Did you know more than 30,000 Calgarians participate in the unstructured, healthy activities of skateboarding and inline skating?
To ensure they have appropriate places to skate, The City of Calgary wants your help in planning a network of skateparks throughout the city.
The Skateboarding Amenities Strategy, approved by Council in December 2011, recommends The City build 50 outdoor skateparks throughout the city over the next 10 years. At this time, we are still in the proposal stage; no final site selection has been decided. That’s why we want your help to carve out how we move forward.
“We want to ensure that community members get a say in what may potentially be developed in their neighbourhood before we move forward with any decisions,” says Greg Steinraths, manager of Sport and Development in Recreation. “In addition, if these sites do move forward with construction, we want the people who will use these parks to help us design them when we get to the next stage.”
Join one of three open houses to provide your input and learn more about:
• The overall skateboard strategy and where we are in the process.
• The consultants who are designing the skateparks.
• Sites that have been identified for potential skateparks.
• How this could impact you or your family.
• Modern skatepark designs, construction, and the positive impact they have on communities.
• How your community or region can get involved with selecting future parks.
Open Houses (all times are 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.):
Tuesday, January 28: Cardel Theatre – 180 Quarry Park Blvd S.E.
Wednesday, January 29: Edgemont Community Association – 33 Edgevalley Circle N.W.
Thursday, January 30: Southland Leisure Centre – 2000 Southland Dr. S.W.
Proposed sites that receive support from community residents will move into the participatory design process, giving Calgarians an opportunity to provide input into the skatepark design. If there is significant opposition to a specific site, different locations or communities will be considered. The skateparks will be built as funding becomes available.
More information can be found on our website.