
Each and every episode of Lucha Underground features maneuvers, quotes, outfits, props, scenes, and stories that deserve recognition. That is where the Tope 10 comes in. This list shows appreciation for the moments which are more exciting than a flying tope.

If you are new to the Lucha Underground scene, you can catch it Wednesdays at 8pm ET/PT on the El Rey Network or buy seasons one, two, and three on iTunes. See if El Rey is available in your area.

If you haven't had a chance to watch this week's episode yet, check out the preview, live blog & open thread, recap, highlight package, and the Weapons of Mass Destruction main event between Marty "The Moth" Martinez and Killshot.

10. "He's dead."

Caption this:#LuchaUnderground pic.twitter.com/O8TU8bHYa5

— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) September 16, 2016

Uttered by Beautiful Brenda with zero concern and a tinge of glee as Famous B checked Mascarita Sagrada's vitals after the match. Another funny line was, "He's like a little marshmallow." Poor Mascarita. One day he was her little cuddly bear, and now he is a chump.

And of course Brenda is dressed in a cheesy nurse outfit; being associated with a doctor and all. Those minor touches seem trivial, but they add value to the show overall.

9. Captain Vasquez's expression during the slap fight

Someone call Internal Affairs! #LuchaUnderground @TWC pic.twitter.com/O2cNywgqKJ

— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) September 15, 2016

Her deadpan look has no time for their nonsense.

8. Melissa Santos laughing during the main event introduction

A Weapons of Mass Destruction match is a ridiculous idea. Ridiculously awesome! But I can understand why it would be difficult to keep a straight face during that intro.

Speaking of Melissa's introductions, I noticed she said Mil Muertes hails from beyond the grave. I prefer mas alla de la tumba. The Spanish was a nice touch to connect with the lucha libre theme of the show. I'm not sure if this is the first time she changed it to English, or she did that transition long ago. I probably only noticed now, because Melissa didn't do the shoulder roll when announcing Catrina's name.

7. Camouflage net kick

Marty might want to keep that camo on after what Killshot just did to his teeth! #LuchaUnderground #WMD pic.twitter.com/Awmzm7u8Qi

— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) September 15, 2016

A wonderfully silly moment. It was like a cartoon. It is fitting that it happened to a buffoon like Marty.

6. Lick of Death

Tastes like heaven. #LickOfDeath #LuchaUnderground pic.twitter.com/DOIiJ4cgjA

— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) September 15, 2016

Even though this episode was enjoyable as a whole, it didn't have a ton of standout moments. Two squash matches can have that effect. But hey, the lick of death will always be deserving to fill a spot in a pinch. Lick, lick, lick... Lick.

5. Music

The score for the scenes was jamming for this particular episode. It opened with a funky groove and some sweet saxophone as the police crew listened to tape of Mr. Cisco's death. I also enjoyed the whistling desperado song in the scene where Dario Cueto graciously handed over some money to help Joey Ryan with child support. I like to pretend that El Mariachi Loco was in the corner playing that song live for Dario's enjoyment.

I'd like to see Lucha Underground release a soundtrack. I think they are missing the boat on some extra revenue. I admit that I am naive about these matters. I don't know how these things work. In my line of thinking, they already have the songs recorded and paid in full. Can't they slap together a collection and post it on iTunes with minimal out of pocket cost on their end?

4. "No, dude. That's the nut sack."

That line gave me a giggle. The eloquence of Vampiro struck again. Marty grabbed Killshot, and Vampiro play-by-played it as, "He just grabbed him by the nuts." Matt Striker tried to throw out a more family friendly version with,"By the grenades," but Vampiro could not be swayed as he gave the line in spot number four. Later on atop the ladder as Killshot returned the favor to Marty, Vampiro chimed in, "Nuts and headbutts. Only here in Lucha Underground, baby." Never change, Vampiro.

3. Tables powerbomb

Surrender isn’t on the table, but Killshot is. #LuchaUnderground #WMD @TWC pic.twitter.com/njSw8vRUtl

— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) September 15, 2016

A brutal maneuver in a brutal match. Cue Vampiro, "Bru-tal, bru-tal, bru-tal." The match also had a superplex onto storage containers, an Attitude Adjustment (?) on top of a hung up horizontal ladder, and Mariposa crashing through a table.

2. Piedra Immortal

Qué es? Oh, just a little amulet with power of seismic proportions. It is supposed to provide immortality to the little tribe girl when she becomes a woman. I love the amulet idea. It adds another layer of intrigue to the saga of war between the gods.

Flash forward to a scene of Captain Vasquez holding one half of the amulet. Mind blown! I sensed something fishy about Vasquez from the get-go, but I never expected her to be Aerostar's little buddy. Fast forward again to the end scene, and now we see Catrina holding the other half of the amulet. Mind blown again. It leaves us with a fantastic cliffhanger to find out the identity of the little girl? Is it Vasquez? Is it Catrina? Or will it be a new character that had her amulet stolen?

Between Vazquez and Catrina, I'm really hoping Catrina is the one. I've never trusted Vasquez. She has seemed shifty in all her scenes. Look at how she treated Castro during this episode. It would be tough for me to root for her side if she is indeed the hero of the series. A world run by Dario Cueto doesn't sound so bad. However, that limo lord does seem pretty creepy.

When they released the episode in the wee hours of the morn on iTunes, I planned to download it to watch the following day. Then I saw this blurb, "The power of an ancient Aztec amulet is revealed." I knew right then that I had to sacrifice sleep and watch the episode post haste. The amulet did not disappoint.

1. Ladder stomp

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! #LuchaUnderground #WMD pic.twitter.com/Lx9b5mSIWp

— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) September 15, 2016

Vicious and satisfying. A perfect way to end the feud.

In last week's poll, 23% of 134 votes wanted Johnny Mundo as the next feud for Rey Mysterio. King Cuerno was close behind with 20%. Chavo Guerrero was the only other person to get double digits with 10%.

How does this week's Tope 10 stack up to your list? Any favorites not included? If you were late to the viewing party, feel free to share your thoughts about anything in the episode. While waiting for next week, enjoy Zombie Shakespeare's artwork.

Soon. Soon. @LuchaElRey pic.twitter.com/ocAGyaLEca

— Zombie Shakespeare (@ZombieShakes) September 6, 2016

Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!


Do you trust Captain Vasquez?



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