You’re officially 9 weeks out from summer. Time for your Summer Shape-up Plan! If you’ve not already started to drop pounds or unleash your flat tummy in the gym you’re still not too late. Getting leaner and sexier is definitely possible if you follow one of the following two plans.
Abs are made in the kitchen
Doing your 100 crunches daily? Even if you would do 1000 crunches each day the following 9 weeks you won’t burn as much fat around your belly in the gym than in the kitchen. Yes, abs are made in the kitchen.
I don’t diet, I just eat according to my goals
I hate the word diet and rather call it eating according to my goals. If you want to get rid of fat and maintain muscles you should need a personalized meal plan. Therefore you need to know:
how many calories you burn on a day
what your lean body mass (LBM) is
your age
The more accurate you do your measurements, the better your meal plan will be. Try to cut with 20% of your required calorie intake. Let’s take a look at the two plans for a beach body.
Plan 1: Go Paleo and eat clean to get lean
Never heard of the Paleo Diet? Well the popularity of this diet is growing every second. If you go Paleo you focus on eating natural. Only real food is entering your kitchen so say goodbye to all the processed food that’s ruining our health for decades.
The Paleo diet is similar to eating like a caveman/cavewoman. Fresh fruits and vegetables, meat/fish, eggs and nuts. Yes, you’ve read it right. No pasta, bread, rice and grains.
Become a fat burner
Did you know that almost the whole crossfit community ( hyperlink 3 – is adaptor of the Paleo Diet. We’re talking about millions of athletes from all fitness levels who’ve experienced the benefits of eating clean and becoming a fat burning machine.
To become a fat burning machine the Paleo diet removes a lot of simple carbohydrates from your diet. Now your body can’t find enough carbs anymore it shifts to the fat stores for energy. It’s no magic, it’s the truth. Your insulin levels regulate and more energy through the whole day will be experienced. Go Paleo!
Plan 2: Eat fat to lose fat with the CKD Diet
Do you prefer eating salads with mayonnaise, egg and cheese or broccoli with a steak during the midweek? So you can celebrate the weekend with pancakes in the morning, donuts or a high tea in the afternoon and a pizza in the evening? The CKD diet is what you’ve been looking for.
Rapid weight and fat loss
The CKD diet, also known as the ketogenic diet, is a high fat & low carbs diet. Your intake will be 65% fat, 30% protein and 5% carbs. It’s combined with weight training (3 times a week) and cardio (1-3 times a week) for maximum fat loss results.
Because the rules of this diet are really strict both on nutrition and exercising you’ll have to be disciplined. The rewards though will be satisfying. Within the first week I lost 3kg weight. Most of it is water but that already makes your tummy look flatter. After 2 or 3 weeks your body is totally adapted to fat as your only energy source. Because you’ll be burning more calories than your intake your body fat will be attacked effectively. Whoop whoop!
Ketosis: wow this feels great
The weight training and cardio will deplete glycogen levels in your muscles during the midweek. Once you’ve reached really low glycogen levels in your muscles your body produces ketones. Now you’re in ketosis.
Once your body is using the ketones you’ll experience a lot of extra energy. They’re like a drug, but a good one that slows down the aging process.
After totally depleting glycogen levels the party starts on friday evening until saturday midnight. You’re allowed to eat loads of carbs, even the nasty ones:) It’s all with a purpose because now you’re restoring the glycogen levels in your muscles for the workouts of the following weeks. Enjoy a high tea and eat all the sweet stuff as much as you want without feeling guilty. The CKD diet makes it all possible and you’ll still be burning fat while doing your carb load.
Bye Bye fat
Now your body has transformed to a fat burning machine, body composition changes will occur. You will be ready for the beach, but is the beach ready for you?
Accelerated shape-up for summer plan 1 or 2?
If clean eating is what you prefer the Paleo diet it is for the following 9 weeks and maybe for the rest of your life. The CKD diet on the other hand will show faster results on the short term but the rules are stricter because you have to focus on exercise and nutrition both. If you don’t have any problems with just following the rules and you like a combination of clean and nasty foods than try to stick with CKD for 9 weeks. Comparing to Paleo CKD isn’t a for-the-rest-of-your-life nutrition lifestyle but only for a short term of 2 or 3 months maximum.
If you would like a personalized meal plan for one of the two options you can mail me for further information:
You have 9 weeks to go, let’s rock!
The post The Accelerated Summer Shape-Up Plan appeared first on by Styling Amsterdam.