We all know who FDR, JFK and LBJ were, but when was the last time you heard a leader identified using only initials? I, for one would like to reinstate the tradition.
I told myself it was important that I watch Barack Hussein Obama (hereinafter known as BHO) give his State of the Union Address Tuesday night. However, unlike virtually every other columnist in the land, I could not bring myself to watch or write about the self-indulgent, one hour, five minutes and seven seconds of promises, exaggerations and outright lies he dished out on Tuesday night.
Gary McCoy / Cagle Cartoons
Instead, I decided to look forward a couple of years, when the Marxist community-organizer-in-chief is out of office, hopefully replaced by a president who is willing to work to restore the union to its Constitutional roots.
Ever since BHO’s 2012 re-election, my “favorites” for 2016 have changed frequently. I was excited when PDR (Paul Davis Ryan) was tapped by WMR (Willard Mitt Romney) to be his running mate last time. However, PDR has made it abundantly clear that he supports amnesty for illegal aliens, thereby crossing himself off my list.
MAR (Marco Antonio Rubio) may be president someday, but like PDR, his support for amnesty has precluded my endorsement. Other than the need to repeal Obamacare, no other issue threatens our union more than this one.
The libertarian-leaning conservatism of RHP (Randal Howard Paul, more commonly known as “Rand”) seemed refreshing in the face of the soft tyranny oozing out of the BHO White House. But RHP endorsed his fellow Kentuckian, AMM (Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr., better known as “Mitch”) — not only for re-election to his senate seat but also to the position of Republican leader in that body. This despite the fact that a Tea Party-endorsed candidate is running against AMM in the Republican primary this year. I understand the political logic behind RHP’s decision, but am I the only person who remembers that AMM endorsed RHP’s opponent in Kentucky’s GOP primary in 2010?
In 2008, I was an enthusiastic supporter of MDH (Michael Dale Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas); and the only reason I voted for JSC (John Sydney McCain III) that year was because he put SLP (Sarah Louise Palin) on the ticket. Of course, MDH and SLP are being mentioned as possible candidates for 2016. Personally, I think it is unlikely either of them will jump in.
RJS (Richard John Santorum, former senator from Pennsylvania) and JRP (James Richard Perry, the outgoing governor of Texas) — both better known as “Rick” — may well run again. Neither is my first choice.
CJC (Christopher James Christie, the contentious but politically squishy governor of New Jersey), and JEB (John Ellis Bush, former governor of Florida and heir to the Bush family dynasty), are the two most likely “establishment” candidates — which is reason enough not to support them.
Which, for me, leaves two names: SKW (Scott Kevin Walker, governor of the state of Wisconsin), and REC (Rafael Edward Cruz, better known as “Ted,” currently the junior senator from Texas). At this juncture, those two — in that order — should comprise the Republican ticket in 2016.
SKW should be the GOP presidential nominee because he is a fiscal and social conservative who has proven that he can take on his political opponents — in a decidedly liberal state — and win. This is a Reaganesque quality conservatives have been seeking in a national leader for a long time. After failing to defeat him in the 2010 general election, the left ginned up a case against SKW and tried to have him recalled in 2012. When that failed, he became the most viable national leader his party has seen since the Gipper almost beat Gerald Ford in 1976.
REC should be on SKW’s ticket because, well, because he’s Ted Cruz — the most courageous conservative currently occupying a seat in the United States Senate.
By the way, the real reason I didn’t watch the SOTU speech is that, instead of spending the evening with BHO, I decided to spend it with TLP (Tyson Lee Patton, my 8-year-old grandson), a wonderful child who deserves a better future than the one he will have if the Marxist philosophy of this current regime prevails over the system handed down to us by the Founders more than two centuries ago.
© 2014 by Doug Patton – Doug describes himself as a recovering political speechwriter who agrees with himself more often than not. His weekly columns are syndicated by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. For more information on using this column contact Cari Dawson Bartley at cari@cagle.com. Readers are encouraged to email him at dpatton@cagle.com and/or to follow him on Twitter at @Doug_Patton.