
To mark World Environment Day 2014, small-medium wind energy company, Simple Power, hosted a series of events to celebrate World Environment Day in Northern Ireland.

World Environment Day is an annual initiative for encouraging global awareness and action for the environment. Simple Power gave interactive tours of its single wind turbines to schools throughout the region (pictured).  The children were shown how the company uses wind to contribute to renewable energy generation, help the environment and support the rural economy by turning farmer’s land into an additional source of income.

Simple Power believes medium scale wind development has a very important role to play in creating a new electricity market in Northern Ireland.   It is recognised as one of the key opportunity areas for economic growth with wind energy currently delivering a real dividend in terms of jobs.  Over 4,000 people currently employed in the Northern Ireland wind energy sector. The onshore wind industry has the potential to contribute almost £1million annually to the Northern Ireland economy, whilst the overall potential annual value of the renewable energy market is estimated to be almost £2billion per annum by 2020.

Simple Power works in partnership with landowners and farmers and is on target to develop a minimum of 200 single wind turbines of 250kW across Northern Ireland over the next four years.

Simple Power, which recently launched its latest two turbines in County Tyrone, actively supports the farming community in Northern Ireland including key partnerships with Rural Support, a local charity committed to helping farming and rural communities across Northern Ireland, the Young Farmers Clubs of Ulster, Farm Safety Partnership and the annual Farming Life Awards.

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