
Huffington Post contributor Erin Joy Henry, also a fashion model and holistic nutrition counselor, writes about her life changing experience with network marketing.

"What do you do?"

"I help people become physically fit and financially free."

"You do what?" asked a new mom acquaintance while our sons played together at the park.

It's a question I get a lot these days. It takes a minute or two to explain in all sincerity that I am a network marketing professional. I fell in love with a system of health and wellness superfood products that transformed my body and mind, and now I'm in partnership with the company as a distributor. The people I work with on a daily basis come to me for health transformations and stay for the financial opportunity. Helping people get the body of their dreams and a bank account to match could not be a more fulfilling way to make a living, though I'm as surprised as anyone to be on this career path.

Like many people I entered network marketing by accident, and with a healthy dose of skepticism. Pyramid scheme and sales person were words that initially came to mind when I had heard of network marketing in the past, and I didn't want to be one of "those people." A friend had called me a few years ago asking me to consider joining her network marketing team with a health and wellness company, but I cut her off before she could even finish telling me about her multiple six figure income. I didn't think network marketing was for me.

After having my first child I struggled to get my body back and was depleted mentally and physically. The same friend wholeheartedly believed the products she stood behind would help me feel like myself again so I became a customer. A former yo you dieter, I was always looking for something to get me off that train and into my skinny jeans in a sustainable and healthy way. I lost my baby weight with the products right away, but what really caught my attention was that I felt better than ever while doing it and never wanted to be without the products again. Noticing my new vibrance and killer body, friends started asking what I was doing and by helping them get started with their own programs my new business was born.

Shortly into my new venture, I visited corporate headquarters, met other women aligned with the company that had what I wanted, which was excellent health and time and financial freedom, and I made the decision to become a professional. I did my homework and sought the advice of trusted friends and mentors who had "made it" in network marketing. I followed their advice and committed to stick it out through any discomfort that may come with learning something new. When I learned financial experts like Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad and conscious leaders like Tony Robbins had jumped on the network marketing bandwagon I got over any hesitations still lingering. When legitimate paychecks started rolling in and friends graciously praised me for helping them reach their health goals nothing was going to stop me.

By making the commitment to be a professional and set long term goals for myself I have been successful in network marketing, and anyone can do the same. Like any business, this requires time and dedication and there is no get rich quick scheme going on. That being said I enjoyed that I was able to earn money as I learned, there was very little overhead to start and rookie mistakes happened along the way with very little financial implication. There really is no other business model out there that requires such a small investment in exchange for unlimited earning potential.

Smart women everywhere are starting to take a closer look at our industry as our economy continues to evolve. My network marketing company is filled with ex corporate leaders, military wives, educators and so many others who realized this industry gave them the power to take the reins on their financial futures and either supplement an income or create a whole new one while managing their own schedule. Network marketing fit into my life beautifully when I became a mother and wanted to be home with my child but also continue to earn a paycheck. Before mom life, I earned a living as a professional model. It was a great lifestyle for a single woman but the travel schedule and other industry demands didn't agree with motherhood. Now I'm able to set my business hours around my family time and feel confident that every Monday I have a residual paycheck coming. I'm pregnant with my second child now and couldn't feel better about what I have created. My only regret is not taking this business model more seriously and working to build this stream of residual income in my 20s before I had children and time was easier to come by.

If network marketing and creating financial freedom is something you think you may be interested in but are skeptical like I was, consider a few things- first, think about how often women do network marketing all day long anyway! I know when I find a service, product or person that I love I cannot help but share with all of my friends. Most of us are this way, because at our core we desire to help those around us live their best life. If you've ever recommended a great restaurant or movie to a friend, you can do network marketing! Second, remember success in this business is only possible by helping others reach their goals. Women are natural born nurturers and caregivers and this is an incredible way to unleash our gifts and abilities and get paid for using them.

Third, remember you don't need to have a thousand friends to be successful. Sure, having a large network helps but even if you don't, the people you know will.

There are many network companies out there with incredible products. All it takes is finding one you are passionate about, grabbing a few of your girlfriends to run with you and committing to a common goal. Whether it takes a few months or a few years to reap your harvest, you will never regret financial freedom and the meaningful friendships you will form in network marketing!

Originally published here.

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