Indiana Fiber Network, LLC (IFN), the leading Indiana statewide Network Service Provider, announces NewWays Networking, LLC (NewWays) selected IFN as primary fiber transport provider.
Indianapolis, Indiana (PRWEB) March 01, 2015
Indiana Fiber Network, LLC (IFN), the leading Indiana statewide Network Service Provider, announces NewWays Networking, LLC (NewWays) selected IFN as primary fiber transport provider. “By working with IFN, NewWays is well positioned to scale future backbone transport bandwidth to meet client’s demand for Internet bandwidth in rural parts of Indiana,” said Scott Reed, NewWays Owner/Manager.
According to Cory Childs IFN Enterprise Sales Manager, IFN provides NewWays fiber broadband service at two core network node locations producing diverse transport protection. “NewWays is a major Indiana based Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) with 37 towers that cover over 400 square miles in Wayne County, East Henry County, and South Randolph County. The diverse transport enables NewWays to provide higher uptime service levels to both residential and business wireless Internet customers. IFN’s service provider strategy is to focus on what we do best; layer two fiber transport,” said Childs.
IFN allows NewWays connectivity to Carriers and upstream service providers. “With IFN as our local loop fiber provider, NewWays can choose Service Providers at major communication hubs like Henry Street in Indianapolis,” said Reed. The fiber transport supplied by IFN is a good example of what in the telecommunication industry is called Customer Provided Access. “NewWays has built in upstream provider flexibility. Simply put, it allows them to decide which upstream Internet provider or carrier they will use. IFN is provider neutral with interconnects with the major carriers; this provides significant cost savings and options to the customer,” said August Zehner IFN Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
About NewWays Networking, LLC
NewWays was formed in November 1997. Initially, NewWays focused on providing clients with technological solutions that NewWays design, install and maintained. Over the past 10 years, NewWays has provided wireless Internet service in Wayne County, Indiana. Our primary goal is to provide the best Internet service to the rural communities we serve. NewWays is a member of WISPA, the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association.
For more information, please visit NewWays Networking’s website at or call (765)-855-1060.
About IFN
Indiana Fiber Network, LLC (IFN) was formed in March of 2002. IFN’s ownership is comprised of 20 local exchange telephone companies throughout the state. IFN offers data center, Internet backbone and data transport services over state–of–the–art Ethernet, CDWM, DWDM and SONET fiber networks, with service in the state of Indiana and throughout the US via a network of national carrier partners. Follow IFN on Twitter at
For more information, please visit IFN’s website at or call (317) 280-4636.
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