
KrowdFit Selected As Official Corporate Wellness Provider for Portland Government Employees

(PRWEB) November 03, 2015

Oregon fitness tech platform KrowdFit announced it is partnering with Metro to implement KrowdFit's corporate wellness incentive program for government personnel. As of November 2015, employees will be eligible for weekly, monthly and quarterly cash rewards of up to $5,000 for the consistent effort they make to live healthy, active lives.

Metro serves more than 1.5 million people in Portland, Oregon, and 24 other cities across Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties. Metro’s diverse workforce is comprised of more than 1,600 employees including park rangers, economists, teachers, scientists, designers, planners, animal keepers, stagehands, and cartographers. Maintaining a healthy staff is crucial to the city’s ecosystem. Metro sought to find a proven wellness program to drive employees towards long-term sustained healthy lifestyles.

“As a public employer, we are keenly focused on managing our costs while at the same time providing competitive benefits to our employees,” said Ning Fisher, Metro’s Benefits Program Manager. “KrowdFit rewards our staff with meaningful cash rewards for consistently monitoring their healthy choices no matter where they are at in their personal health journey. We are excited for this next chapter of our benefits program.“

KrowdFit has engineered an industry leading, proven wellness program designed to drive long-term sustained engagement that leads to healthy behavior change and positive outcomes related to sleep, exercise, and diet. To date, KrowdFit has paid out over $575,000 in cash rewards to members for consistently living a healthy, active lifestyle. Using KrowdFit’s online and mobile engagement platform, Metro employees will be able to act on their health assessment results by using state-of-the-art wearable biometric devices to objectively track their sleep, steps, physical activity, and meals.

“Metro is part of our ‘No-Budget-No-Problem Enrollment Rebate Program’ that assists in offsetting the cost of implementing and running an employee wellness initiative,” said KrowdFit founder and CEO, Jim Miller. “This program helps cover the cost of implementing KrowdFit and the rebates can also be used to fund internal company challenges and companywide health celebrations.”

KrowdFit has implemented its corporate wellness program for leading organizations across the U.S. such as Sound Community Bank, Bank West, Deschutes Brewery, Centera Bank, Newport Market, Jonesburg Bank, Hometown Bank, Trutina Financial, Cypress Benefits and more. KrowdFit has demonstrated a 71% sustained member engagement rate for 97% of its member base over a 2-year period, 25%+ better than industry average for wearable technology and a critical element for driving behavioral change.

About KrowdFit

Based in Bend, Oregon and founded by fitness tech entrepreneur Jim Miller, KrowdFit is the recognized leader in milestone driven wellness reward programs. KrowdFit’s mission is to create a “healthy revolution” by encouraging, recognizing and rewarding the consistent “effort” people make to live a healthy, active lifestyle. The patent-pending program has proven to drive very high levels of sustained member engagement leading to positive outcomes and long-term healthy behavioral changes. Join the KROWD at http://www.krowdfit.com and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/10/prweb13051097.htm

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