Capital Ideas members were asked how they find work-life balance. Here’s what members of our community of Calgary business owners helping business owners had to say:
“You have to schedule your free time, just like you schedule your work time. I find that planning a trip away from home is the best way to keep my promise to my family and myself to take some time off. It’s easy to get caught up in the business 24/7. Also, I’ll leave my phone at home when I go to my son’s events, or a family dinner. Whatever happens work-wise in that time can wait until I get back.”
— Neil Zeller, photographer at Neil Zeller Photography
“My husband and I own our company together, so our work and life are very blended. We also have two children, ages six and eight. As entrepreneurs, we can’t always control when business needs to get done. If it’s a Saturday morning and the website crashes, we need to spend that day getting that website back up and running. But, it might be sports day at school on a Monday, and so we can plan for that and take that day with our family. I think it’s a misconception that people want work-life balance, because I don’t think that exists. I think what people are really striving for is work-life harmony.”
— Donita Fowler, co-founder of Vested Interest Group Inc.
“I’ve built exercise into my entrepreneurial life. As a former varsity swimmer and triathlete, working out has, and always will be, part of my daily routine. However, it’s mental wellness I strive to keep in equilibrium. Taking breaks, limiting screen time at night and spending time with family and friends is just as important as a run. With a home office, it’s sometimes hard to put work aside as I’m never far away from my computer. I have to remember that we need both healthy bodies and minds to be productive and successful.”
— Lea Storry, owner of Family Lines
“At the end of the day it is all about balance: health, financials, relationships and environment. For me, it starts with the basics of sleep and eating well. I can feel, think and choose what is in my best interest for the quality of life I am looking for. It’s far easier to be inspired and happy with rest and nourishment. From there, life’s stressors have less impact and the sky’s the limit.”
— Linda Kodnar, pharmacist and naturopathic doctor,
“It’s actually quite easy. I just work every day!”
— Roger Jewett, founder and CEO of Jump On Flyaways
“There is no work-life balance when you own a business. Be fully engaged when you are running your business and be fully engaged when you are with your family. Make sure your children know you are working hard to create a better life for them. They will be learning skills from you as an entrepreneur that they would never learn in school. Relax about this, as the day will come when they will be very proud of you and will wonder how you managed to run a business and raise a family.”
— Carolyn Zimmerman, designer and owner of Balloons and Bling
“As a mom of three, a wife, daughter of aging parents, and founder and co-founder of two startups, I set daily goals and ensure each day I dedicate energy to moving the business forward. If I can look back at the end of the day knowing that I’ve moved closer to my vision, I feel confident we will get there. After 22 years in the corporate world, being an entrepreneur is the answer to the life balance challenge.”
— Shelley Billinghurst, vice-president of human resources and business development, Cultureography Inc.
“By being a master scheduler with discipline. It is essential for entrepreneurs to define what life balance means to them. It’s so easy to focus more on the business side than other areas of life because an entrepreneur’s mind is always thinking. Scheduling helps the mind to look at the big picture of one’s life and living it one moment at a time.”
— Laura Pierce, president at LP Human Resources Inc.
“Maintaining work-life balance has been interesting. I think my circle of friends has shifted to other business owners because we have an understanding of what the other is going through, we are excited for each other and can freely bounce ideas off one another. It’s almost as if I have developed two sets of friends: weekday and weekend friends. To be completely honest, I don’t know if entrepreneurs ever actually achieve work-life balance because of the way we love what we do; we constantly think, plan and reflect. The good news is that work doesn’t feel like work for me.”
— Corey Allard, founder at Change Your Game
Kristy Archibald, writer at Floral and Bows.
“I set goals, deadlines, breaks and hard stops for myself. If I make a solid effort to schedule ‘life’ into my work week then I will prioritize accordingly. Otherwise, I frequently find myself working all hours of the day with little time for hobbies, friends, family and all of the things that I enjoy. Having a hard copy agenda that lays out my entire week in front of me is key. On Sunday night, I always take some time to organize and plan my week, for both work and life. Life doesn’t always stick to the plan, but at least then I have a rough, somewhat organized guideline to go by.”
— Kristy Archibald, freelance writer at Floral and Bows
“Balance for me is about being aware of my state on any given day. I approach each moment as a new one. Each is an opportunity to treat someone with respect, to face a challenge with a positive attitude or to dig a little deeper to complete a project or goal. I have learned to listen to my intuition in making decisions, even the small moment-to-moment ones, which has lead to greater overall balance. In the world of an entrepreneur I believe it’s less about having designated uninterrupted time for family, friends, community or work, but rather being truly present in each activity. You will be blessed, surprised, motivated and inspired if you accept the natural balance in each moment.”
— Lisa Gareau, president and founder of Candy Event Consulting
“I schedule it and ensure I always have a small getaway in the near future. I have learned how important it is for my business success that I ensure I have time away from the business and daily time with my friends, family or pets. I make time each day to take care of myself through yoga and any personal needs, I get out on walks with my dogs and spend time with my significant other. This keeps me energized and focused. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day interruptions, so I have learned to treat my personal time the same way I do my business time; schedule it and make it a priority. In turn, I have seen my efficiency and productivity increase.”
— Megan Armstrong, owner of Dogma Training & Pet Services Inc.
“We regularly hold walking meetings along Stephen Avenue, by the Bow River in Eau Claire/East Village or in the +15 walkway during cold spells. Not only is walking good for you from a health perspective, we find it boosts creativity, energy and productivity. Next time you’re scheduling a meeting, literally take a breath of fresh air and walk the talk.”
— Kris Hans, strategist at Market Grade Ltd.
“Work-life balance is ever-changing. What is balance one week is way out of balance the next. I ensure that I am always keeping my passion at the centre of my life: my kids. When I am faced with the decision to say yes or no to something, I stop and consider if it will benefit my family as a whole and is the need to be out of balance for a short period of time going to make our lives happier, healthier and richer. Will we be better for the decision? By keeping my No. 1 priority front and centre, I am able to achieve the right work-life balance for me as an entrepreneur and a mom.”
— Natalie Blais, founder of Natalie Blais Consulting Inc.
“Starting my days with activity — yoga, a fitness class or meditative tai chi — is one way I ensure that my life has balance. Weekends are sacred family time and I often keep a fitness bag in my vehicle so that if a meeting is cancelled, that time slot can be filled quickly with a visit to Heaven’s Fitness or the Barre Body Studio for a workout.”
— Bernadette Geronazzo, public relations advisor at In the Public Eye
“Maintaining life balance is very important to me. I love my fundraising work with nonprofits, however, if I don’t stay mentally and physically fit I’m going to be unable to provide my clients or the people around me in my life with the best of me. I work very diligently at scheduling time for athletics, my love for culture (music, restaurants, theatre, etc.), volunteering for important causes outside of my fundraising work, my family, and a little bit of yoga and/or mindfulness in order to maintain balance.”
— Mitchell Ravvin, professional fundraiser and president at Rave Results Inc.
Dustin Paisley, partner at Local Laundry
“As someone who works a full-time job and runs a busy startup on the side I’m all too familiar with work-life balance. But no matter how busy you get, always be sure to schedule time for yourself, and put it in your calendar. If the time is blocked, no one else will get it. I live by my calendar. This could be scheduled time for the gym, a run, yoga — whatever helps you to decompress and feel better. Without your health or happiness, your business isn’t going to last. If you’re married or have kids, always be sure to block off plenty of time for loved ones first. Date nights are my favourite!”
— Dustin Paisley, partner at Local Laundry
“With our websites getting 30,000 visitors a day, seven days a week, there is always something that needs attention. I tell friends, jokingly, that I work only on days that end in a ‘y.’ Consulting clients expect me to be ‘always on.’ I’ve found that is important to set aside personal time in each day, where interruptions are not permitted or likely, which are a zone of peace and tranquility. Time for friends, family, fitness and non-business reading and enrichment. Website visitors get their responses with an acceptable turnaround, and clients know that they get my full attention as soon as I return.”
— Mark Ruthenberg, president and editor-in-chief at Found Locally
“One has to have a clear division between work and home life, even if you work from a home office. A strong routine or schedule is key, I believe. Routinely book both work and home life activities into an agenda or calendar to be successful at both parts.”
— Danilo Terra, president of Danilo Terra Capital Strategies Corp.
“Maintaining a work-life balance can be very difficult as an entrepreneur. I have had the most success maintaining the balance by using an electronic calendar that helps me keep track of my work events but also my personal events. This gives me justification to book nights off and schedule in fun activities while keeping enough time free to complete the work that needs to be done. Time management tends to be one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face and organizing your day before you start it can help.”
— Des Nwaerondu, financial adviser at Sun Life Financial
“As I was letting this question spin in my head, I came across this quote that points to a plausible answer for me. It arrived via Laureen Regan of Boom Group who sends out a daily quote to subscribers. (Today’s came from B. Babcock who said) ‘Too often we only do the transactions of life rather than living.’ A transactions of life day feels empty by comparison to a day when you’ve surrendered the moments to your family, your friends and time for yourself to recharge, however, you choose to do it. For me it comes down to being conscious and aware of which type of day you’re living and adjust as necessary.”
— Paul Boucher, president and bilingual voice actor at The Right Voice Communications Inc.
“Ensure that time is created and devoted for all that matters: personal, business and community.”
— Sam Olanloye, partner at Hilltop Accounting and Tax Services
“You must remember that if you are not at your best, your business will not be either. It shouldn’t be considered selfish to pause and refill your cup so that you can have more to pour unto others. The work-life balance is less a parallel and more a cycle. A missing or malfunctioning link in your cycle can be detrimental to the functionality of the unit as a whole. So take time to love yourself so that your love can shine brighter within your business.”
— Nikita Romane, acquisitions editor of Modern Socialite
“Work-life balance. We hear the phrase often, but do we really stop to think about what it means? Is it mathematical? Does it mean working as many hours as you play? Is it prioritizing career versus everyday life? Is it balancing the multiple areas of your life? In reality, it is all of these things. Work-life balance is about finding a career that aligns with your core values. Integrating your personal philosophy with your work philosophy. Work that you are happy to wake up for and reluctant to leave at the end of the day. Work that supports your family and that your family supports. Work. Life. Balance.”
— Rebecca Lockyer, human resources consultant at Strong Solutions
“Having a home office, I set very strict ‘business hours’ and I honour those hours. It’s easy to get caught working seven days a week, 24 hours a day when your office happens to take up a space in your home. By setting strict business hours, it’s important to keep those and be true to them as the last thing you want is to be overwhelmed or suffer from burnout. I believe the key to success with this is to communicate this with your clients as well. They will totally understand.”
— Sheri Bruneau, owner of Get It Together Inc.
“There are no easy answers but be sure to set goals both for your business and personal life. Make them measurable so you can monitor progress. Establish priorities, always be asking yourself, ‘is this the best use of my time?’ Carve out some planning time, a few minutes weekly and a few hours every month or quarter. Reflect on: Where am I? Where do I want to be? What’s in it for me, why am I doing this, what’s the reward? Those are the things that keep you going and make it all worthwhile.”
— Richard Milliken, president at The Growth Coach Foothills
“Life naturally becomes more balanced when you redefine the word ‘busy.’ As entrepreneurs, we thrive when there is momentum pulling us forward, when we are pushing the boundary and we naturally have a greater capacity than many others. Embracing this and genuinely enjoying every step of the way is key. We can choose to be bogged down by a busy life or we can be thankful for a busy life. We are creating impact wherever we step, in our families, communities and businesses. We need to split up our time, of course, and need to eat well, exercise and sleep. Reframe the negative connotation surrounding ‘busy,’ embrace the life you’ve made, engage in deep relationships and smile.”
— Tynan Wenarchuk, founder of Illuminate Wellness Consulting
Tammy Pickering, owner of Surfset YYC Fitness and Wellness Studio.
These answers are in response to a question posed by Tammy Pickering, owner of Surfset YYC Fitness and Wellness Studio. Here’s what she had to say:
“As difficult as it is, it is important to take time for yourself and for the important people in your lives. I try to involve my family in the business as much as I can. Since I always have my business on my mind it’s actually like having a third child. I worry when I’m away, I can’t stop thinking about it and it’s all consuming at times. At times when it all seems unmanageable, I can take a step back and remind myself it’s time to prioritize. Having support is also helpful to create that balance. A quote that I think of often is, ‘Life, like surfing, is all about wave selection and balance!’ ”
Watch Tammy pitch her business as a part of the one year anniversary ATB BoostR gala event on June 23.
Get Involved!
Answer our next question: What does business not as usual mean to you?
Submit your answers at the Capital Ideas website by Tuesday, June 21. We’ll publish the best answers, along with your business name and website URL, in the Calgary Herald (and here!) on Thursday, June 23.
This article was produced by Capital Ideas, a product of Postmedia Labs, in collaboration with ATB Business.