
How to Pass CA CPT Exam in 1st Attempt / One Month. In previous post we have given CA CPT Audio Lectures and CA CPT Video Lectures for June 2015. Today we are providing How to Pass CA CPT Exam, How to Study, How to Improving Concentration, How to Develop a Good Memory, and Tips to pass CA CPT exam in first attempt easily.

How to Pass CA CPT Exam in First Attempt – How to Study

The purpose of studying the various subjects in the CA course by the students is to acquire adequate knowledge whether it is basic knowledge, working knowledge or expert knowledge, as the case may be, so as to perform well in the examination. As you sit comfortably in a serious learning mode and in a conducive study setting, you take up the first topic, consisting of say 5-10 or more pages in the subject of your choice for study. Give a quick reading in the first instance, size up its anatomy and warm yourself up for an intensive, in-depth study. As you study, understand the definitions of concepts, and highlight and note them down separately. You also have to analytically grasp and etch in your mind several aspects of discussion of the topic, for example:

Central theme and structure of the topic.

Various elements of the concepts and the underlying principles and assumptions.

Linkages among the concepts and their facets.

Similarities and differences among the concepts and processes.

Steps involved in the various processes.

Cause and effect relationship among the ideas and discussions.

Characteristic features of a situation.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

The questions asked in CPT are MCQs type. Each question carries one mark and has four given choices. The students are required to darken the correct choice (circle) with a pencil in the given OMR sheet provided in the examination. The original test paper along with OMR sheet is to be

returned before leaving the examination hall.

Passing Marks –

Beginning June 2013, a candidate for the Common Proficiency Test shall be declared to have passed the test if he obtains at one sitting a minimum of thirty per cent marks in each section (subject) and a minimum of fifty per cent marks in the aggregate of all the sections, subject to the principle of negative marking [(% (one fourth) mark shall continue to be deducted for each wrong answer and multiple darkened circles for a question will also be treated as wrong answer]. Accordingly, the minimum marks required in each section and in the aggregate in all sections of CPT as per the revised passing requirements will be as under:-

In other words, it is clarified that if a candidate secures a minimum of 50 per cent marks in the aggregate but fails to secure the minimum marks required in any one or more of the sections A, B, C or D (as mentioned above), his result will be FAIL. Similarly, if a candidate secures a minimum of 30 per cent marks in each section but fails to secure 50 per cent marks in the aggregate of all sections, his result will be FAIL.

Negative Marking –

For each correct answer, the students are awarded one mark and for a wrong answer students lose .25 mark.

How to Pass CA CPT Exam – Improving Concentration

Study in a quiet place that is free from distractions and interruptions. Try to create a space designated solely for studying.

Make a study schedule that shows what tasks you need to accomplish and when you plan to accomplish each task. This will provide you with the structure you need for effective studying.

Try to study at that time of the day you work best. Some people work well early in the morning, others late at night. You know what works best for you.  how to pass ca cpt

Make sure, you are not tired and/or hungry when you study. Otherwise, you won’t have the energy you need to concentrate. Also, maintain your physical fitness.

Don’t try to do two tasks at the same time. You won’t be able to concentrate on either. Concentration means focusing on one thing to the exclusion of all else.

Break large tasks into series of smaller tasks that you can complete one at a time. If you try to complete a large task all at once, you may feel overwhelmed and will not be able to maintain your concentration.

Relax; it’s hard to concentrate when you’re tense. It’s important to relax when working on a task that requires concentration. Meditation is helpful to many students.

Clear your mind of worrisome thoughts. Mental poise is important for concentration. You can get distracted by your own thoughts. Monitor your thoughts and prevent yourself from following any that take you off track. Don’t daydream.

Develop an interest in what you are studying. Try to relate what you are studying to your own life to make it as meaningful as possible. This can motivate you to concentrate.

Take breaks whenever you feel fatigued. There is no set formula for when to take breaks. You will know when you need to take a break.

Studying without concentration is like trying to fill a bucket with water when the bucket has a hole in its bottom. It doesn’t work.

How to Pass CA CPT Exam – Developing a Good Memory

Concentration of mind in intensive learning helps the student to quickly comprehend the study matter to the required extent, as also to remember it on a durable basis for purposes of presentation and communication at the appropriate occasion. In other words, it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. There are a few simple ways to improve one’s memory skill, which are listed below:

Intensive Practice

The students should have a high degree of patience for repetitively solving practical problems in the concerned subjects so that the whole mechanics of tackling and processing any type of problems get printed in their mind. They will be highly comfortable in the examination hall in attempting practical questions. So far as theoretical questions are concerned, remembering various portions of studies is possible, if they make several quick readings and revisions after the first round of intensive learning.

Be Well-organized

If a student prepares systematic notes on all the topics and keeps them in an orderly manner and refers to them frequently, his/her ability to remember the structure of the matter will be good. The process of recalling from the memory in the examination will be easy.


This is an easy and popular method of sharpening one’s memory power. You observe a small scene, a set of things at a place, the titles of books in a small book rack, the headings on the first page of a newspaper etc. for a very short while, then close your eyes and recall what you have observed and read, count how many items you were able to recall. Sharpening the power of observation by regular practice is one way to sharpen one’s memory power also.

Group Discussion

As stated earlier, formation of study circles and study groups for purposes of collective study and discussion are a powerful means of improved learning. Serious discussions and intensive exchange of views and insights on the things learnt, as also collective solution of practical problems are important ways of remembering various theoretical and practical topics.

Schematic Presentation

Another technique for improving memory is through use of tables, bullet points, diagrams, flow charts, circles etc. relating to the main contents of the subject matter. In addition, the formation of the memory codes by choosing key words and characters from the text contents will assist in easy recall in the examinations and to improve memory power.

Other Tips to Pass CA CPT Exam in First Attempt

Develop Deep Love, Interest and Respect for Learning

This is a matter of emotions and attitudes. Most students are in love with something or the other. So is the case with interest and respect. They respect their parents and other elders, teachers and other well-wishers. Similarly, they can be presumed to have a few interests or hobbies, capacity for emotions like love, interest and respect are thus in the blood of most humans, including students. Thus, with a little effort, it should be possible for students to develop a deep love, interest and respect for their studies and different subjects. It is only a matter of extending the above mentioned emotions to studies which are in fact more critical than everything else for their survival and success in life.

Keep your Mind Open and Healthy

Our mind has an enormous capacity for absorbing knowledge, ideas and information. Therefore, one should not foreclose any opportunity for learning new things or relearning already known matters. Students, especially, should be receptive and responsive to acquire the required amount of knowledge. An open, receptive and healthy mind is a prerequisite for concentration on studies. A regular meditation for a few minutes may help the student to train the mind to remain cool, calm, clean and clear.

Keep yourself Physically Fit

Physical fitness and health are one of the essential pre-requisites for concentration on studies, as for any other activities. If you are physically fit, your mind will also be alert and active. The secret of keeping oneself physically fit and healthy is very simple: eat healthy and energy-giving food in moderate quantity at regular intervals. Do regular physical exercises including Yoga Asanas, brisk walking or jogging, deep breathing etc. for a brief period daily. These exercises will also help reduce your physical and mental strain and stress and maintain your equilibrium.

Need for Relaxation and Recreation

The mind should not be kept too busy all the time, whether on studies or something else. It is necessary to allow the mind to liberate itself from serious matters for a while at regular intervals; relaxation, rest and recreation are like rich food for mind since they infuse the much needed energy and freshness. There are several ways to experience relaxation and recreation: sleeping, deep breathing, watching useful educational programmes on TV, reading light novels and other general books, playing with children, early morning walk, visits to uncrowded places of worship etc. However, each student has his own concept of relaxation and recreation.

Read Study Material Thoroughly

The study material would help you to develop a strong conceptual base. They give you the parameters within which you have to study. Make it a habit of going through them thoroughly as these will enable to understand the basic concepts of the subjects and develop your ability in understanding different concepts and applications. Besides, refer to one standard text book if need be and solve all the illustrations and problems therein. This will further build your conceptual clarity of a particular subject and strengthen your problem solving skills.

Practice, Practice and Practice

Practice makes a man perfect. Students must practice as much as possible. Many students start practicing from various books without first understanding the subject and the concepts involved. This approach is absolutely wrong. You need to make your base first and then start practicing. The MCQs given at the end of each chapter and Model Test Papers will be of great help to you in this regard. The more you practice, the better engraved will be concepts in your mind. Don’t indulge in selective reading; no part of the syllabus is less important and leaving any portion could be fatal. how to pass ca cpt

Develop Your Learning Style

Be familiar with your learning style. Everyone learns in different ways. If you know your own learning style, then you have the capability to observe others. Discuss alternatives with friends or with fellow students you might be surprised at what you find out. Armed with these insights, challenge yourself to try some new tricks. Once you understand the style in which you most effectively learn, you will experience the most enjoyable and welcome feeling that of being in control. how to pass ca cpt

Stay Focused

It should be clear from the above that CA examinations are qualitatively different and more demanding than the Graduate and Undergraduate examinations conducted by the Universities. The attitudes and approaches of CA students to their educational training should accordingly be distinctly professional.

After committing oneself to an early start, students should take a good look at the syllabus for each subject and understand the major aim, theme, level of knowledge expected and the contents. They may jot down what they understand of the syllabus in the relevant file. A careful survey of the syllabus and study material contents will enable the student to size up, on a rough basis, the total magnitude of study task to be completed within the allocated time for each subject with a compulsory provision for adequate revision, two or three times, before the examination.

It needs to be emphasized that there are no magic formulae, quick-fix solutions or soft shortcuts for passing CA examinations or any other examination. Students would be well-advised to examine the suggestions with a critical, open-minded perspective and follow those which they judge to be nearer to their head and heart.

Make goals: long/medium and short term and stick to them.

Make a time table depending upon your aptitude and the time available.

Maintain a strict regimen of study.

Understanding the fundamental concepts is more important than making notes.

Cut out disturbing factors like TV, Internet, mobile phones etc.

Take short break after each hour of study.

How to Pass CA CPT Exam in One Month Easily

Revise and Review

It is very important to study the reading materials at least 3 to 4 times. This would include:

First Reading –

This will be more like a novel reading to gain overview;

Second Reading –

This will be in-depth study where concepts emerge; and

Third Reading –

This will be very intensive reading to fully understand the concept and to underline important points to be revised on examination day.

Attempt Model Test Papers

Model Test Papers are an essential tool as they help you understand the pattern of questions. Practice with as many different papers as are available. Try to arrange mock examination test on your own. Give yourself time to read through the questions before you start working out how much time you can allocate to each one. And set the same strict time limit for the whole paper, from start to finish, as the original examination allowed. It is hoped that this practice will do wonders in the preparation for your actual examination.

Time Management

A judicious management of time is a must as preparation needs to be sustained for long. This is quite challenging and calls for a very intelligent strategy to handle. Reach examination hall well in time. Plan your time so that equal time is awarded for each mark. Keep sometime for revision as well.

Mock Test Papers

Do attempt the Mock Tests conducted by the BOS through Regional Councils and branches of the Institute.

Self Assessment Quiz

A number of On – Line Self Assessment Quizzes are also hosted on Institute’s Website to enable students of Common Proficiency Course to make a self assessment of their preparation. There are three formats:

All Subjects Online Self Assessment Quiz – This Online Quiz enables Students make a Self Assessment of their preparation for All Subjects together, as in the actual examination.  how to pass ca cpt

Subject Wise Self Assessment Quiz – This Online Quiz enables Students make a Self Assessment of their preparation of each of the subjects (viz., Fundamentals of Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude) of the CPC.

Chapter Wise Quiz – This Online Quiz enables Students make a Self Assessment of their preparation of each of the subjects (viz., Fundamentals of Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude) of the CPC.

Moment of Reckoning: Attempting CPT

Following points deserve a special mention:

Avoid coming late for the examination. how to pass ca cpt

Relax before the examination; mind works well when it is in a relaxed state.

Attempt those questions first which you are confident about.

Read the question very carefully before you look at the answer.

Always bear in mind that all questions carry equal marks: hence no need to waste time in attempting difficult and time taking questions first.

Sometimes, choices given in the examination are very close and confusing, so while attempting the question carefully read all the choices before marking your answer.  how to pass ca cpt

Don’t ever resort to unfair and objectionable means during the examination time like consulting reading material or other students, trying to peep into other’s answer books etc., which may land you into trouble. A decent and dignified behaviour by each one of you will enhance the esteem and image of the entire CA student community.

Carefully read the Institute’s rules and instructions on examination and comply with them.

Do not make any distinguishing mark/appeal in the paper. how to pass ca cpt

Do not panic. Coolly attempt all questions and under no circumstance leave the hall in between.

A Word of Caution –

A critical assessment of the performance of the students shows that they have not been very sincere and strategic with regard to the various papers in the examinations. However, the following points should serve as a warning to CA students:

The depth of the knowledge of a large number of students is shallow and is based on short notes, booklets and oral education provided in the coaching classes in various parts of the country.

A large number of students failed to study the “latest edition” of the Institute’s study material and other materials relevant to the subject. It is a must to read the Institute’s material at least 3 to 4 times and undertake practical solution for ensuring success.

It may be noted that the Institute is committed to ensure that only those students, whose concepts are clear and who know practical application of the concepts and laws in various situations, clear the examination.

There is no substitute to self study and unless all the theoretical and practical portions of the syllabus are gone through, success cannot be guaranteed.

An attempt has been made in the preceding paragraphs to explain to students the kind and quality of things they have to do to prepare for and perform well in CA examinations. The purpose of explaining all this is simple. It is to help students understand that passing the CA examination is within easy reach of all CA students. The road to success is straight and smooth no sharp bends, no craters, no booby-traps and not even red lights. Students have the desired amount of intellectual and professional potential for achieving early success. The educational and training inputs and other support services provided to the students by the Institute are more than adequate to prepare themselves for and fare well in the examinations.

Logically, when everything in the CA environment is so propitious and promising, why does it elude a large number of CA students? There must be a missing link and that is none other than the quality and content of preparation, presentation and performance required of CA students for success. The suggestions, hints and tips, given in this booklet represent a modest effort to guide the students to recover the missing link and to re-discover themselves. It is hoped that they will do both and enjoy the sweet scent of success in CA examinations and later in their professional career.

Subject-specific Guidance


How to Prepare CA CPT Fundamentals of Accounting

The objective of the paper is to develop conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of financial accounting system. The study material is divided in thirty one topics comprising nine chapters based on the curriculum.

The topics have been arranged in the sequence which will help the students to understand the complete accounting cycle. Chapters 1 to 5 lay emphasis on book-keeping aspects of accounting whereas chapter 6 deals with preparation of financial statements of sole proprietors. Chapter 7 covers accounting for special transactions like consignment, joint ventures, bills of exchange and sale of goods on approval basis which can be entered into by different forms of business entities viz., sole proprietary concerns, partnership firms or companies. Chapter 8 discusses accounting of partnership firms and chapter 9 explains basic concepts of company accounts.

As one is aware, at CPT level multiple choice questions are being asked; therefore, lot of multiple choice questions have been provided at the end of each chapter/unit which will help students in appearing Common Proficiency Test. 30 Model Test Papers in two volumes are being published and provided to the students along with the study material. These Model Test Papers will also serve as a useful and handy reference guide to students while preparing for CPT. These papers will also enhance the understanding of the students about the pattern of questions set and the manner of answering such questions within the given time.

The knowledge gained from thorough study should be translated in the form of comprehensive but concise notes. The conceptual knowledge underlying different topics may be digested within minimum time and minimum efforts with the help of these notes, without going through a number of books again. A summary of tricky points and adjustments gathered from the practice of various good illustrations may be prepared which will help in grasping the intricate practical aspects of accounting topics.

Some essential and desirable attributes of good examination preparation and performance are outlined as follows:

(a) Finger-tip knowledge of fundamentals of Accounting is a must. Students are expected to be thorough with the basics of accounting and their application to various practical situations.

(b) In-depth conceptual understanding of all the topics of the subject: Generally accepted accounting principles and accounting formulas form part of the conceptual background, apart from specific concepts integral to various accounting topics.



Mercantile Laws, an escalating subject comprising laws of practical importance in the modern business world. Hence the study of Mercantile Laws has been given a high priority to the students aspiring to become Chartered Accountants, having the knowledge of those legal frameworks, which is persuading the business transactions. The Laws governing various aspects relating to business are not only numerous but are also complex. To cater the requirements of the hopeful Chartered Accountants the syllabus of the Mercantile Laws is comprising of three chapters -the Indian Contract Act, 1872, the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 and the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. Introduction of Mercantile Laws at this level is done with a hope that it will set a good base for understanding the gradation of trade and commerce. It is necessary for the people engaged in economic and commercial activity to accustom themselves with the general principles of the basic Mercantile Laws.

Syllabus Coverage

This paper of Mercantile Laws contains the fundamental principles of the subject and presents an inclusive, coordinated, cohesive and accurate description of its statutory provisions in a lucid style. To make reading interesting and easily understandable, every complicated provision is explained with the help of illustrations, diagrams and comparisons. The syllabus is consists of three chapters carrying a total weightage of 40 marks. Chapter 1, the Indian Contract Act, 1872 is further categorized into 6 units covering Section 1- 75 dealing with the general principles of the law of contract. Chapter 2, the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 comprises of 4 units related to the law of sale of goods. Chapter 3, the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 sub-divided into 3 units dealing with law relating to partnership. The objective behind including of this paper in a Chartered Accountancy course is ‘to test the general comprehension of elements of Mercantile Laws’.

A word on subject coverage from examination perspective

In Law, students should prepare themselves well enough to be able to understand conceptually the legal provisions. Importance should be given to understand the basic concepts/definitions and analyzing the contents of the definition. Students should also refer the Bare Acts of the relevant

statutes along with the study material and Model Test Papers. This habit of introducing oneself with the Bare Acts should be started from CPT level in order to get a better understanding of the provisions with sound conceptual clarity supported by illustrations. Reading of leading case laws, if any, should form part of your reading for enhanced knowledge which will prove to be fruitful in the next level of CA Course.

The content of the chapters are as under:

The Indian Contract Act, 1872

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 is one of the oldest laws in the Indian law regime, passed by the legislature of pre-independence India. The statute contains essential principles for formation of contract. The Law of contract is said to be part of “Private Law”. It contains number of principles subject to which the parties may create rights and duties for themselves. Hence a contract is voluntary and requires an exercise of the will of the parties. This statute has been incorporated in the CA-course because this is the law which forms the foundation upon which the superstructure of modern business is built. And also this furnishes the basis for the other branches of Mercantile Laws such as enactment related to sales of goods, negotiable instruments, partnership, etc. are all founded upon the general principles of contract law.

This chapter is divided into 6 units.

Major topics to focus

The topics to be more focused from examination perspective are as follows:

The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

The Law relating to this statute was earlier contained in the Chapter VII of the Indian Contract Act,1872. Subsequently, it was separated and came into force on the 1st of July 1930 as the Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930. In due course, the word “Indian” was omitted by the Indian Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act, 1963 (33 of 1965) and it became “The Sale of Goods Act, 1930”.

This Act lays down special provisions governing the contract of sale of goods but it does not altogether render the general law of contract inapplicable. The provisions of the Contract Act, in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of Sales of Goods Act, shall apply to contracts for the sale of goods, e.g., provisions regarding the capacity of parties, legality of contract, etc. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 deals with the ‘sale’ but not with ‘mortgage’ or ‘pledge’, which comes within the purview of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 and the Indian Contract Act, 1872 respectively. The Act deals with ‘goods’ but not with all movable properties e.g. actionable claims and money. Provisions relating to sale of immovable property and the transfer of actionable claims are contained in the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

This chapter is divided into four units.

Major topics to focus

The topics to be more focused from examination perspective are as follows:

The Indian Partnership Act, 1932

One of the forms in which business can be carried on is partnership, where two or more persons join together to form the partnership and run the business. In order to govern and guide partnership, the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, was enacted. In human relations often misunderstandings crop up; if any misunderstanding crops up in a partnership amongst its partners, the continuity of the partnership may become doubtful. Since, public at large would be dealing with the partnership as customers, suppliers, creditors, lenders, employees or any other capacity, it is also very important for them to know the legal consequences of their transactions and other actions in relation with the partnership where no one person is the owner of the business and, therefore, exclusively responsible.

The law relating to partnership in India which is contained in Indian Partnership Act (IX of 1932) is concerned party with the rights and duties of partners between themselves and party with the legal relations between partners and third persons, which flow or are incidental to the formation of a partnership. (Thus the act not only determines the rights and duties of a partner in relation to the partnership business as also against other partners; it clearly establishes the position of a partner as well as partnership firm vis-a-vis third parties, in legal and contractual relationships arising out of and in the course of business of the firm). It may be described as a branch of law relating to principal and agent since every partner is in contemplation of law the general and accredited agent of the partnership.

This chapter is divided into 3 units.

Major topics to focus

The topics to be more focused from examination perspective are as follows:

How to Plan CA CPT Exam – Tips

Since the level of knowledge required at this level for the subject is ‘basic knowledge’ and the objective is to test the general comprehension of elements of mercantile laws, First of all, students shall try to have an overview of the chapter to understand the broad contents and sequence of various sub-topics. Read each chapter slowly to ensure that you understand and assimilate the main concept. If need be, read once again with concentration and then try to attempt multiple type objective questions at the end of the chapter or given in the Model Test Paper. Recapitulate the main concept after going through each chapter by way of brief notes.

Thus following is the steps for the preparation- After reading every chapter in the respective Act, students should familiarize,

1. With various definitions and their meaning

2. With various legal terminologies

3. With comparison of various terms

4. By solving objective type questions and compare them with the study material.

Students should also go through the Bare Acts and read the relevant statutes and examine the illustrations and case laws provided under various definitions. The subject then looks interesting facilitating your better understanding.

Handling of Paper

Students should note that the Common Proficiency Test consists of multiple objective type questions and the paper relating to Mercantile Laws carries 40 marks. Where the question is objective in nature, there is only one correct answer for such question. Along with one correct option, three more options, resembling the correct option, are given. Sometimes many of the questions are asked negatively, rather than directly.

For example, “One of the following is not a characterstic of a partnership firm”. To answer such a question, the student must not only know what are the characterstics of a partnership firm but also have knowledge of other forms of organisation, such as ,Sole Proprietary, Joint Stock Company, Hindu Undivided Family etc.

In some questions, one of the options may be either “None of these” or “All of the above”. Students cannot use an easy trick to answer such questions or make a rough guess, simply by selecting one of the options as the answer. In such a situation, a student cannot score for a question without being fully aware of the provisions of the concerned law.

Word of advice

Passing exams is partly a matter of intellectual ability, but however accomplished you are in that respect you can improve your chances significantly by the use of appropriate study and revision techniques.



Economics is considered to be the mother of all the social sciences. Therefore, an adequate knowledge of Economics is prerequisite for understanding any branch of social science be it commerce or management. Economics, therefore, has always been a part of the curricula of Chartered Accountancy course in India.

In the present course, it is being taught and tested at CPT level. This paper contains two sections, viz.

(i) Micro Economics &

(ii) Indian Macro Economic Environment.

The objective is to develop basic understanding of concepts of Economics and the framework of the Indian economy within which the commerce and trade of the country are functioning.

The following suggestions will enable the students to prepare the subject of Economics well and tackle the paper effectively with confidence:

One should thoroughly study the subject from the relevant study material provided by the Institute. It is advisable to make concise and comprehensive notes which could be referred at the time of final preparation. This way, the subject will get full imprinted in one’s mind.

At the end of each chapter an umpteen number of MCQs have been given. After reading each chapter, solve these questions to test your knowledge.

Economics is a subject, which involves lots of graph work. It is not enough if the student merely looks at the graphs/diagrams in the study or books but should himself develop the diagrams on the basis of explanation given. This way, he will understand the logic behind the diagram.

Another important feature of Economics is that it involves lots of Statistical data. It may be difficult to remember all such data exactly. But since it is MCQs based question paper students need to learn and remember such data. They should note all such data on a paper and should evolve some technique to learn such data especially important ones and the recent ones.

Test yourself by solving the model test papers under examination conditions.

Besides, you should regularly read some economic daily.


The basic objective of this paper is to make a student understand important quantitative tools and their elementary application to business problems.

The entire study material has been written in a simple and easy understandable language. A number of examples and illustrations have been incorporated in each chapter to explain various concepts. This will help the students to understand the entire topic in an easy manner. A reasonably good question bank included in the study material will help the students to prepare for the CPT examination.

The problems have been illustrated systematically Students may attempt self-examination questions, which are given at the end of each chapter, after having complete understanding of the discussions made in the chapter and problems worked out therein. Do not skip discussions/ worked out problems until the rationale of the methodology followed is clear.

Should you face difficulty during the course of preparation, spare more time, tune yourself slowly with the given steps for better understanding of concepts, and techniques in solving the problems. Competence in these subjects can be achieved by mere practice in a regular manner. You are required to develop confidence of solving problems on your own.

Taking assistance should be the last resort to solve a problem. If you seek help needlessly either from a teacher or a classmate, you will not gain much benefit. The real learning lies in doing yourself.

Do not get frustrated if a topic or problem completely puzzles you. If you do not seem to be making much head-way after working on a problem, put it aside, and tackle it later with fresh mind. To supplement your preparation, it is right approach to solve the Model Test Papers brought out by the Board of Studies.

The post How to Pass CA CPT Exam in One Month – Preparation Tips appeared first on CA CMA CS Club.

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