

A peer-to-peer (P2P) payment takes place when one person pays another person or a group of people outside of the context of a business or organization. Even in developed economies, where electronic transactions (e.g., credit cards) are common, people still use cash or checks to transfer money back and forth between each other. P2P payments, the subject of this report, are going after this market.

Globally, the volume of P2P payments is over $1 trillion and only a sliver of those transactions are currently conducted via mobile phones and apps. In emerging markets, there is especially huge potential for P2P payments made on cell phones due to a lack of financial infrastructure. A high proportion of the population in these markets lack access to checking and savings accounts.

While developed markets may see slower adoption rates of mobile P2P payment apps, we believe they still have real potential in the long-run. These services solve real pain points for consumers, allowing them to transfer money to friends, family, and acquaintances. Our high-end estimate is that mobile P2P transactions volume could reach $86 billion in the U.S. by 2018. 

Kenyan telecom Safaricom provides an excellent case study for the success of mobile P2P payments in emerging technology markets. The telecom has a product called M-Pesa, which allows its users to transfer money to one another via text message. Largely as a result of M-Pesa's success, an impressive 92% of Kenyans say they have used mobile P2P payments. 

We profile 10 companies' P2P services that we think are indicative of the breadth of services on offer. Because of the large number of companies entering the space, we see a lot of potential for consolidation in the next few years. As mobile P2P payments take off and become more popular, a few services will begin to dominate regionally, or even globally. 

Mobile P2P payment services are usually free or nearly free to use, which raises the question of how they will be monetized. Different services have experimented with fees and even advertising. But mainly, these services will serve as Trojan horses to gain user trust for mobile-based retail transactions. Once consumers begin using their phones to send money to friends, the P2P platforms will be able to become multipurpose mobile wallets and nudge their users toward using their phones to pay for goods or services at the point of sale. 


All electronic payment companies — from giant credit-card networks like Visa to mobile P2P payment startups — share one goal: to replace as many cash and check transactions as possible. To the extent that they can replace cash and checks, there will be more transaction value for them to handle and a greater chance of collecting fatter fee volume. 

Globally, 85% of retail transactions are still made in cash, accounting for 60% of the value of retail transactions, according to MasterCard Advisors.

Payment cards, including credit and debit cards, have done wonders for reducing the use of cash and checks in many developed economies, but one area where cash and checks are still prevalent is peer-to-peer payments. Peer-to-peer payments are transactions in which individuals send money to each other outside of formal contexts. We use a broad definition for peer-to-peer payments, including international and domestic remittances, money transfers between friends and family, and even labor paid "under the table" to independent or informal workers.

Basically, a P2P payment is any informal transfer of money between two people.

Here are a few examples: 

A parent pays a babysitter in cash for watching his children. 

A student pays her roommate with a check for her share of the rent. 

A group of people pay a softball coach individually through cash or check to pay for their portion of the team's snacks. 

Mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) payment services offer a number of significant advantages over cash and check transactions, which is why we think they will dramatically reduce the use of cash and checks for these types of money transfers. They make transferring money faster, less expensive, and more precise.

They also reduce the hassle of going to a money transfer agency, remembering a checkbook, or finding an ATM. 

Large tech companies are getting involved in P2P. Google Wallet is already a player in this space, and Facebook seems to be moving closer to offering a service. The P2P market is larger than many people imagine: 

While it is hard to put a precise number on the addressable market for mobile P2P money transfer services, we estimate that globally it's well over $1 trillion annually.

Just one part of the P2P payments space — the international remittances market — is forecast to reach $594 billion in 2014, according to the World Bank.

In the U.S., we forecast that the volume of mobile P2P transactions could reach $86 billion by 2018. 

Many small and large companies from around the world are trying to carve out a chunk of this market by offering mobile-based services, including Venmo, Google Wallet, Square Cash, M-Pesa, and WeChat, to name just a few.

But a problem for these providers is that people are hesitant to pay fees for mobile P2P. Even if P2P mobile and online payments are easier, people might still choose the higher-friction option (if it's free), and not the phone.

For this reason, P2P payment systems are unlikely to support a fee-based monetization model.

So if there's not an obvious way to make money off mobile P2P payments, why do these services keep cropping up?

The real benefit to gaining a share of the mobile and online P2P market may be strategic, in the sense that it's a route to success in mobile payments for retail goods. It offers a way to later push consumers toward adopting a specific platform as a mobile wallet for retail transactions, both for online purchases and offline mobile payments at the point of sale. 

Once consumers adopt mobile for P2P transactions, it's an easier transition to get them to use their mobile devices at the point of sale. That's the real end game. The retail market is the real prize for payments companies, since it channels such huge volumes (most of it still offline). 

Mobile P2P payments services offer clear advantages to consumers, but there are still challenges to their adoption. An important one is simply gaining enough ubiquity (the chicken-and-egg challenge of growing big enough so that consumers feel they need to download the app or sign on to the service). Security concerns present another challenge.

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Here's How Big The Mobile P2P Payments Market Is 

The biggest immediate opportunity for mobile P2P services comes from emerging-market-based demand.

Mobile P2P payments have seen incredibly rapid adoption across much of Africa and other developing economies.

These markets often have high populations of people who are "unbanked," meaning they don't have access to checking or banking accounts and thus have been historically dependent on cash for most transactions. On the other hand, these countries have incredibly high mobile penetration.

That means that mobile devices, together with good mobile software, are filling the vacuum created by the absence of conventional financial services. 

The model for success is Kenyan telecom Safaricom's mobile money service, M-Pesa. It allows users to fund their M-Pesa accounts at bricks-and-mortar agencies that are located conveniently throughout the country.

They can then use their mobile phones to make payments at retail stores, or to make transfers to their friends and family, who can withdraw the cash from their own M-Pesa accounts. 

Currently, an estimated 43% of Kenya's $44 billion in annual economic activity moves through M-Pesa, according to Safaricom.

That's pretty incredible considering that the service launched in mid-2007. 

M-Pesa is a big part of the reason 92% of Kenyans say that they use mobile money services for domestic remittances (the transfer of money within Kenyan borders), up from 0% in 2006, before the launch of M-Pesa.

Meanwhile, every other type of domestic remittance channel went down in use during that timeframe, as mobile money transfers became so ubiquitous.

Mobile P2P payments services have the potential to catch on in the Western world as well (where they'll be paired with similar tools and platforms on desktop PCs), but adoption won't be nearly as fast.

There are already plenty of channels available in these markets for transferring money. Whereas in emerging markets, mobile money services fill the void of minimal financial infrastructure, in developed markets mobile money services are trying to replace a system that's already in place. 

Transferring money to a friend via conventional means — after making an ATM cash withdrawal, or writing a check — isn't always terribly convenient, but they are familiar and secure methods. 

Still, without a doubt, we believe adoption of digital P2P tools in developed markets will grow. They'll grow because of the added convenience of transferring exact amounts of money in seconds without needing paper money or checks, and because consumers will place more trust in these online tools as they become more familiar. 

We forecast that the annual volume of mobile P2P payments in the U.S. will grow to at least $50 billion in the five years to 2018 ($86 billion is our high-end estimate).

That's a tenfold increase from only around $5 billion in 2013. 

That means that by 2018 mobile and online P2P payments could carve out between 15 and 26% share of $324 billion in P2P payments in the U.S. 

For our estimate, we assumed an average transaction value of $20, and used survey data showing the number of P2P transactions U.S. consumers make per month.

We also accounted for the rate at which consumers would adopt P2P payments. To make sure we weren't overstating the case for mobile payments, we created our second, lower estimate based on a more modest adoption curve. (See chart, right.)

Why Consumers Will Adopt Mobile P2P Services

We think growth will largely be driven by a network effect: As more people use these services, the services themselves become more valuable as each individual user finds that they have exponentially more opportunities for paying friends and acquaintances. 

There are some obvious advantages to mobile P2P from a consumer standpoint. 

With mobile P2P you don't need the correct change, a paper check, or a nearby ATM. 

Transactions are also fast compared to the time it often takes to wait for a check or bank transfer to clear. 

Mobile P2P payments remove some of the stigma of asking for money — users can request money remotely. 

Many of the companies that provide mobile P2P payment platforms provide the same services for PCs, but we chose to look specifically at mobile P2P payments because we think that's where the greatest opportunity lies. Here's why: 

Mobile P2P payments provide the greatest value to consumers because they can be made at any time and in any place as long as the user is carrying a mobile device. That makes mobile P2P more convenient and faster than the same services on PCs. 

The world is moving toward spending more time on mobile and less on PCs, particularly in emerging markets where the greatest opportunity lies for digital P2P payments since mobile penetration is much higher than PC penetration.

For providers of the services, the value of offering a P2P service is to gradually push consumer behavior toward wider use of their phones as a payments tool. No one is going to bring their PC to pay at the grocery store. Getting into offline retail is the holy grail for payment companies.

P2P Payments Are A Bridge To Broader Mobile Wallet Usage

Mobile P2P payment services aren't huge drivers of revenue on their own, and probably won't become a substantial source of revenue for the companies that provide them in the near term. Why? Because there are so many free services available that allow people to send money without charging any fees (Venmo, Square Cash, Ribbon, etc.)

Even when there are fees, they tend to be compressed by this competition. 

The real long-term revenue opportunity in payments is in consumer-to-business payments, as we've already mentioned.

Offline electronic payments, usually transacted on credit and debit cards, is the largest market for payment companies. As we outlined in a recent report, offline general-purpose credit and debit card volume reached $3.4 trillion in 2013 in the U.S. alone.

And the consensus is that mobile payments will eventually catch on, which means that payments companies can't sit idly by and must bring their own mobile-based payments and digital wallet solutions to the market. 

For merchants, getting consumers to pay with their phones offers a huge revenue-driving opportunity through expanded advertising, analytics and loyalty program tie-ins.

But in developed markets, using credit and debit cards to make payments is already pretty simple, so there isn't a strong incentive for consumers to make the transition to paying with a mobile phone at a point of sale. Only in exceptional cases where using a phone to pay has been made extremely convenient — at Starbucks coffee stores, for example — have consumers shown a willingness to use their phones in lieu of cards or cash. 

That's where mobile P2P payments services come in. If consumers adopt them to send money to friends, and find that they enjoy the convenience of having a personal payments hub right on their phone, then it's much easier to convince them that they should also be using the same service to pay merchants. 

Mobile P2P Services Will Have To Overcome These Hurdles

There are a number of barriers to increased adoption of mobile P2P payments. Perhaps the largest is that not all services are interoperable, meaning users of one service can't necessarily send money to people on another service.

For example, Dwolla has gained some steam with small groups of people in the U.S., but the network is only as big as the number of people who use the Dwolla app. 

Companies will either have to band together — as banks have done to create the Paym mobile payments service in the U.K. — or one or two companies will need to gain control of the entire market. 

Some services like Ribbon are trying to overcome this barrier by allowing users to send money without signing up for an account. 

How much cash volume mobile P2P payments could replace is also up for argument. That's because many of P2P transactions are made in cash — to avoid taxes.

So, for those sorts of transactions people may be unwilling to leave an electronic paper trail. 

From the users' perspective security is a huge concern. Among U.S. adults, storing sensitive information on a smartphone is the second-greatest concern listed as a reason for lack of interest in using mobile phones for in-store payments — a concern we can safely assume applies to mobile P2P payments as well. (See chart, above.)

Mobile phones have not been subject to the same level of malware as was experienced by PC users in the early 2000s, but that's not to say that they won't in the future. There will be a larger financial incentive for cyber crime on mobile as more and more economic activity is conducted on phone devices. As a point of reference the fastest growing category of malware is that which is created to exploit bitcoin wallets.

A number of significant hacks could set back mobile P2P payments for a long time. 

These Are The Companies That Are Innovating In The Space

There are lots of companies that are vying for control of P2P payments. We can't mention them all here, but we've selected a handful that we think provide a nice overview of the different ways the mobile P2P payments space could develop. Company-focused briefs follow the list. 



Square Cash 

Google Wallet








As far as telecom-backed mobile P2P payment services go, Safaricom is the standout leader. M-Pesa has been phenomenally successful in Sub-Saharan Africa and has since expanded into India and the Middle East in partnership with Vodafone, which holds a 40% stake in Safaricom. Vodafone also recently announced that it is launching M-Pesa in Europe, beginning with Romania.

Sending money with M-Pesa is simple and doesn't require a smartphone. A user enters a recipient's phone number into their own phone, the amount they want to send, and their PIN and the money is sent.

This is how M-Pesa transactions work:

In Sub-Saharan Africa, M-Pesa is still highly dependent on bricks-and-mortar stores where users deposit cash, which is then added to their mobile account. This dependency on physical retail locales will likely be a constant in other emerging markets as well. But as the service expands into Europe, a bricks-and-mortar agency network will be less important because of the wider availability of established systems for transferring money into M-Pesa electronically. 


Social messaging apps, which are normally used to send messages, photos, and videos to friends, might not seem like an obvious mobile money transfer service. But if you can send all those messages to friends via the service, why not money too?

Tencent Holding's WeChat in China recently released a feature that allows users to send small amounts of money to each other. The feature is called Red Envelope after the red envelopes Chinese residents use to send cash to relatives and friends during Chinese New Year.

Unsurprisingly, WeChat launched the feature during Chinese New Year and drew 5 million users who sent 20 million red envelopes during the first two days of the spring festival. The strategic brilliance of the service is that it's exclusive to WeChat users, so if people want to receive one of these money gifts via WeChat, they have to sign up for WeChat and enter their bank information. That means that people who wouldn't normally use WeChat to make payments end up adopting the app anyway because they want to receive gifts.

It's an example of how mobile P2P payments services can be a gateway that gets consumers to use related products.

Alibaba, which own messaging app Laiwang, was actually the first to use the red envelope concept, but WeChat realized greater success. In both cases, the two messaging apps offered mobile money transfers within a closed system — users had to enter their payment information into either WeChat or Laiwang's service to make or receive payments. 

Other services we'll look at below are striving for a more interoperable system. In the case of WeChat and Laiwang, the real goal of providing "red envelopes" was bringing more users onto the apps, whether users continue to make money transfers to each other was not necessarily the only strategic goal. 

The significance of the two Chinese payments services is that they both find their foundation in social media. When you think about it a bit more deeply, a mobile P2P payments service is actually a natural extension of social apps because users are already connected with friends whom they might like to send money to. 

Square Cash

Square, a company most known for its attachable dongle that is used by many small businesses to turn smartphones and tablets into payment terminals, has also recently created a mobile peer-to-peer payments service called Square Cash.

The service allows users to send funds to one another using email, via a website or using the mobile app.

The system's greatest asset: It's easy.

After you've entered your own bank account, debit card, or credit card information (using your credit card to send money incurs a fee), you can select the amount you want to send, enter the recipient's email address, and confirm the transaction.

The money is automatically deposited in the recipient's debit account (assuming they have connected their debit account) which means there is no need to transfer money out of a separate holding account, as there is with PayPal and Venmo. (We'll discuss Venmo's service below.)

On the other hand, it's not as fast as some services — it takes 1-2 days for the deposit to actually show up in the receiver's account.

A promising feature of Square Cash is the ability to request money from others. While the value of this feature may seem meager, it actually could help users overcome the psychological barrier of requesting money in person.

On Square Cash, it's free to send and receive money, unless a credit card is involved

Google Wallet

Google Wallet is similar to Square Cash in that you enter an amount and an email address to send money, but Google Wallet was originally designed for commerce transactions.

That means that if Google Wallet catches on with consumers for P2P transactions and they become accustomed to using the app, transitioning them to the point of sale may not be a significant leap.

Google Wallet is already accepted at many retail chain payment terminals and runs on an NFC-powered tap-to-pay system.

The app comes preinstalled on some Android phones, giving it a built-in user base.


Venmo is a little more complicated than Square Cash or Google Wallet, but with additional features that make sending funds a social activity.

The app — which allows people to sign up with their Facebook account information — gives users a virtual account into which funds can be transferred instantly from a bank account.

The money held in the Venmo account can be transferred back into a bank account, which takes about a day.

Venmo's social aspect allows users to see other users’ payments. It can feel a bit intrusive, although you can't see how much was paid or what was bought, and the opt-out feature is fairly visible.

The app has a Bluetooth Low Energy feature which allows users to see people in their general area that use the Venmo app. This feature allows users to make payments without searching for new contacts and presumably is useful when you're in sight of someone you need to make a payment to — say when you want to pay for half of lunch.

The feature also opens up the possibility of allowing people to pay at points of sale. Since Bluetooth works even in the absence of a Wi-Fi or cell connection, there's no reason why Venmo couldn't be used even in stores without a good cell signal or in-store Wi-Fi. 

A small number of companies already accept Venmo — which has an SDK — as a method of payment in their apps. The service is called Venmo Touch. 


Payments processor Fiserv offers a service called Popmoney that can be used for mobile P2P transactions and bill paying.

The service has some revenue built in: It costs $0.95 per transaction unless the payment is requested, in which case it's free to the person who makes the payment. Many banks, including Citibank, offer Popmoney as a service to their customers.

Fiserv already processes transaction volume of more than $1 trillion annually which means that Popmoney has its foundation in a legacy business with tons of established relationships. Bricks-and-mortar consumer banking is fading, and banks need to transfer all the services they once offered in physical locations to online and mobile.


Ribbon is yet another competitor within the space. The service hasn't fully launched and has yet to offer a mobile app. For now, money can be sent on mobile through a browser. One of the unique features of Ribbon is that the company does not require users to set up an account to make or receive payments, thus reducing the friction to adoption.

The service is also free for the sender and recipient; unless a credit card is used, in which case the transaction incurs a 3% fee. 


Dwolla is a startup service focused on helping governments and businesses collect and send payments online and on mobile devices, rather than peer-to-peer transactions.

For example, Dwolla works with the Iowa state government to collect licensing fees from trucking companies. 

While Dwolla has an app that can be used by consumers, its focus remains the government and enterprise markets. 

The reason that Dwolla is interesting in terms of mobile P2P payments is that it's a closed-loop payment network that rides on ACH rails, the clearing system that's used for processing checks and bank transfers.

That means that if Dwolla were able to gain share of mobile P2P transactions, it would be stealing market share from the major credit card networks.

Dwolla transactions also don't transmit sensitive information like credit card numbers, which will be a comfort to those concerned about the security of mobile transactions.

It's free to send money using Dwolla for transactions under $10. For transactions over $10 there is a $0.25 fee. 


The U.K. Payments Council — an organization comprised of financial institutions in the region, which collaborates to develop payments systems — is launching its own commercial mobile P2P payments service. The service is set to launch in late April 2014. What distinguishes Paym is that banks have banded together to launch a single solution for mobile P2P payments, much like telecoms in the U.S. and the U.K. have done with mobile wallets Isis and Weve, respectively. The most likely motivation for the partnership is to achieve interoperability — allowing consumers to transfer funds regardless of the financial institution where they have an account — as well as ubiquity — trying to make themselves the dominant system for mobile P2P payments.


On a final note, we should mention Bitcoin as a method of transacting mobile P2P payments. Users can send bitcoins in a number of different ways — from downloading and sending them from a standalone wallet, to using a third-party wallet provider. Bitcoin transactions are virtually free and do not transmit any private information. On the other hand, the price of bitcoin is volatile, so it's not a stable way to transfer value unless an intermediary is used. 

Click here for our latest report on Bitcoin. 


A peer-to-peer (P2P) payment takes place when one person pays another person or a group of people outside of the context of a business or organization. 

Globally, the volume of P2P payments is over $1 trillion and only a sliver of those transactions are currently conducted via mobile phones and apps. 

While developed markets may see slower adoption rates of mobile P2P payment apps, we believe they still have real potential in the long-run. These services solve real pain points for consumers, allowing them to transfer money to friends, family, and acquaintances. Our high-end estimate is that mobile P2P transactions volume could reach $86 billion in the U.S. by 2018. 

Kenyan telecom Safaricom provides an excellent case study for the success of mobile P2P payments in emerging technology markets. The telecom has a product called M-Pesa, which allows its users to transfer money to one another via text message. Largely as a result of M-Pesa's success, an impressive 92% of Kenyans say they have used mobile P2P payments. 

We profiled 10 companies' P2P services above, that we think are indicative of the breadth of services on offer: M-Pesa, WeChat, Google Wallet, Dwolla, Square Cash, Paym, Bitcoin, Popmoney, Ribbon, Venmo. 

Mobile P2P payment services are usually free or nearly free to use, which raises the question of how they will be monetized. Different services have experimented with fees and even advertising. But mainly, these services will serve as Trojan horses to gain user trust for mobile-based retail transactions. 


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