for over a decade. Your best investment is in your own company. If you don’t believe it is, it’s time to do something different.”
— Greg Garcia, founder and partner, Calgary Elite Roofing
“It varies with the size of the company, but I prefer to work like a contractor. I pay myself from contracts received, with percentages going back into the company. As I’m also an owner, assessing profits and what to do with them at year end is far safer than drawing too much throughout. As the company grows that may change, but having that motivating factor of getting paid for contracts keeps you on the ball and hungry.”
— Mark Dawson, owner, Inrol Custom Simulations and Training Services
“We all want to provide for ourselves and our families. Understanding these basic needs, the budget for them will determine the minimum salary you need to take out. The decision to reinvest or take additional salary out above these basic needs will depend upon what your spending priorities are and the amount of disposable cash flow you have. Write your business and personal investment and spending wishes down with your family and prioritize. Invest the money accordingly. The most important thing is gaining alignment as a family. The decisions impact everyone.”
— Lee Nordbye, photographer, Lee Nordbye Photography
“As soon as possible. Your time is valuable and drawing a manageable salary is essential to ensure the long term viability of your venture.”
— Frank Peresta, managing director, Oneterra Business Immigration
John Breeze, co-founder, It’s All About Connecting Inc.
“One of the most important factors in determining the value of a small business is how much money comes to the owner in the form of owner benefits. It’s a sad reality that many small businesses start with their owner sacrificing their own salary at the outset and then never quite catching up. Plan to draw a salary from day one, and create that mindset of deserving to be paid what you’re truly worth.”
— John Breeze, co-founder, It’s All About Connecting Inc.
“Start paying yourself a salary right away. The key is making it a consistent amount and taking it on a consistent timeline just as if you had a regular job. Most small business owners get into trouble when they take a bit here and there. This affects your ability to truly understand your cash flow and budgeting requirements, especially if you want to invest more in your business. If you’re bringing in $1 thousand a week and after expenses are left with $850 and can survive on $500, then take that and leave the rest in your business for growth. If your business income is sporadic, figure out the minimum amount you need to live, take that, and leave the rest in your business until it’s more stable.”
— Jackie Appleby, business process strategist, Diligent Assistant
“Stress is a big factor when you pay yourself versus reinvesting. It’s a tough decision. Two factors weigh in: To grow your company there has to be some reinvestment, and you need to be able to pay your own bills. If you’re stressed because your home bills aren’t getting taken care of, that will be sensed by employees and clients. We have a formula that works for us. For every dollar earned, we pay a different percentage into the following: payroll, operations, debt and reinvestment. It’s consistent and keeps bills at home paid, debt manageable, operations going and ensures long-term reinvestment.”
— Bill Leesman, co-owner, Team Leesman Cares
From day one. I’ve seen too many entrepreneurs never put a value on their time. Given how most entrepreneurs in Calgary are in the service business, time and expertise is their commodity. If you don’t put a value on your time, you aren’t pricing your margins and costs correctly and if you’re not calculating this time accordingly you could be operating at a loss. A salary is a good way to ensure that you are valuing your time properly.
— Tyler Cumberford, digital marketing strategist, Factor One
“We are an international organization that works in both a developed country, and an underdeveloped country. So how we pay will depend on the labor market of each.
For us it means that in order to pay salary, it will depend of the amount of coffee sold. We have to sell a lot of coffee and help a lot of people before we can pay ourselves.”
— Guillermo Munoz, director, business development, Good Trade Co.
Christy Switzer, owner, I Know A Guy Renovations
“Right away. I’m sure there are a lot of opinions on this but for us personally, we started paying ourselves right from the get-go. It wasn’t much to start with, we ate a lot of pancakes and I know fifty ways to make noodles, but our income increased with our ability to improve the business. Including personal wages/salaries in our budget (even in the days we couldn’t afford it) gives us an accurate picture of how the business is really doing.”
— Christy Switzer, owner, I Know A Guy Renovations
“Right away. Your business plan needs to have all projected expenses, including what you plan to pay yourself. Do you pay yourself day one? I didn’t, for me it wasn’t until we had enough revenue after fixed expenses. However, until we got there I did take shareholder loans from the company to cover my living expenses.”
— Randy Porter, CEO and co-founder, SPRECOM Inc.
“This is an important question many of us overlook when starting out. Very often, we are starting up alongside our day job so we overlook paying ourselves. My own experience and mistakes tell me that concentrating on the start-up and telling ourselves ‘one day when’ never actually happens. We become disillusioned and motivation wains. When we factor in our own salary from the beginning we not only provide ourselves with a realistic set of short to medium term projected accounts, we acknowledge our own self worth and reward our efforts. This psychological and emotional advantage is huge. How much to pay yourself is a different question and requires careful calculation.”
— Sam Tattersall, intuitive life coach, Mamaita’s Journey
The above answers are in response to a question posed by Teresa Clouston, executive vice-president of ATB Business. Here’s her insight:
Teresa Clouston, executive vice-president, ATB Business
“Simon Sinek wrote a book entitled Leaders Eat Last. While his book is about service leadership and high functioning teams, there’s a nugget about entrepreneurs and personal gains from their enterprises. Suppliers, creditors and government are priority payables, usually followed by payroll. What’s left after operating expenses is available to either reinvest in the company and/or pay the owner. Building your target salary into the business plan can help you pre-determine when and how much you can draw. If salary draws are ‘nice to have’ versus ‘need to have,’ consider the trade-off between reinvesting and paying yourself. Every dollar out of your business is one less invested in building and developing it.”
Get Involved!
Answer our next question:
Paul Boucher, bilingual voice actor and president of Right Voice Communications Inc.
As a business owner, it’s important to pay attention to recurring costs like cell plans, magazine subscriptions and software because they can add up before you know it. Paul Boucher, bilingual voice actor and president of Right Voice Communications Inc. is curious to know:
How do you stay on top of expenses?
Submit your answers at the Capital Ideas Calgary website by the morning of Monday, March 6. We’ll publish the best answers, along with your business name and website.
This article was produced by Capital Ideas Calgary, a product of Postmedia’s Engagement Services, in collaboration with ATB Business.