Hello everyone, I'm new to ASP. I'm trying to do is if the user forgot the password, will ask for email and he/she goes to email retrieve the same password from the database. My problem is the database password is all encrypted and if i retrieve it is gonna show the encrypted password as well. Please help. Thanks
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<!--#include file="include_login_header.asp" -->
<%@Language = JScript %>
<% Response.Buffer = true; %>
<!--#include virtual="/medacist_admin/globals.asp" -->
if (String(Session("health_system_code")).replace("undefined","") == "" ||
String(Session("facility_code")).replace("undefined","") == "" ||
String(Session("username")).replace("undefined","") == "") {
Response.Write("Please <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + BASE_HOST_URL + "/login/" + "client_login.asp\">login</a>");
var mregion = String(Session("region")).replace("undefined","");
<div align=center>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<h2>Medacist Client Services - Change Password</h2>
var sErrorDisplay="";
// make sure you can't get to new_password directly.
if (String(Session("one_time_use_flag")) == "Y") {
if (Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST") {
var nFailureCount=0;
nFailureCount = Session("failure_count")==undefined ? 0 : Session("failure_count");
var sError ="";
var sOldPass = String(Request.Form("old_password")).replace("undefined","");
var sNewPass = String(Request.Form("new_password")).replace("undefined","");
var sConfirmNewPass = String(Request.Form("confirm_new_password")).replace("undefined","");
if (sOldPass == "") {
sError += ",Old Password is required";
if (sNewPass == "") {
sError += ",New Password is required";
if (sConfirmNewPass == "") {
sError += ",Confirm Password is required";
if (sNewPass != sConfirmNewPass) {
sError += ",New password and Confirm New password do not match";
var rsOldPass = execSQL("select cast(md5(?)as char) hash_password, medacist_password " +
" from medacist_user " +
" where health_system_code = ? " +
" and facility_code = ? " +
" and username = ? ",
if (String(rsOldPass.fields("medacist_password").value) != String(rsOldPass.fields("hash_password").value)) {
if (nFailureCount >= Application("MAX_ATTEMPT")) {
execSQL("update medacist_user set locked_out_flag = 'Y', locked_out_date_time=Now() " +
" where health_system_code = ? and facility_code = ? and username = ?",
logAccess(Session("health_system_code"),Session("facility_code"),Session("username"),"LOCKOUT","failure. Max attempt count exceeded. Account has been locked out. failure count:" + nFailureCount);
logAccess(Session("health_system_code"),Session("facility_code"),Session("username"),"CHANGE_PASSWORD","failure. failure count=" + nFailureCount + " ,password attempted:" + sOldPass);
Session("failure_count") = nFailureCount;
sError += ",Old Password is incorrect";
if (sError.length == 0 ) {
var rsPass = execSQL("select medacist_password " +
" from medacist_password_hist " +
" where health_system_code = ? " +
" and facility_code = ? " +
" and username = ? ",
if (!rsPass.Eof) {
while (!rsPass.Eof && sError.length == 0) {
if (sNewPass == rsPass.fields("medacist_password").value) {
sError += ",Passwords cannot be reused.";
} else if (sNewPass.indexOf(rsPass.fields("medacist_password").value)>-1) {
sError += ",New password is too similiar to previous one";
// check if it's legal
if (sError.length==0) {
if (!validatePassword(sNewPass)) {
sError += ",Invalid password. Must contain upper and lower case letters, Contain numbers, Between 8 and 12 characters in length,Contain a symbol"
if (sError != "") {
sError = sError.substr(1);
var vError = sError.split(",");
sErrorDisplay = "<ul>";
for (var v in vError) {
if (vError[v] != "")
sErrorDisplay += "<li>" + vError[v] + "</li>\n";
sErrorDisplay += "</ul>";
} else {
execSQL("update medacist_user \n" +
" set password_creation_date_time = Now(), \n" +
" password_expiration_date_time = date_add(now(),INTERVAL ? DAY), \n" +
" medacist_password=md5(?), \n" +
" one_time_use_flag='N' \n" +
" where health_system_code= ? \n" +
" and facility_code = ? \n" +
" and username = lower(?)",Array(PASSWORD_EXPIRATION,sNewPass,Session("health_system_code"),Session("facility_code"),Session("username")));
execSQL("insert into medacist_password_hist (health_system_code,facility_code," +
" username,medacist_password) values (?,?,?,?)",
logAccess(Session("health_system_code"),Session("facility_code"),Session("username"),"CHANGE_PASSWORD","success. password changed");
var rsExpire = execSQL("select DATE_FORMAT(password_expiration_date_time,'%m/%e/%Y %H:%i:%s') password_expiration_date_time " +
" from medacist_user where health_system_code= ? and facility_code = ? and username = lower(?)",
Session("logged_in") = "Y";
Session("failure_count") = 0;
Session("password_expiration_date_time") = rsExpire.fields("password_expiration_date_time").value;
if (mregion == null || mregion == '') {
Response.Write("Password changed. <a href=\"client_data.asp\">Click here</a> to continue.");
} else {
Response.Write("Password changed. <a href=\"client_data_S.asp\">Click here</a> to continue.");
<form name="change_password" action="<%=BASE_HOST_URL + /login/%>change_password.asp" method="post">
<tr><td>Health System code</td><td><%=Session("health_system_code")%></td></tr>
<tr><td>Facility code</td><td><%=Session("facility_code")%></td></tr>
<tr><td>User Name</td><td><%=Session("username")%></td></tr>
<tr><td>Old Password</td><td><input type="password" name="old_password"></td></tr>
<tr><td>New Password</td><td><input type="password" name="new_password"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Confirm New Password</td><td><input type="password" name="confirm_new_password"></td></tr>
<table width="400"><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffcc">
Note that passwords must contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, be between 8 and 12 characters in length and contain a symbol.
<input type="submit" value="Change Password">
<!--#include file="include_login_footer.asp" -->