I have encountered a block in my programming escapade. The project that I am working on is from a visual basic 6.0 programming book and is a program that opens a data file filled with roman numerals, read to end of file, and outputs the numerals digit form, performs a mathematical operator on them, and then display output. I am also employing the use of subfunctions/subroutines to better organize my program. Below are my subs.
ReadRoman - Reads a string which represents a Roman Number, calls GetDigit to convert this Roman Digit into a decimal number, adds this decimal number to the value of the roman number.
GetDigit = Takes a roman digit and returns the decimal value to the caller.
Calculate - Takes the decimal equivalent of both Roman numbers and the operator and computes their combined result. Uses WriteRoman to display the last line of output.
WriteRoman - Takes a decimal number and converts it into a Roman Nubmer. Calls Writedigit in order to accomplish the above.
WriteDigit - Print a Roman Digit
To better explain it, I have included the data file as well as a little preview of what I would like to output.
The First Numer is 1226
The second number is 68
The Operation is +
The DAT file is organized as seen below.Attachment 104365
(Start of File)
(End of File)
Here is the code that I have so far. (I apologize for pastebin link, had trouble attempting to embed into this post)
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
Dim numerals As String
Private Function ReadRoman()
End Function
Private Function GetDigit(ByVal Num As String) As Integer
Select Case Num
Case "I"
GetDigit = 1
Case "V"
GetDigit = 5
Case "X"
GetDigit = 10
Case "L"
GetDigit = 50
Case "C"
GetDigit = 100
Case "D"
GetDigit = 500
Case "M"
GetDigit = 1000
End Select
End Function
Private Function WriteRoman()
Call WriteDigit
output.Print Number
End Function
Private Function WriteDigit()
output.Print numerals
End Function
Private Sub calculate_Click()
Input #1, numerals
For i = 1 To Len(numerals)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'open file
Open App.Path & "\numerals.dat" For Input As #1
'Do While Not EOF(1)
End Sub
Thank you for your time, and I apologize for any grammatical errors and lack of programming experience.