
Seldom does a Database Designer build a Database for themselves and themselves alone. It’s usually built around the requirements of a Customer. Many times, the Database will have multiple Users, and these various Users may (or may not) perform different functions within the Database.

MS Access offers a bit of security with passwords that can encrypt the Database (both the Front and/or Back End) to limit who can open a Database. However, we are still faced with the issue that once a User has access to the Database, they have access, since the password encryption unlocks the entire Database, not just certain parts.

One of the options for managing multiple users is to have a Switchboard or menu of activities that can be performed within the Database, and the Users will only select those items that apply to them, based on their responsibilities in the work center. However, the primary challenge with such an option is that you open yourself to a user “exploring” places of the Database they shouldn’t be exploring. In most situations, this is not really a problem, because the average employee doesn’t want to sabotage their place of employment. However, when it comes to personal, confidential or even medical information, it behooves the Database Administrator to build into their Database certain safeguards to ensure that restricted information is not fallen upon casually or incidentally.

Another solution would be to create separate front ends for each type of User. When one User requires access to a particular set of Forms and Reports, those objects could be loaded into one Front End, linked to the Back End. Another User requires a different set of Forms and Reports, so the Database Administrator builds another Front End that suits. However, the obvious challenge with this solution is the constant expansion of different FEs. This can also cause a drastic duplication of effort, as some different Users (or different types of Users) may require the use of the same Objects. Then, every time one of these Objects is changed, all FEs containing that Object must also be updated.

I find myself in a situation like that in my work center. We only have 10 employees who use the Database on a regular basis, with sometimes 10 more who have a very limited access for short periods of time. However, those 20 employees have vastly different roles in the Database. Additionally, since nearly everything we touch is Privacy Act Information (I work for the Federal Government), we want to control access as much as possible.

Over time, I have developed a method for limiting access to the Database, based on the User. The method for doing this is rather simple:

Create a Users Table

Establish Public Constants and Variables

Determine who has accessed the Database

Determine what to do with that User

Allow User-specific access to the Database

Creating a Users Table

Your Table may have different Fields, but my Table (tblUsers) has certain fields based on my requirements. Feel free to make your own list of requirements and build the Table appropriately. A description of my Table follows:

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Field Name      Data Type

UserKey         Long (AutoNumber)

UserID          Text

UserName        Text

UserRights      Integer

UserMachine     Text

UserDirectory   Text

UserSigBlock    Memo

The UserID is the value returned from the OS environment that identifies who is currently logged onto the machine. All our computers require Smart Card Access, so security is double-authentication throughout. Only people who are verified users can access the Database.

The UserRights will be explained below, but this is a value indicating what level of access (or areas of access) the User will have. This comes into play in the final steps.

Since our IT Department often requests a list of our Users’ machine names, I have included that in my list, and this, too, is easily obtainable from the OS environment.

Occasionally, our Users will download reports or spreadsheets from the Database, and having a User-established Directory helps to make sure their items are always in one place.

Our office frequently sends out e-mail messages from the Database, so I have also included a User-customizable E-Mail signature block. This allows the Database to quickly add a signature block to outgoing E-Mails. This is very convenient.

Now that your Users Table is created, we need to figure out how to use it!

Establishing Public Constants and Variables

I’ve created a Module that holds my lists of Public Variables and Public Functions, called modSystem. Here is a list of what I use to limit User Access:

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Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

'User Rights Constants

Public Const UserAdmin As Integer = 1

Public Const UserOIC As Integer = 2

Public Const UserPromo As Integer = 3

Public Const UserRecords As Integer = 4

Public Const UserSrRecorder As Integer = 5

Public Const UserRecorder As Integer = 6

'User Variables

Public glngCurrentUser As Long

Public gstrUserID As String

Public gstrCurrentUser As String

Public gintUserRights As Integer

Public gstrUserDirectory As String

Public gstrUserMachine As String

I have established constants for the various types of Users because it is easier to remember the Type of User than it is to remember the value of their User Rights. Additionally, if I use these Global Constants throughout the Database, and need to make any changes to the actual values of these Constants, I don’t need to find every instance of the User Rights. The Global Constant will take care of that.

To explain my Public Variables, I like to allow the Database to have certain data always at its finger tips. For example, the gstrUserID is the System User ID, returned from the Operating System. The variable gstrCurrentUser is the actual name of the User (e.g. “Egbert Schmuckatelli”). This value is established when the Database Administrator sets up the User’s Account. The variable glngCurrentUser is the Primary Key of tblUsers. The other variables are self-explanatory.

I use these variables throughout the Database, whenever we want to identify a User as accomplishing a certain task or when User-specific information must be provided.

Determining Who Has Accessed the Database

This is the easiest step. When the Database opens, I use a Splash Form which automatically determines who logged into the Database, as well as what the Database will do with that User. In the OnOpen Event of the Form, I have the following:

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Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

On Error GoTo EH

Dim db As Database

Dim rst As Recordset

Dim strSQL As String

gstrUserID = Environ("USERNAME")

Set db = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers " & _

"WHERE UserID = '" & gstrUserID & "';"

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

If Not rst.EOF Then

With rst


gstrCurrentUser = !UserName

gintUserRights = !UserRights

gstrUserMachine = !UserMachine

gstrUserDirectory = !UserDirectory

End With


'This User does not exist in the Users Table

'Determine what to do--whether to Quit or set up new account

End If



Set rst = Nothing

Set db = Nothing

Exit Sub


MsgBox "There was an error initializing the Form!  " & _

"Please contact your Database Administrator.", vbCritical, "Error!"

Exit Sub

End Sub

So, at this point, the Database knows the User’s rights within the Database, but we just have to make the system direct them appropriately.

Determining What to do With a User

Since my Splash Form has no actionable objects on it, after it completes doing several other things in the background (driven by the OnTimer Event), the Code simply tells the Form to Close. In the OnClose Event, I have placed the following:

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Private Sub Form_Close()

On Error GoTo EH

Select Case gintUserRights

Case UserAdmin

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAdministrator"

Case UserPromo, UserOIC, UserSrRecorder

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSwitchboard"

Case UserRecords

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCommandRecords"

Case UserRecorder

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPRFReview"

End Select

Exit Sub


MsgBox "There was an error Closing the Form!  " & _

"Please contact your Database Administrator.", vbCritical, "Error!"

Exit Sub

End Sub

You will notice that, based on the Rights of the User, a different Form opens. This is completely transparent to the User, as our “Records” staff only ever uses the Command Records Form. They don’t know any different. A Recorder never has need to access our Switchboard, but only performs duties on the PRF Review Form.

However, you may notice that three different types of Users (userPromo, UserOIC and UserSrRecorder) all open the Switchboard Form. This doesn’t seem to jibe with this entire Article! If you have established different levels of User Rights, how can they all access the same Form? Won’t they all have access to the same information?

Here is where I have made a small twist on a classic capability of MS Access.

Allowing User-Specific Access to the Database

Many years ago, Microsoft Access began introducing the Switchboard Manager. I have used that standard format as the basis for my Switchboard, but have made some changes to provide User-specific access to the Menu Items. Keep in mind that if you currently use MS Access’ built in Switchboard manager, this method will NOT work—nor will you be able to edit the Switchboards using the built in Switchboard Manager. This is an overhaul to the Tables, as well as the VBA code that runs the Switchboard, so you may want to start from scratch.

First, I’ve made some modifications to the underlying Table for the Switchboard. I have renamed my Table “tblSwitchboards” (note the plural, as this Table does, in fact, hold data for multiple Switchboards). Here is my list of Fields:

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Field Name      Data Type

User            Integer

SwitchboardID   Integer

ItemNumber      Integer

ItemText        Text

Command         Integer

Argument        Text

Aside from the first Field (“User”) I believe this Table is identical to the MS Acces Switchboard Table generated automatically. One thing I have done is Create a related Table, tblSwitchboard Commands, which is used as a Row Source for the Command Field. Its values are as follows:

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ID   Command

0    Page Title

1    Switch Page

3    Open Form

4    Open Report

6    Quit

This just makes the Table more intuitive when looking at it in Datasheet View.

Additionally, I have modified the Argument Field to be a Lookup Field, in which the Row Source is the following Query:

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SELECT MSysObjects.Name

FROM MSysObjects

WHERE (MSysObjects.Type=-32768 OR MSysObjects.Type=-32764)

ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;

MSysObjects is a System Table within MS Access, so don’t go around trying to change it! This Query only returns the Names of Forms and Reports, which are the only objects my Users have access to (PERIOD!). With a little research you can expand this query to include any other objects you desire.

You may also notice that this Query will return SubForms and SubReports (as well as the Parent Forms and Reports). If you have a standard Naming Convention (as I know ALL of you do...) you can limit the Query further by changing the Where clause to:

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WHERE (MSysObjects.Name Like "frm*" AND MSysObjects.Type=-32768) OR (MSysObjects.Name Like "rpt*" AND MSysObjects.Type=-32764)

You can experiment as much as necessary to get this Query to return the proper list of values.

It is very important that you set the “Limit To List” property of this Field to “No”. The reason for this will become apparent shortly.

Now that we have created this Switchboards Table, let’s populate it. Excuse the length of this list, but I wanted to illustrate more fully. Keep in mind that this list has been pared down significantly, but is used only for illustration (and please excuse the whacked columns, but I did not see a point in converting my tabs to spaces):

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User    ID    No.    Item    Cmd    Argument

Administrator    1    0    ACC Officer Promotions    Page Title    Default

Administrator    1    1    Task Management    Switch Page    2

Administrator    1    2    Administrative Tasks    Switch Page    6

Administrator    1    3    Quit    Quit

Administrator    2    0    Task Management Menu    Page Title

Administrator    2    1    Review Open Tasks    Open Form    frmTasks

Administrator    2    2    Overdue Tasks Report    Open Report    rptOverdueTasks

Administrator    2    3    Upcoming Tasks Report    Open Report    rptUpcomingTasks

Administrator    2    4    Task Template    Open Form    frmTaskTemplate

Administrator    2    5    Print Task Template List    Open Report    rptTaskTemplateListing

Administrator    2    6    Print Continuity Book    Open Report    rptContinuityBook

Administrator    2    7    Manage Projects    Open Form    frmProjects

Administrator    2    8    Return to Main Menu    Switch Page    1

Administrator    6    0    Administrative Tasks    Page Title

Administrator    6    1    Command Records    Switch Page    10

Administrator    6    2    Release Actions    Open Form    frmPromotionRelease

Administrator    6    3    Recorders    Switch Page    11

Administrator    6    4    Evaluation Timeliness    Open Form    frmEvaluations

Administrator    6    5    STEP Quotas    Open Form    frmSTEPQuotas

Administrator    6    6    Manage Users    Open Form    frmUsers

Administrator    6    7    Administrator Functions    Open Form    afrmAdministrator

Administrator    6    8    Return to Main Menu    Switch Page    1

Administrator    10    0    Command Records Menu    Page Title

Administrator    10    1    Screening Progress    Open Form    frmRecordScreening

Administrator    10    2    Send Missing Evals    Open Form    frmSendMissingEvals

Administrator    10    3    Command Records Database    Open Form    frmCommandRecords

Administrator    10    4    Return to Previous Menu    Switch Page    6

Administrator    11    0    Recorder Actions    Page Title

Administrator    11    1    Recorder Listing    Open Form    frmRecorders

Administrator    11    2    Recorder Scorecard    Open Form    frmRecorderScorecard

Administrator    11    3    Return to Previous Menu    Switch Page    6

OIC    1    0    ACC Officer Promotions    Page Title    Default

OIC    1    1    Task Management    Switch Page    2

OIC    1    2    Administrative Tasks    Switch Page    6

OIC    1    3    Quit    Quit

OIC    2    0    Task Management Menu    Page Title

OIC    2    1    Review Open Tasks    Open Form    frmTasks

OIC    2    2    Overdue Tasks Report    Open Report    rptOverdueTasks

OIC    2    3    Upcoming Tasks Report    Open Report    rptUpcomingTasks

OIC    2    4    Task Template    Open Form    frmTaskTemplate

OIC    2    5    Print Task Template List    Open Report    rptTaskTemplateListing

OIC    2    6    Return to Main Menu    Switch Page    1

OIC    6    0    Administrative Tasks    Page Title

OIC    6    1    Command Records    Switch Page    10

OIC    6    2    Recorders    Switch Page    11

OIC    6    3    Evaluation Timeliness    Open Form    frmEvaluations

OIC    6    4    Return to Main Menu    Switch Page    1

OIC    10    0    Command Records Menu    Page Title

OIC    10    1    Screening Progress    Open Form    frmRecordScreening

OIC    10    2    Send Missing Evals    Open Form    frmSendMissingEvals

OIC    10    3    Command Records Database    Open Form    frmCommandRecords

OIC    10    4    Return to Previous Menu    Switch Page    6

OIC    11    0    Recorder Actions    Page Title

OIC    11    1    Recorder Listing    Open Form    frmRecorders

OIC    11    2    Recorder Scorecard    Open Form    frmRecorderScorecard

OIC    11    3    Return to Previous Menu    Switch Page    6

Officer Promotions    1    0    ACC Officer Promotions    Page Title    Default

Officer Promotions    1    1    Task Management    Switch Page    2

Officer Promotions    1    2    Quit    Quit

Officer Promotions    2    0    Task Management Menu    Page Title

Officer Promotions    2    1    Review Open Tasks    Open Form    frmTasks

Officer Promotions    2    2    Overdue Tasks Report    Open Report    rptOverdueTasks

Officer Promotions    2    3    Return to Main Menu    Switch Page    1

Senior Recorder    1    0    Senior Recorder Actions    Page Title    Default

Senior Recorder    1    1    PRF Review    Open Form    frmPRFReview

Senior Recorder    1    2    Recorder Scorecard    Open Form    frmRecorderScorecard

Senior Recorder    1    3    Quit    Quit

NB: The Argument Field can have one of four types of entries:

“Default” – this indicates that this is the Main Switchboard (Home page)

Blank – indicating that this is a Switchboard Page Title (also indicated by the Command Field) or indicates to Quit the Database

A number (this is saved as Text!!) and indicates the Switchboard page to which the User will be directed

The name of a Form or Report

Notice, also, how the Switchboard options are clearly different for each User Type. Now we just have to set up our Form to work with this Table.

Please see the picture of my Form

As you may not be able to see from the picture attached, my Switchboard has ten Command Buttons and Labels. These Command Buttons and Labels follow a specific Naming Convention (because I know you ALL follow the same principles!) of “cmdOption1”, “cmdOption2”, etc. and “lblOption1”, “lblOption2”, etc. You can ignore some of the stuff on this Form, but you can see that it’s really just a modification of the old MS Access standard Switchboard. When we look under the hood, this is what we find:

The Form itself has the Record Source of tblSwitchboards. the Form's Properties of Allow Additions and Allow Deletions are both set to No. As the User navigates the Menu, the Form Filters the specific Record that it needs (one record and one record only is displayed). There are several procedures we have to put in place for this Form to Work with the Table:

NB: Some of my code is not displayed as it is irrelevant for this purpose.

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Option Explicit

Option Compare Database

Private Const intButtons = 10

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

On Error GoTo EH

Me.Filter = "User = " & gintUserRights & _

" AND ItemNumber = 0 AND Argument = 'Default'"

Me.FilterOn = True

Exit Sub


MsgBox "There was an error initializing the Form!  " & _

"Please contact your Database Administrator.", vbCritical, "Error!"

Exit Sub

End Sub

We establish the Constant intButtons to indicate how many buttons this Form uses. It’s nice to know we can always expand if we need to.

Then, when the Form opens, we filter by the “Default” Switchboard Page for that User. Very simple, so far, right?

When we choose another Switchboard Page to move to, the Code will filter the Form by the Page Title Selected (according to the appropriate User), so when that Filter is complete, we need to show the Switchboard options for this Page:

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Private Sub Form_Current()

On Error GoTo EH


Exit Sub


Exit Sub

MsgBox "There was an error moving to the current Record!  " & _

"Please contact your Database Administrator.", vbCritical, "Error!"

End Sub

This must go in the OnCurrent Event of the Form, otherwise the initial Page will not populate properly.

Then, the associated Procedure to fill the Options for the Form:

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Private Sub FillOptions()

On Error GoTo EH

Dim dbOptions As Database

Dim rstOptions As Recordset

Dim strSQL As String

Dim intOption As Integer


For intOption = 2 To intButtons

Me("cmdOption" & intOption).Visible = False

Me("lblOption" & intOption).Visible = False

Next intOption

Set dbOptions = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblSwitchboards" & _

" WHERE User = " & gintUserRights & _

" AND ItemNumber > 0 AND SwitchboardID = " & Me.SwitchboardID & _

" ORDER BY ItemNumber;"

Set rstOptions = dbOptions.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

If rstOptions.EOF Then

Me.lblOption1.Caption = "There are no items for this Switchboard page"


While Not rstOptions.EOF

Me("cmdOption" & rstOptions!ItemNumber).Visible = True

Me("lblOption" & rstOptions!ItemNumber).Visible = True

Me("lblOption" & rstOptions!ItemNumber).Caption = rstOptions!ItemText



End If



Set rstOptions = Nothing

Set dbOptions = Nothing

Exit Sub


MsgBox "There was an error listing the Options on the Form!  " & _

"Please contact your Database Administrator.", vbOKOnly, "WARNING!"

Exit Sub

End Sub

You may have noticed that the key clause for this code to work lies here:

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" WHERE User = " & gintUserRights

Only the Switchboard Items that apply to that specific User will show up.

One last thing. How do we determine what to do when a Menu Item is clicked?

First, each Command Button and Option Label must have in its OnClick EvenT the following:

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Where “x” is the specific number of the Command Button or Option Label (1-10). That will execute the following Function:

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Private Function SelectOption(intOption As Integer)

On Error GoTo EH

RestoreForm Me.Form.Name

Const optSwitchboard = 1

Const optFormAdd = 2

Const optFormBrowse = 3

Const optOpenReport = 4

Const optExit = 6

Const ErrCancelled = 2501

Dim dbOption As Database

Dim rstOption As Recordset

Dim strSQL As String

Set dbOption = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblSwitchboards" & _

" WHERE User = " & gintUserRights & _

" AND SwitchboardID = " & Me.SwitchboardID & _

"  AND ItemNumber=" & intOption & ";"

Set rstOption = dbOption.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

If Not rstOption.EOF Then

Select Case rstOption!Command

Case optSwitchboard

Me.Filter = "User = " & gintUserRights & _

" AND ItemNumber = 0" & _

" AND SwitchboardID = " & rstOption!Argument

Me.FilterOn = True

Case optFormAdd

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Form.Name

DoCmd.OpenForm rstOption!Argument, , , , acAdd

GoTo SelectOption_Exit

Case optFormBrowse

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Form.Name

DoCmd.OpenForm rstOption!Argument

GoTo SelectOption_Exit

Case optOpenReport

DoCmd.OpenReport rstOption!Argument, acPreview

GoTo SelectOption_Exit

Case optExit


Case Else

MsgBox "Unknown option."

End Select


MsgBox "There was an error reading the Switchboards Table."

GoTo SelectOption_Exit

End If


On Error Resume Next



Set rstOption = Nothing

Set dbOption = Nothing

Exit Function


If (Err = ErrCancelled) Then

Resume Next


MsgBox "There was an error executing the command.  " & _

"Please contact your Database Administrator", vbCritical

Resume SelectOption_Exit

End If

End Function

If you have your Switchboard's Table set up properly, you should never experience any errors. But, just in case, there is error handling included (because I know you ALL include error handling in ALL your code, right?)

And that’s it! It’s really not too complicated, but perhaps some of you may have thought that it was too daunting a task to tackle. Now you have some options.

I’d also appreciate any feedback on better ways to execute this code. I’m always willing to learn!

Hope this hepps!

Attached Images

Main Menu.png (65.6 KB)

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