
The Arkansas-Louisiana Conference and two of its members filed a lawsuit against the city of Whitehall, Ark., yesterday over a local ordinance that prevents door-to-door literature evangelism. The city restricts all forms of door-to-door solicitation and the expression of ideas unless those wishing to share their religious or charitable beliefs obtain a permit from the city, pay permit fees, share significant personal information, and pass a “satisfactory” investigation and review. Read the full story in the Adventist Review.

The NAD has filled some new positions and welcomes the following new personnel:

Angeline David, DrPH, MHS, RDN was elected at the NAD 2015 Year-end Meeting to be the Heath Ministries Director for the NAD. She previously worked as the Wellness Center Director and Registered Dietitian at the Guam SDA Clinic. She will assume her new responsibilities on Apr. 1.

Last week the North American Division Committee approved several personnel recommendations:

•  An Associate Director position in Stewardship, which will be funded by the General Conference. Bonita Joyner Shields has accepted the invitation to fill this position. Bonita has been working in the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference and was previously an assistant editor with the Adventist Review.

•  The creation of the position of Director of Social Media and Big Data, which will be part of the Social Media Building Block. Paul Hopkins was voted to fill this position starting on Feb. 7. Paul has been working in Philanthropic Service for Institutions as an associate director.

•  The committee voted Orna Garnett to be the new Director of Human Resources for the NAD. Orna has been working as the Assistant Director for NAD Human Resources.

•  Chandler Riley was elected to the position of Associate Director of Human Resources, after serving previously as the Benefits Specialist for NAD Human Resources. He also has had many years of experience working for the General Conference Human Resources Department.

Southwestern Adventist University’s Enactus club teamed up with local charity Community Opportunities, Inc. (COI), a non-profit organization located in Keene, Texas, that provides training services, pre-vocational programming, and supported employment for adults and teens with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Enactus will be helping COI with branding and creating new space for a project that provides skills education for their clients and additional revenue for the non-profit. MORE

Students and teachers miss school that was destroyed by tornado last summer

Street Store helps clothe hundreds of local homeless

How Adventist Health pushes patients toward plant-based diets — and longer lives

Adventists Open Roseburg Junior Academy in 1899

Church invites community to join in Daniel Fast

Newborn babies wrapped in Broncos colors in Parker

‘Depression Recovery’ series returns to North Bend church

Former Oregon’s Health CO-OP CEO returns to Portland in new role

A new concentration in the Doctor of Ministry program: The Millennial Church, is being offered by the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. It is open to ministry professionals who have the MDiv degree or equivalent. It will enable participants to gain an understanding of the spiritual decision process among millennials, foster shared vision for church renewal, manage change in the process of generational transition in church leadership, and develop competencies for leadership in diversity and multiculturalism. Limited to 25 places. More than half the doctoral tuition is subsidized. Application deadline: Feb. 12. Contact dmin@andrews.edu or call 888-717-6244 to start the application process.

“Safety Sabbath” is scheduled for the fourth Sabbath of every March. This year, that Sabbath just happens to be on Easter weekend when there are likely special programs and many visitors present. Knowing how to respond appropriately is vital to minimizing loss. Therefore, it is suggested that churches be sure to conduct a safety drill sometime within the month of March. MORE

The Adventist Learning Community offers Origins Curriculum Resources (OCR), ready-to-use educational materials about creation and evolution that are scientifically accurate and biblically sound. The free resources were created by the Origins Institute at Southern Adventist University. Explore the relationship between science and Scripture, learn about scientific data from biology, geology, and paleontology. The presentations were created with multiple groups in mind, including but not limited to elementary and middle school teachers and students, homeschooling families, children who are exposed to evolutionary ideas in public school, and anyone else who is interested. MORE

One ViewPoint on Sharing:

“I’ve never lost sight of the feeling of being out there, of knowing I’m lost.  How do you not give this away?”

– Shawn Boonstra, at the NAD 2015 Year-end Meeting

For Sharing!

Did you know Jesus is coming back to this Earth?

The second coming of Christ is the grand climax of the gospel. The Savior’s coming will be literal, personal, visible, loud, and worldwide. When He returns, the righteous dead will be resurrected, and together with the righteous living will be glorified and taken to heaven, but the unrighteous will die. Most of Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled, and along with the present condition of the world, indicates that Christ’s coming is imminent. Since we do not know the day nor the hour when Jesus will come, we are advised to be ready at all times. Learn more.

Watch the 90: second video on Vimeo.

People want to know what Seventh-day Adventists believe. Each topic on the My Way to Jesus website links to a video, an invitation to study the Bible, the Find-a-Church Directory, a link for kids to My Place with Jesus, a place to send prayer requests, and more. You can easily post the videos and information on your church website and/or share the updates from the My Way to Jesus Facebook page. Learn how.

January 20, 2016

Special Days

February Focus: Family Life

Feb. 6-27, Black History Month

Feb. 13, Christian Marriage Sabbath

Feb. 13, Health Ministries Sabbath

Feb. 13-20, Christian Home and Marriage Week

Feb. 20, Christian Parenting Sabbath


January Offerings
Jan. 23, Religious Liberty

February Offerings

Feb. 13, Adventist Television Ministries

Helpful Special Day Websites and Resources

Sample Offertory Readings (in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French)

Feb. 12, Marriage Vows: Living the Commitment

Feb. 17-20, Just Claim It Youth Prayer Conference

Feb. 19-20, Making Love Last – Married Couples’ Retreat

Feb. 24-28, GAiN – Global Adventist Internet Network Conference

Mar. 26, Safety Sabbath

Apr. 2-4, SONscreen Film Festival

Apr. 2-9, La Voz de la Esperanza NET via  Esperanza TV (in Spanish)

Apr. 3-8, Tour de Youth, “The Big Easy”

Apr. 16, 17, Day of Hope and Compassion

Apr. 18-21, Nonprofit Leadership Convention, Session 1

Apr. 24-27, HR Conference & Secretariat Council, Minneapolis, Minn.

Apr. 27-30, Your Best Pathway to Health/Los Angeles

Apr. 29 – May 1, Oregon Men’s Summit

May13-16, World Congress for Deaf & Deaf-Blind

July 21-23, Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice

Aug. 3-6, ASI 2016 Convention

Sept. 7-10, Adventist Community Services Convention, Gladstone, Ore.

Sept. 28-Oct., Health Summit Canada

Oct. 10-13, Nonprofit Leadership Convention, Session 2

Oct. 13-15, Society of Adventist Communicators Convention

Nov. 18-19, HE SAID GO Missions Conference


Jan. 8-11, 2017 – Adventist Ministries Convention, Tucson, AZ

Adventist World/

NAD Edition
January, 2016

NAD Feature: From Karachi to California, by Jane Allen Quevedo, p. 36

NAD News: Adventist Conducts Community Benefit Concert, Community Joins to Support Syrian Refugees, Craving God on Campus, p. 10

NAD Update: Called to Collaborate – Catching the vision of cooperative action, p. 14

NAD Perspective: The Path Ahead, by Daniel R. Jackson p.17

Daily Prayer Guide

Month of January, 2016:

Pray for the Atlantic Union, in which there are 579 churches and 116,252 members.

Jan. 17-23 – This week, please pray for the Northern New England Conference with 59 churches and 5,269 members.

Jan. 24-30 – This coming week, please pray for the Southern New England Conference with 116 churches and 17,471 members.

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© 2016 North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904

Dan Weber, communication director,

Julio Muñoz, associate director
Lynetta Murdoch, sr. editorial assistant

Email: newspoints@nad.adventist.org | Website: www.nadadventist.org/newspoints

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