
One of the greatest challenges faced by most countries across the world today is the increase in the rate of crime. Although different types of crimes such as pick-pocketing, stealing and fraudulent practices exist, the most threatening of the lot is murder. One of the root causes behind more number of people, especially the youth turning towards crime, is the economic disparity, which is quite prominent amongst developing nations. While one section of most of these nations boasts of millionaires, the other consists of citizens living in acute poverty, craving for food, shelter and employment. Thus, motives such as these provoke individuals to embrace crime and resort to burglary and murdering. Many youngsters even go on a killing spree and rob their victims, to earn bucks without much effort. Here are 10 countries from across the world, which have been severely affected by the peaking rate of crime. The increase in the number of murders occurring amongst these nations, have become a great hindrance in their development.

1. Honduras

The South American region of Honduras is a hub of drugs and violence and is infamous for being one of the most dangerous places to live in across the globe. On an average, around 91 out of every hundred thousand people from the country are brutally killed. In the year 2012 alone, more than 7000 people were killed in the nation, leaving the inhabitants panic stricken. The city of San Pedro Sula in the country has been dubbed as the ‘murder capital of the world’ and many tourists visiting this place have faced the wrath of their aggression. Another alarming fact about the nation is that it is the chief supplier of drugs. Narcotic substances from the country are smuggled to the United States quite frequently.

Photo Credit http://terrific-top10.com/2014/02/21/top-10-worlds-most-dangerous-cities/

2. Venezuela

Apart from its abundance in oil, this Latin American nation is also known for its high rate of homicides. According to sources on the internet, approximately 135 of every 100,000 citizens of Venezuela are slaughtered annually. The city of Caracas in this country has been the epicenter of most criminal offences and is considered to be the most unsafe place in the whole country. It is believed that in every interval of 20 minutes, one of the residents of the city loses his/her life. The lawmen in the country have been written off as ‘inefficient’, since they haven’t solved most cases in the country. It is estimated that at least 9 out of 10 cases of murders haven’t yet found justice.

Photo Credit http://www.pocketinfo.net/2011/12/murder-rate-soars-in-venezuela.html

Photo Credit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/26/venezuela-homicide-rate_n_4506363.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in

3. El Salvador

El Salvador has been notorious around the globe for its unbelievably high rate of crime. The root cause behind the crimes in this nation is the gang culture, which has sprawled across the nation consistently over the years. It is believed that around 25,000 gangsters continue to roam freely in the country, while the police force has managed to nab 9,000 other criminals, who have been confined to the walls of various prisons. Many youngsters are turning towards crime to make ends meet. The month of January, 2012 alone witnessed around 411 homicides in the country. Although the government has initiated several measures such as counseling, it has apparently not been effective in toning down the rate of crime in the nation.

Photo Credit http://news.co.cr/el-salvador-gang-truce-contributes-to-lower-murder-rate/14533/

4. Belize

The people residing in the city of Beleze have been gripped with fear for a really long time. The place has been witnessing gang wars for decades now, apart from murders of residents for selfish motives. In one gruesome incident which occurred in 2013, four gangsters were cruelly killed, by slashing their throats after being severely tortured. The incident sent shivers up the spines of the citizens and the whole city was shut down for a couple of days. As per a survey conducted in 2012, Belize stood third in the list of countries with the highest rate of murders, wherein 44 of every 100,000 people are slayed.

Photo Credit http://belizean.com/belize-starts-off-new-year-with-a-bang-8-murders-in-8-days-1554/

5. Democratic Republic of The Congo

A big hindrance in the development of the Republic of Congo and Africa in general, is crime, which the concerned authorities have failed to curb over the years. Extreme poverty in the country has also led to a drastic increase in crimes in the country. Approximately 1200 people lose their lives on an average every year in the nation due to organized crimes in the country.

6. Guatemala

This is yet another developing Latin American nation that has been cursed by increasing crime. Though murders have been prevalent for decades in Guatemala, the year 2009 was the darkest in the history of this nation. On an average, around 101 people were being butchered on a weekly basis in Guatemala during this year. The civil war, which has been plaguing the country since 2009, has also been considered as a license to murder people by offenders in this country. It is estimated that almost 6000 people have been succumbing to murders every years, and the number has been relatively consistent.

Photo Credit http://listtoptens.com/top-10-murder-cities-in-2014-2015/

7. Brazil

The culturally vibrant nation, known for its contribution to international football, samba dancers and scenic beaches, has been scarred by the figures of people succumbing to homicides, which has been scaling sharply over the years. A research conducted by a popular internet source in 2012, revealed an alarming crime fact about this country. Apparently more than 60,000 people were brutally killed during this year alone. During the period 1979-2003, approximately 500,000 youth were killed in the country due to political conflicts and various other reasons.

Photo Credit http://listtoptens.com/top-10-murder-cities-in-2014-2015/

Photo Credit http://cyberwarzone.com/street-kids-murdered-clean-brazil-ahead-world-cup/

8. South Africa

Although South Africa is relatively more developed than other African nations, the rate of murders in the country is still a prominent problem haunting the nation for a really long time. Around 50 people are murdered in the country on an average, every single day. Though the number has reduced significantly, the country is still unsafe when compared to other big nations across the world.

Photo Credit http://www.theguardian.com/law/2013/apr/14/south-africa-police-accused-torture-suspects

9. Colombia

Colombia is highly infamous for its drug production, which is the root of all the crimes in the country. In addition, a big divide in the society (incredibly rich and poverty stricken families) is another reason for people from lower strata of the society, turning towards crime. The average rate of crime in this country is 30.6 for every 100,000 individuals.

Photo Credit https://intercontinentalcry.org/canadian-company-linked-to-indigenous-murders-in-colombia/ \

10. India

This country, which is populated by around a Billion people, witnesses around 43,000 murders every year. The country has an inglorious history of serial killers who have been responsible of horrific cases of rape and brutal homicide. During the 1980’s and 1990’s the country was terrorized by gangsters belonging to various mafia organizations. In addition, the country has been prone to terror attacks at public places, which has led to the massacre of thousands of citizens of this nation.

Photo Credit http://www.indiatvnews.com/crime/news/boy-murders-girl-who-had-been-coercing-him-to-marry-her-2136.html

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