

Brian Michael is working on-line with his partner Dora Balogh, they live in Hungary – Budapest with one year old son Cody Michael.

Since 2010 Brian and Dora manage to earn 6 figures on-line each year.

They started on-line marketing way back in 2005, this was when Brian had a major car accident and could not work for nearly 3 months, they struggled to pay their bills 0n time as they did not get paid their full wages and back then were always living paycheck to paycheck.

Brian's uncle was always helping us out financially and he told him:

"You will never get rich working for someone else!"

This sentence stuck with him in his brain ever since and became his first WHY, as you need a strong Why in order to last in this Industry. Brian and Dory believe most give up or quit too early but reality is anyone can be successful if they have a strong why, are coachable, consistent and committed.

Brian invested around $50,000 during the next 3 years on his on-line education that was all the money he had in 2005. He did not have any other qualifications, never finished school, no back up…

He remember he started an apprenticeship and lasted 3 months, Brian was just not that sort of person to do it the usual way and he knew it from an early age when he started to sell fake jeans imported from Greece instead of doing his homework. .

He already had that mindset of going ALL IN though, and so Brian did, fast forward to 2008 and after learning all about Lead generation, Attraction marketing, Sales funnels, Funded Proposals and Marketing systems, things kind of started to get interesting for them, the couple were making around $3,000 -$5,000 per month during that time.

Ted Nuyten had the honour to interview Brian Michael:

Brian what was your goal?

Our aim was to make an extra $500 per month back then so we would not struggle all the time and having to worry in case an unexpected bill arrived on our doors and how to cover it!

Life was great…we made more then what we aimed for!

I remember that from 2009/2010 we tried our first website which we called: www.wealth4everyone.net and we continued to educate ourselves, started online webinars on a regular basis, recorded videos weekly and send those to our lists to educate those who wanted to get involved with us.

What was your first on-line success?

Back then we launched our first program powered by Wealth4Everyone, it was called supreme 2×2 and was a huge success, we made around 250k in sales and paid out over 150k to affiliates, not sure if anyone remembers but back then it was the 2×2 cycler of the year 2010…

I attended my first Mastermind event in 2010 hosted by Jonathan Budd in San Diego where we reached Top 25 Affiliates out of over 100,000 affiliates during his Futuristic Marketing launch which made over $4.7 million in sales in less than 3 weeks I believe.  

We were having success across multiple companies back then, we loved our residual income streams and since we started attending Live events our Income tippled as we connected with like-minded individuals all over the world, had some awesome Joint Ventures partners and literally retired our jobs in August 2010, since then we were lucky enough to be working from home on a daily basis and just enjoy being together, travel the world and have the opportunity to help many people Online to become successful by implementing and using our ways of marketing and list building and monetizing.

Brian Michael speaking on stage

Since 2010 we managed to earn 6 Figures Online each year and have been doing so ever since, we had a coop system in 2011-2012 which did really well for us and for around 40-60 % of members involved and it was a major part of our overall success, basically it was a Funded proposal which means you offer your clients aka inner circle members a deal where they can literally plug into our marketing system and get the exact same leads we generated for our 6 Figure business and it worked for many involved, also it paid for our marketing and helped us build a data base of over 280k of subscribers now…

You have a new on-line system I believe?

We just introduced the improved Blueprint System 3 months ago which is our new Funded Proposal system and this one is completely different to last year’s coop system, basically we Networked on many events in the last 12 months and got to speak on Shaqir Hussyin's event in London and met a Gentleman who is the 2nd biggest Facebook advertiser worldwide and because we both spoke on stage we connected afterwards and things just developed from there.

If you wanted to see us speaking on stage see the link above please…one of my greatest achievements so far, Shaqir is one of the Top Income Earners in Empower Network and just crossed his first 1 Million Dollars in the Company we both promote, so it was very special for myself to be speaking on his event

With blogging expert Princess Fizz

Can give you some tips or golden nuggets?

Develop a marketing system for the company you are trying to promote, reason is it sets you above the crowd, 90% of affiliates promote the links the company provides and there is absolute nothing wrong with this but if you offer a marketing system, you set yourself above the crowd.

Everyone will come and check out what you have going on, and it brands yourself, you get other affiliates promoting your system and if you provide value to your affiliates and subscribers, then they will love you for it and follow you, and now you have an audience of raving fans and followers…

In October 2012 my son Cody Michael was born and he has become my Why now, I love spending every day with him and Dora and just seeing him grow up and don’t have to worry anymore about bills or having to wait for the next paycheck is priceless. I don’t need a big house or the latest car as long as I can be with my family I am the happiest guy on this planet.

We have a new system up and running, opened up a Limited Company and feel blessed to have spoken on stage few weeks ago, we have several successful Online Income Streams and our new marketing system which we use to help everyone Involved to promote ENV2 aka Empower Network is doing better by the day. Thanks to our FACEBOOK MARKETING AGENCY we can look forward to a blessed 2014 and help this time around even more of our friends and Family and affiliates to succeed and hopefully retire their jobs next…

If you want to get involved visit our Marketing system

Last tip for everyone: Step out of your comfort zone, when I started my online adventure I never imagined I would record a video but I did, I never thought I had to do webinars but since 2011 we did one webinar per week, and I surely never imagined to be speaking on Stage in front of a Live Audience but we just did that and I loved it.

That is when magic happens, get your content out on the Internet every day and know your outcome first! Work on your foundation and read daily, Leaders are Readers…Just look at all leaders across any company Folks, most have or use some sort of a marketing system!

We read first thing every morning for 30 minutes and watch an empowering video or listen to an audio every night and do it for 30 days, it is called the 30-30-30 Formula and works, it sets you up for the day with the right mindset and way of handling your income producing activities Online, rinse and repeat and see how your mindset shifts within yourself, hope I could inspire you with my story!

Contact details Brian Michael and Dora Balogh:

Brian on Facebook

Brian Michael website

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