Bastian’s Storm
By Shay Savage
Editions: eBook & Paperback
Published: June 16, 2014
Genre: Adult, Romance / Action
In a Flutter: Edge-of-your-seat Awesomeness!
Sebastian Stark just isn’t cut out for normal life with a girlfriend in the hot and humid city of Miami. All in all, he’d rather be back on the island where it was just the two of them, and he could keep everything in balance. The bar down the street tempts him daily, but he’s determined to remain strong. Adjusting to normal life is difficult, but Bastian is doing his best to keep himself together and the nightmares away. Raine’s happy, and that’s what matters to him the most.
But not all nightmares can be driven away.
When Bastian’s former mentor comes into the picture and presents him with an ultimatum, Bastian slips into old habits. Though he wants to shield Raine from the truth, the shady circumstances of his past form into a hurricane he can’t control. In an effort to protect her, Bastian has no choice but to throw himself back into his old job – death match tournaments – just one last time.
Dropped into the arctic wilderness with weapons loaded, Bastian has to compete against representatives from major crime lords all over the states. He’s studied his competition, he knows their weaknesses, and he’s ready to battle for the woman he loves. There’s only one opponent in the mix that causes him any concern. In order to guarantee Raine’s safety, Bastian will be pitted against the key hit man for Chicago’s largest mob family – a guy who’s known as one hell of a shot.
A guy named Evan Arden.
~ GoodReads
For more releases from Shay Savage, check out the following links:
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This is the second book in Shay Savage’s Surviving Raine Series, following the story of Sebastian Stark and Raine Gayle…
Their time as castaways brought them together and solidified their bond, but now they have to adjust to being together in the real world…
Meanwhile, the ghosts of Bastain’s past are coming back, and not just in his nightmares…
Bastian is having a hard time adjusting to life in the city. He’s pining away for the simpler time spent on the island where he was able to keep Raine safe and provide for her. In the midst of Miami civilization, Bastian is feeling adrift and useless. Life on the island was so much simpler, it was easy to prove his worth when all he had to do was ensure the survival of the woman he loves…
Raine carries the memories of being stranded on the island in a completely different light than Bastian. She’s going to school in Miami but won’t go near the ocean. While Raine keeps herself occupied with her studies, Bastian’s sole responsibility is to keep out of trouble… and old habits die hard.
As Bastian struggles to keep both his sanity and his sobriety, the infamous Landon arrives in Miami with an ultimatum.
One more competition,
One more Death Match,
…but this time he’s not in it for the money.
Killing the competition has never been a problem for Bastian…
But this time he’s out of practice…
He has a woman waiting for him…
and a competitor he may not be able to beat: Evan Arden…
I LOVED the Evan Arden series, and I was on the edge of my seat knowing that these two men were about to fight to the death.
There are several twists and turns in this installment of the Surviving Raine Series, and I’m not going to tell you how it turns out.
I’m just going to encourage you to read it.
Like right now.
Q&A with Shay Savage
If you were to describe your book in only one word, what would it be?
What would you say inspired you to write it?
I always knew I would have a follow up story to Surviving Raine, and that it would deal with Bastian having to compete in a death match. I’m a huge fan of first-person shooter video games, and I love to write action scenes. When I realized that Evan Arden also fit into the whole story, it all came together very quickly.
What was the source of inspiration for Bastian? What about Raine?
I’ve always wondered what makes a bully a bully, and Bastian was the first character I wrote based on that inquiry. I’m very interested in psychology, and I am fascinated by why people exhibit certain behaviors. Raine is at least partially based on a friend of mine. I consider her the most patient and forgiving person I have had the pleasure of knowing.
What inspires you to write from the Male POV?
Most of my friends are men. I tend to gravitate toward activities that are typically considered male-dominated. I believe I have a pretty good idea how they think, which isn’t always a good thing! I also wanted to give myself a more unique voice, so I went with the less used point of view.
You’ve made your readers fall in love with assholes, killers, and cavemen – In your opinion, is there any character type who is unlovable or irredeemable?
I’m not completely convinced all my characters ARE redeemable. Redemption is in the eye of the beholder. Actions I might consider unforgivable wouldn’t be an issue for someone else. Ultimately, I believe anyone who truly desires redemption has the potential to achieve it. People do have the ability to change; most just don’t want to do so.
Have you ever been hit by the infamous “writer’s block”? What did you do to escape it?
From time to time, definitely. I think every writer has that issue once in a while. I usually just skip over whatever is giving me trouble and write something else for a while. Sometimes that is a different part of the same story and sometimes it’s a whole other story. Usually I can get back to it pretty quickly.
Was there ever a time, during your work on this book, when you felt like giving up? What made you change your mind?
Plenty of times! :) That feeling doesn’t last long. I have a fabulous street team, and the members are great at keeping me motivated.
What does your day-to-day life consist of? What else do you do, aside from writing?
My usual day starts at the gym. I work out a lot. I think I probably fit into the “gym rat” category. I love doing free weights, and typically do 1-2 hours of cardio a day. It’s a great stress-reliever, and it also gives me a good opportunity to think about what I’ll write when I get home. When I’m actively writing, I’ll write for 3-5 hours a day and then spend some time with my daughter coloring or watching television. Throughout the day, I spend some time responding to email and interacting with fans of social media. I like to sit on my deck in the evening and toss sticks into the fire pit.
How do you deal with bad reviews or acid criticism? What would you advise other authors to that effect?
It depends on the review itself, but most are just someone’s opinion. There will never be a book that fits everyone’s taste, and I’m not here to please everyone. It’s easy to focus on the bad still, but it can be disheartening and detrimental at times. I read every one of them eventually, because there is the potential for a learning opportunity, but I’ve learned to wait until I’m in a particular mood to read them.
Without giving us spoilers (of course) what can we expect from the next book(s) in the series?
Bastian and Raine’s story is complete, and I don’t intend on writing anything additional about them in the near future. I never say never, but I think I have about three years’ worth of plot bunnies hanging out on my hard drive at the moment. If I ever decide to write about them again, it won’t be any time soon.
What do you have in store for us in the future? What are you working on/planning on next?
Offside will be my next release, and is a story about a high school soccer goalie. Though there is still that theme of “why is a bully a bully,” it’s quite different from my other stories. I’m also in the process of writing a story about a young, mildly autistic man who lives with his hoarding mother.
What made you decide to become an Indie Author?
I’m a control freak, and being an indie author allows me to keep the creative control I seem to need.
What would you say was the toughest part?
Being an indie author is ultimately being a small business owner. I have to be the accountant, the marketing department, purchasing, AR, etc. There’s a lot to it, and it takes away from the writing time.
Did you hire professionals for the editing, cover design, or formatting of your book?
I’m not a graphics person, so most of the cover designs and formatting are done by Mayhem Cover Creations. I have a fabulous editor, and we work together very closely.
How did you decide who to hire, if you worked with pros?
If I tried to do it all, I’d never get anything done.
Where is your work being distributed, Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, AllRomanceEbooks/Omnilit, some other distributor? How did you decide which one(s) to go with?
I’ve gone with the standard options – Amazon, B&N, Smashwords (which distributes to Kobo and iBooks), and Createspace for the paperback editions.
If you could turn back in time and do things differently, would you? What would you change?
I would have started a long time ago!
What can you tell us about the infamous “Savage Trainer” (Who has been featured on your book covers) because we’re dying to know!
TST is far more than a pretty face/body. He is a wonderful friend. He is the kind of person you can count on to be there for you when you need it, and is always looking to help others. He has quite the entrepreneurial spirit as well. Though it doesn’t come out often, he has a temper you don’t want to encounter. He’s very adventurous, which sometimes scares me.
Fun Facts
If you could wish for any one thing, and it would immediately come true, what would you wish for?
For Germany to win the World Cup. Oh wait…they did!
If you were stranded on an isolated island, like in Surviving Raine, what’s the one book you’d absolutely wish to have with you?
I’m practical, so I’d go with a book on edible flora and fauna of the region.
Name your favorite fruit.
Coffee or tea?
Favorite season?
How about favorite time of the day?
Early morning
Were you a boyscout/girlscout?
Campfire girl.
Favorite food for breakfast?
Oatmeal with blueberries and a protein shake.
Latest book you’ve bought and read?
The Rook and Ronin Omnibus by JA Huss.
Do you collect things, like stamps, or key chains, or shoes?
I seem to have amassed a lot of things, but not intentionally.
Favorite color, you know you want to tell us!
Yellow. I have a yellow car, yellow cover for my phone, yellow purse, yellow umbrella – it makes things easier to find.
Drama or comedy?
Depends on my mood. I like both.
Have a favorite quote or personal motto?
Buddhist saying: if you don’t listen to unsolicited advice, you miss an opportunity to learn.
Cats or dogs?
I have a dog and two cats. I think my personality is more suited for dogs, but my travel schedule more for cats.
Dinner by candlelight or a night out clubbing?
Favorite Swear Word?
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About the Author
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Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, two children, and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker, and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys science fiction movies, masquerading as a zombie, is a HUGE Star Wars fan, and member of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. When the geek fun runs out, she also loves soccer in any and all forms – especially the Columbus Crew, Arsenal and Bayern Munich – and anxiously awaits the 2014 World Cup. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.
Here’s a photo of Savage Trainer, Shurrn, & Shay Savage hanging out at the Louisville Author Event in April 2014:
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