
Note: We did not edit these photos. These are photos she has of herself on the internet.

In our last article, we stepped into Kooky Land and pointed out how Chris Pringle decided to invite the whacky Caroline Leaf to speak at C3’s annual Every Woman’s Conference.

One commentor highlighted some other popular home-grown kooks down here in Australia.

I’m afraid that they missed out on a few ‘locals’ though:

1. False apostle Katherine Rounala of GG fame (NAR) (www.katherineruonala.com) and (http://www.glorycitychurch.com.au/)

2. Then there’s Amanda Wells (who claims to be a prophet and a business coach , and all at the same time – quite a juggling act, if you ask me) (http://wellsministries.com.au/site/about-amanda/) and then last, but by no means least:

3. Faylene Sparks (formerly Faylene Hill of COC/SOP pedigree, now independent “prophetess”) (http://www.faylenesparkesministries.com/bio/)

I just thought that I’d mention a few more names – I wouldn’t want them to feel left out… not from a line up like that one… [Source]

One name that stood out to us is the notorious Airbrush Amanda Wells.


Putting it bluntly, Amanda Wells is as legitimate as a three dollar bill. Her prophecies are fake, her stories and testimonies are not often true. And more importantly, she lies and blasphemes God to further her own selfish ambitions.

Why are we calling her Airbrushed Amanda? Well we originally found Wells’ marketing gimmicks hilariously bad. Her marketing schemes and cheap looking adverts gave us the idea of calling her AmWay AmWells. However, we didn’t think that was fair to Amway. Similarly to her airbrushed adverts, Wells conveniently airbrushes prophecies, events and her troublesome past out of existence.

Self proclaimed airbrushed Amanda Wells advertising herself.

Why are we focusing on Amanda on C3 Church Watch?

One thing that professional frauds in ministry attract are other juvenile frauds. People like Amanda look at the professional gimmicks and try to pull them off in their own unique ministries. Just as Phil Pringle and Brian Houston parade themselves as motivational speakers and prophets, so does Amanda. Just as Phil Pringle and Brian Houston preach their life stories, so does Amanda. Just as they lie and distort scripture to sell their products (Phil Pringle – his art, Brian Houston – his music), so does Amanda. Similar to how Houston and Pringle dabble in NAR, WoF and Prosperity heresy, so too does Airbrushed Amanda.

You get the idea. With this kind of culture in the C3 and Hillsong movements, an Amanda Wells type of person is bound to arise and embody the nature of these cultures.

The only difference is Amanda does it badly. Once you analyse her cheap gimmick-driven sermons and 24/7 info-mercial ministry, you will notice how Phil Pringle and Brian Houston pull off similar tricks with only more intelligence, skill, money and professionalism. Even though Airbrushed Amanda may imitate Brian Houston’s motivational gimmick style, she appears to fit the glove of Pringle more. This is because both Wells and Pringle amplify their prophetic office to control people and conveniently airbrush their dodgy past out of existence. Not to mention, both Wells and Pringle sell anointed products, beat up people relentlessly over tithing and lay divine judgments or curses on people that oppose them.

Furthermore, one growing trend in the church is the idea that leaders and pastors can also be a “Business Coach” and “Life Coach” to the rest of Christendom. While these offices are not biblical offices, we see this trend not only with Amanda Wells but also key figures in the C3 movement. One such woman is Amanda Antcliff, wife of Pat Antcliff.


On amandaantcliff.com, she writes,

Amanda Antcliff

Amanda Antcliff lives on the beautiful northern beaches of Sydney, Australia, with her husband, Patrick and their two children, Jacinta and Tyler. Her church home for twenty years has been C3 Church; where she is on the pastoral team and is a trainer at the C3 College, which her husband oversees. For two years Amanda lived in Cebu city in the Philippines where she and her husband pastored a church. They are now involved in planting C3 churches in Asia and Africa.

Amanda and Patrick have established four successful businesses. In 2006, Amanda began her own life coaching business, Your Cafe Coach and it was relaunched in 2011 as My Personal Coach. In 2008 her book, Women Rising, was published in Australia, and in 2010 in the USA. In recent years Amanda has regularly presented ‘Doses of Inspiration’ on the TV show Positive Hits. Amanda also speaks both nationally and internationally at churches, conferences, bible colleges and in various business settings.

Her Values: ‘I value my family, my friends and my faith. I cherish life and see it as a gift to be embraced and treasured. I value personal growth and desire to maximize my own potential and purpose – and to help others realize theirs. Commitment, courage, integrity, generosity, hard work, faithfulness, creativity and adventure, are all virtues I value highly.’

Her Life Purpose: ‘My purpose may be summarized in one word and it is to STIR! It means to arouse, to awaken and to agitate. My personal mission is to stir in other people their God given dreams, desires, talents and passions … and see them motivated to action.’

Her Style: ‘I like the balance of personal and professional – my aim is excellence with warmth. What I preach, teach or coach I have applied to my own life. My aim is to speak words that are insightful, guiding, supportive and motivating. My desire is to impart a spirit which will inspire others to courageously fulfill their purpose and their call.’

Source: Amanda Antcliff, meet amanda, Amanda Antcliff, http://www.amandaantcliff.com/pages/meet-amanda.php, Accessed 09/11/2014.


Pat Antcliff is the C3 College Principal. On the C3 College website he writes,

Pat Antcliff

Lives that make a difference can’t be lived like everyone else.

People who want to be fruitful in the service of God, need to be prepared. At C3 College that is what we’re passionate about, that is what we do!

We teach students the knowledge and skill they need to serve God with excellence. Our trainers are current, fruitful practitioners in leadership, creative ministry, youth ministry, children’s ministry, pastoral care and other key areas of local church.

Our specialist ministry and leadership skills are built on a firm foundation of biblical and theological understanding and Spirit empowerment – but our training doesn’t stop here. Lives that make a difference have strong character and well formed Kingdom motivations, attitudes and convictions.

The mentoring and discipleship that happen at C3 College build these areas of a person’s life. Thousands of our graduates around the world are living extraordinary lives serving God. Anything worthwhile has a price tag; however, the rewards for paying the price to prepare yourself to serve God are eternal.

Source: Pat Antcliff, C3 College, http://c3college.com/leadership-ministry/leadership-lecturers/pat-antcliff/, Accessed 02/11/2014.

The phrase that stood out to us was, “Our specialist ministry and leadership skills are built on a firm foundation of biblical and theological understanding and Spirit empowerment”. Also, “Lives that make a difference have strong character and well formed Kingdom motivations, attitudes and convictions.“

Obviously as the Principal of the C3 College, Pat Antcliff and Amanda Antcliff do not apply to Pat’s own standard above. Why?


This is from Amanda Wells back in her Master Class days.

What she is doing in this video is reading from her work below. This is from Amanda Wells website (before she pulled it down).

What is worth noting is her webinar engagement is on the 16th of November “with Ps Amanda Anticliffe C3 Sydney“. So it appears C3 Church leadership and college lecturers know of Amanda Wells and see her as a legitimate Christian minister. That should speak volumes in regards to the Christian character and poor quality of education at C3 and it’s colleges.

To get an idea of airbrushed Amanda’s ministry of gimmickry, read the below article.

Amanda’s November news

Hope this finds everyone doing wonderfully well as we are now coming up to Christmas!

It has been a great year and I am excited with all that’s been happening! I spent some days in Sydney at the Asian Pacific Conference and although totally full on it was an amazing time with so many pastors and leaders from our Asian Pacific Nations and the worship was amazing!
Then I was back down to Sydney for CRE8 Sydney, a 2 day Business Conference. I was a key speaker with Distinguished Prof Graham Clarke Laureate, the creator of the bionic ear. I had the privilege of spending one hour with this humble man and ask him one on one questions I wouldn’t get to normally ask!

It was an amazing 2 days, full on and I made so many kingdom connections with business men and women from all over Australia. This conference was certainly a highlight! I then came home for 36 hours and flew down to Sydney again for another 2 days.

The last 42 days have been nothing less than awesome … Let me explain!

The Lord had spoken to me to start to train people, and so many of my products have been turned now into workbook manuals with CD/ DVDʼs, you can see on the website the new stock. I am now also in the process of putting these manuals into E-books for purchase online and also my CDʼs and DVDʼs as podcasts for purchase also.

Not only that, but I started a coaching course called, ʻPassion to Process to Product in 90 Daysʼ and the testimonyʼs have been unbelievable.

I have a passion to leave a legacy where I can inspire a whole lot of people to an authentic walk with Jesus Christ, and to fulfill the unique call that is on their life, that they would not have experienced had I not connected with them.

Or you could say my mission is that when I touch a life I can make the call of God more possible, credible, fun, and inspirational.

This course is all about creating sparring partners to make us sharper!


If you are not fulfilling your assignment, then you are fulfilling someone elseʼs and although we are all created to serve, we must always remember we all have an assignment that was commissioned just for us personally, and we must complete it.

Each one of us are hard wired to excel and to manifest something extraordinary in the universe. When we are clear about what you want to show up in our life or the assignment on our life, then we have the power to attract it.

To do this we must begin to be intentional, so as to make things manifest in our lives.

This is called CONVERGENCE!!! Where our passion plus gifts, talents and abilities come together, or converge together to move us into our God given assignment and purpose

We are in WAR!! This new war is a financial one! The world is in crisis, our families, our finances, but each of us have within us the solution to every problem that presents itself, even before it arrives.

We were given a land of promise, its not an etherial land, its real and in it are things we can use to create wealth/ weapons in this new war, BUT so many have not done what Joel 3 v 10 says ʻ beat your plowshares into swordsʼ, and the reason is because we have not recognised we are in a new season & every new season needs new implements! We are no longer in the age of agriculture but sadly were still being taught ʻold modelsʼ!

So I have designed a mentoring program for you, where you will be in a position after 90 days to recognise your passion and FOCUS, with great CLARITY, and the BEST solution that will help you QUICKLY reach your GOALS and DREAMS, and create the PRODUCT that will put you on the way to creating wealth

Youʼll have access to our core, foundational training material to help you elevate your success to the next level. You will also have access to some of the greatest PEAK PERFORMERS today. Those in marketing, business, accountants, strategic thinkers, those in commodities, personal developers and more…..

What does the 90 days include?

Weekly modules to accelerate your assignment…

Video teachings, audio teachings In- depth questions for you to answer that will help move you into your assignment and out of a boring existence Weekly Webinars with opportunities to be in the ʻhot seatʼ Power call phone calls to answer questions…

You will be helped to start a business, or investments, to find your niche market Only 20 places every 90 days so you and I will work alongside each other.

Still not convinced???

You should consider this an investment, and a wise investment at that! It is not just listening to a CD, but this is training, and you have a personal trainer to help you get into peak condition, so you finish the race as a peak performer!

What Students Are Saying?

“Just the first week has really been an amazing week…” -John

“I have had so many creative ideas in the first week, most are in the development of different aspects utilizing current and newly acquired intellectual knowledge for profit through the internet including eBook production and video marketing. And another idea from this week is for a new ministry website…” – Karen

“It’s only been 3 weeks and the transformation in my mind is incredible. My mind has never stopped working as creative ideas come to me almost like a stream flowing. My husband even said, honey you are talking about too many ideas can you stop and chose which ever you really like….ha, ha….As I listened to the podcasts later guess I canʼt sleep, my mind has gone to work right away and I created a marketing plan for one of those creative ideas that came to me…”  – Karen Y

Examples of Modules:

Finding your passion & Converging your gifts/ talents and abilities and producing personal mastery to produce wealth, Charity + Enterprise. Modules on, How to hear God, personality profiling, how to be a great leader & work & lead a team, the right business for you, how to develop a great business plan & a marketing plan, investing, branding, joint ventures, how to use social media & how to reprogram your mind to think and attract wealth and so much more!!!!

Our aim in the 90 days is to walk with you hand in hand. We only have a limited number of students at a time and it is so I can guide you and coach you along the way. Each week we have podcasts and webinars of people who are kingdom enforcers, these ‘experts’ I get on are actually transforming society. From the worlds largest Diamond Dealers/ Traders who belong to the worlds biggest bourses, and another expert who owns 2 airlines, 2 gold mines and is transforming Papua through Charity + Enterprise. Another is a property developer and business owner, who at the age of 68 invented a kitchen appliances and now Apps for iphone. Every expert has something to share and is in one of the seven spheres of influence and love God intensely.

I have 3 students who are becoming facilitators on the new coaching course I have Dialing into Destiny ( which is a precursor to this course) which start in 2012, and will now be in 3 Nations.

Every week you are challenged, stretched, and every week you have the opportunity for an ‘ahaaa’ moment. Find new streams of income, find a deeper walk with God, and if you are an entrepreneur find focus and understand goal setting.

Honestly this 90 day course has been so powerful that I have been blown away! Not only is THIS course one on one with me, but you get the opportunity to connect with others and brain storm together, create joint ventures and relationships that will take you to new levels!

I only take 20 people at a time and the next 90 day will start on Monday 21st November (time off for Christmas). You can even pay it off over 3 months

Go to http://www.wellsministries.com for more info.


After a lot of thinking and praying, I am in the process of setting up 2 new coaching courses. One will be a 7 week precursory course to the 90 day day course. I have facilitators who will help with the 7 week course, there will be podcasts and weekly teachings and power calls. The other course I am now working on and will start in the New Year will be a 12 month mastermind program. Why? I have seen such transformation in my 90 day community that I don’t want to see them start and then just hope they fly alright, if they want they can keep the flow for 12 months and some of my experts have said they will help track them! So we don’t just set you up, but I will hold your hand and one on one we will work through until you understand how you can be positioned in the marketplace in whichever sphere of influence God has placed you and you transform your sphere and become a solutionist, as we see His kingdom extended.

For students who are doing PPP in 90 days now you will get a special introductory price. We will have podcasts, webinars and experts who will help you in every area personally. This is an amazing opportunity in this Mastermind Mastery, as we will have limited places.


11th Till 13th Coolum AOG Womenʼs Conference

16th Webinar with Ps Amanda Anticliffe C3 Sydney

27th till 28th COC Church and Womenʼs Christmas Breakup

Toukley and Cessnok


4th South Burnett Ministries Kingaroy

Would you like Amanda to come and visit next year?

Please email or call on




Hope this finds everyone doing wonderfully well as we are now coming up to Christmas!

It has been a great year and I am excited with all that’s been happening! I spent some days in Sydney at the Asian Pacific Conference and although totally full on it was an amazing time with so many pastors and leaders from our Asian Pacific Nations and the worship was amazing!

Then I was back down to Sydney for CRE8 Sydney, a 2 day Business Conference. I was a key speaker with Distinguished Prof Graham Clarke Laureate, the creator of the bionic ear. I had the privilege of spending one hour with this humble man and ask him one on one questions I wouldn’t get to normally ask!

It was an amazing 2 days, full on and I made so many kingdom connections with business men and women from all over Australia. This conference was certainly a highlight! I then came home for 36 hours and flew down to Sydney again for another 2 days.

The last 42 days have been nothing less than awesome … Let me explain!

The Lord had spoken to me to start to train people, and so many of my products have been turned now into workbook manuals with CD/ DVDʼs, you can see on the website the new stock. I am now also in the process of putting these manuals into E-books for purchase online and also my CDʼs and DVDʼs as podcasts for purchase also.

Not only that, but I started a coaching course called, ʻPassion to Process to Product in 90 Daysʼ and the testimonyʼs have been unbelievable.

I have a passion to leave a legacy where I can inspire a whole lot of people to an authentic walk with Jesus Christ, and to fulfill the unique call that is on their life, that they would not have experienced had I not connected with them.

Or you could say my mission is that when I touch a life I can make the call of God more possible, credible, fun, and inspirational.

This course is all about creating sparring partners to make us sharper!


If you are not fulfilling your assignment, then you are fulfilling someone elseʼs and although we are all created to serve, we must always remember we all have an assignment that was commissioned just for us personally, and we must complete it.

Each one of us are hard wired to excel and to manifest something extraordinary in the universe. When we are clear about what you want to show up in our life or the assignment on our life, then we have the power to attract it.

To do this we must begin to be intentional, so as to make things manifest in our lives.

This is called CONVERGENCE!!! Where our passion plus gifts, talents and abilities come together, or converge together to move us into our God given assignment and purpose

We are in WAR!! This new war is a financial one! The world is in crisis, our families, our finances, but each of us have within us the solution to every problem that presents itself, even before it arrives.

We were given a land of promise, its not an etherial land, its real and in it are things we can use to create wealth/ weapons in this new war, BUT so many have not done what Joel 3 v 10 says ʻ beat your plowshares into swordsʼ, and the reason is because we have not recognised we are in a new season & every new season needs new implements! We are no longer in the age of agriculture but sadly were still being taught ʻold modelsʼ!

So I have designed a mentoring program for you, where you will be in a position after 90 days to recognise your passion and FOCUS, with great CLARITY, and the BEST solution that will help you QUICKLY reach your GOALS and DREAMS, and create the PRODUCT that will put you on the way to creating wealth

Youʼll have access to our core, foundational training material to help you elevate your success to the next level. You will also have access to some of the greatest PEAK PERFORMERS today. Those in marketing, business, accountants, strategic thinkers, those in commodities, personal developers and more…..

What does the 90 days include?

Weekly modules to accelerate your assignment…

Video teachings, audio teachings In- depth questions for you to answer that will help move you into your assignment and out of a boring existence Weekly Webinars with opportunities to be in the ʻhot seatʼ Power call phone calls to answer questions…

You will be helped to start a business, or investments, to find your niche market Only 20 places every 90 days so you and I will work alongside each other.

Still not convinced???

You should consider this an investment, and a wise investment at that! It is not just listening to a CD, but this is training, and you have a personal trainer to help you get into peak condition, so you finish the race as a peak performer!

What Students Are Saying?

“Just the first week has really been an amazing week…” -John

“I have had so many creative ideas in the first week, most are in the development of different aspects utilizing current and newly acquired intellectual knowledge for profit through the internet including eBook production and video marketing. And another idea from this week is for a new ministry website…” – Karen

“It’s only been 3 weeks and the transformation in my mind is incredible. My mind has never stopped working as creative ideas come to me almost like a stream flowing. My husband even said, honey you are talking about too many ideas can you stop and chose which ever you really like….ha, ha….As I listened to the podcasts later guess I canʼt sleep, my mind has gone to work right away and I created a marketing plan for one of those creative ideas that came to me…”  – Karen Y

Examples of Modules:

Finding your passion & Converging your gifts/ talents and abilities and producing personal mastery to produce wealth, Charity + Enterprise. Modules on, How to hear God, personality profiling, how to be a great leader & work & lead a team, the right business for you, how to develop a great business plan & a marketing plan, investing, branding, joint ventures, how to use social media & how to reprogram your mind to think and attract wealth and so much more!!!!

Our aim in the 90 days is to walk with you hand in hand. We only have a limited number of students at a time and it is so I can guide you and coach you along the way. Each week we have podcasts and webinars of people who are kingdom enforcers, these ‘experts’ I get on are actually transforming society. From the worlds largest Diamond Dealers/ Traders who belong to the worlds biggest bourses, and another expert who owns 2 airlines, 2 gold mines and is transforming Papua through Charity + Enterprise. Another is a property developer and business owner, who at the age of 68 invented a kitchen appliances and now Apps for iphone. Every expert has something to share and is in one of the seven spheres of influence and love God intensely.

I have 3 students who are becoming facilitators on the new coaching course I have Dialing into Destiny ( which is a precursor to this course) which start in 2012, and will now be in 3 Nations.

Every week you are challenged, stretched, and every week you have the opportunity for an ‘ahaaa’ moment. Find new streams of income, find a deeper walk with God, and if you are an entrepreneur find focus and understand goal setting.

Honestly this 90 day course has been so powerful that I have been blown away! Not only is THIS course one on one with me, but you get the opportunity to connect with others and brain storm together, create joint ventures and relationships that will take you to new levels!

I only take 20 people at a time and the next 90 day will start on Monday 21st November (time off for Christmas). You can even pay it off over 3 months

Go to http://www.wellsministries.com for more info.


After a lot of thinking and praying, I am in the process of setting up 2 new coaching courses. One will be a 7 week precursory course to the 90 day day course. I have facilitators who will help with the 7 week course, there will be podcasts and weekly teachings and power calls. The other course I am now working on and will start in the New Year will be a 12 month mastermind program. Why? I have seen such transformation in my 90 day community that I don’t want to see them start and then just hope they fly alright, if they want they can keep the flow for 12 months and some of my experts have said they will help track them! So we don’t just set you up, but I will hold your hand and one on one we will work through until you understand how you can be positioned in the marketplace in whichever sphere of influence God has placed you and you transform your sphere and become a solutionist, as we see His kingdom extended.

For students who are doing PPP in 90 days now you will get a special introductory price. We will have podcasts, webinars and experts who will help you in every area personally. This is an amazing opportunity in this Mastermind Mastery, as we will have limited places.


11th Till 13th Coolum AOG Womenʼs Conference

16th Webinar with Ps Amanda Anticliffe C3 Sydney

27th till 28th COC Church and Womenʼs Christmas Breakup

Toukley and Cessnok


4th South Burnett Ministries Kingaroy

Would you like Amanda to come and visit next year?

Please email or call on

Amandawellsministries@gmail.com Or 0417795256

Source: Amanda Wells, Amanda Wells Ministries, http://www.wellsministries.com/novembernewsletter.htm. (Accessed 2012.)

Copyright ©2012 All text and photographs to Amanda Wells Ministries

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