
DCDP Labor Day Picnic

Celebrate Labor Day at the 18th Annual Dallas County Democratic Party Labor Day Picnic on Monday, September 7, 2015. From noon to 4 PM, join your fellow Democrats, including elected officials and candidates. We will meet again at the usual place, 4930 Military Parkway [the former Catholic Czech Club], Dallas 75227.

This event is FREE, and it’s the best kind of Texas picnic: It’s inside with air-conditioning! Fried chicken, hot dogs and iced tea will be provided at no cost. Just bring your favorite casserole, side dish, salad or dessert.

Take advantage of this well-attended event by advertising your club, business and/or campaign in one or more of the following ways:

·For $20 per slide, your information will be included in a continuous slideshow at the Picnic;

·For $30, you can display information on half of a table at the Picnic;

·For $50, you can display information on a full table at the Picnic; or

·For $150, you can be listed as a sponsor of the Picnic. Sponsorship includes a slideshow slide, a display table, and your listing on marketing, event signage and the DCDP website.

To sponsor the Picnic or reserve a table, half-table or slide, contact Carmen Ayala at the DCDP office at 214-821-8331 or email to laborday AT dallasdemocrats.org. Your advertising and/or sponsorship will support the ongoing work of the Party.

Filling Precinct Chair Vacancies

If your precinct does not have a Precinct Chair, you can be elected to fill that position through the end of the current term (twenty days after next year’s primary runoff). Read more about the ways you can help the party as a Precinct Chair (and see if your precinct has one now) at this page: http://www.dallasdemocrats.org/about/precinct-chairs.html

Vacancies are filled by the other Precinct Chairs at their quarterly Executive Committee meetings. The next one will be on Monday, August 24, at 6:30 PM, at their usual meeting place, the CWA union hall at 1408 N. Washington at Bryan, Dallas. Applications need to be verified as to residence and registration, so they need to be received no later than Thursday, August 20, in order to be considered at this meeting.

(Please note that applying to fill a currently vacant Precinct Chair position is NOT the same as filing for the next full two-year term in the 2016 Democratic Primary. Those filings do not begin until Tuesday, September 15. If you are elected to fill a vacancy this August, you will still need to also file in the primary for the next full term.)

First Democratic Presidential Debate Watch Party October 13

Hosted by:
Judge Ken Molberg

Judge Eric V. Moyé

Judge Dominique Collins

Tax Assessor/Collector John R. Ames

No matter which Democratic candidate you’re rooting for, join hundreds of Dallas Democrats as we watch the first debate of the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential contenders.

The first debate takes place in Nevada, and we’ll watch from the Angelika Film Center Dallas, conveniently located at Mockingbird Station, with plenty of public parking and on the DART line.

Thanks to our hosts, the event is free to attend. Registration is required to help us track attendee count, in case we need to rent a larger or additional theater. Click here to register.

Set out your Democratic T-shirts and flare, and make plans to join us:

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM

Angelika Film Center, 5321 East Mockingbird Lane, Dallas 75206

If you’re on Facebook, here’s our Facebook event to share.

Dallas Democrats Cheer Fifth Circuit Court Ruling Against Texas In Discriminatory Photo Voter ID Case

On August 5, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Texas’ discriminatory photo Voter ID law violates the Voting Rights Act and sent the case back to a lower court for further review.

In 2012, the Houston Chronicle estimated as many as 2.3 million registered voters lack driver licenses or state-issued photo IDs – including up to 220, 646 voters in Dallas County alone.

Dallas County Democratic Party Chair Carol Donovan issued the following statement:

“Republican elected officials purposefully made it harder for Texans to vote, knowing minorities, students, and women would be most impacted by this discriminatory law.

“Texas has the lowest voter turnout in the nation. Republican lawmakers should defend sacred voting rights, but instead they keep out voters less inclined to vote for them. We cheer today’s ruling as a victory for all Texans and will continue to closely follow the case.

“Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. How timely for us to celebrate the VRA, and the Democratic lawmakers, including North Texas Congressman Marc Veasey, who took up the fight against this terrible law.”

Read more about the ill effects of the Texas law at:

Thanks To Our Summer Fellows!

Commissioner Theresa Daniel came by the DCDP office Friday for a farewell and thank you to our Summer Fellows for all their hard work and dedication this year.

Election This November 3, 2015

On Tuesday, November 3, 2015, we can all vote on seven proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. You can find the ballot language and explanations at http://votetexas.gov/november-3-2015-constitutional-amendment-election-explanatory-statements

As always, we need more election clerks to help hold this election, especially bilingual ones, as well as some Alternate Election Judges and a few Election Judges. You can read more about the tasks and requirements, and find a link to the application, at http://www.dallasdemocrats.org/elections/election-worker-registry.html

Filing for the 2016 Primary

Candidates for Precinct Chair can’t file for the 2016 Democratic Primary until Tuesday, September 15, 2015. Candidates for public office can’t file until Saturday, November 14, 2014. Filing ends for candidates for both Precinct Chair and for public office on Monday, December 14, 2015, and is set by law to end at 6 PM.

Find more information about running for public office and links to forms for filing for the primary, filing of campaign treasurers, filing fees, and to the petition forms that candidates for JP and Judge have to get voters to sign to get on the primary ballot (or that other candidates can use to avoid paying filing fees), at http://www.dallasdemocrats.org/elections/election-facts.html

How to be a Delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention
Read this memo from the Texas Democratic Party to learn the steps to becoming a delegate and how many delegates are allotted to your senate district. Senate District Conventions (March), the Texas State Convention (June), and the National Convention (July) are listed on the calendar below.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

(For the latest updates on local events, and links to more info about these, check out the DallasDemocrats on Facebook and Twitter, and the DCDP website Calendar. To add an event or make a change or correction, contact the party office or email the editor: BillHowellDCDP AT Yahoo.com.)

Tuesday, August 11:

Drinking Liberally Addison — (5:30 pm, The Londoner 14930 Midway Rd, Addison)

Congressman Marc Veasey Town Hall Meeting — (6 – 7:30 PM, Dallas Hampton-Illinois Branch Library 2951 South Hampton Road, Dallas)

Dallas County Young Democrats — (6:30 pm, Sue Ellens, 3903 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas 75219)

Drinking Liberally Lewisville — (6:30 PM, Tierneys Cafe and Tavern, 208 E Main St., Lewisville 75077)

Irving Democratic Club — Please join Irving Democrats as we host Dallas County Democratic Party Chairwoman Carol Donovan. Chairwoman Donovan will ask for input from grass roots Democrats and discuss the Party’s plans for the upcoming cycle. (7 – 8 pm, Senter Park East, 228 Chamberlain, Irving)

Dallas Drinking Liberally — (7:30 pm, Uptown Pub, 3605 McKinney Ave, Dallas)

Wednesday, August 12:

Jobs with Justice Texas — (7 PM, 1408 N Washington Ave, Suite 240, Dallas 75204)

Thursday, August 13:

Preston Hollow Democrats —

Join us to celebrate the 7th anniversary of The Preston Hollow Democrats. Nominations are open for officers. The election will be held at our September General Meeting. (6 – 8 PM, NOTE CHANGED LOCATION FOR THIS MEETING: The Preston Hollow Grill, at the northeast corner of Northwest Highway and Midway Road, Dallas)

Coppell Drinking Liberally — (6:30 pm, Esparza’s Restaurante Mexicano, 817 S. MacArthur Blvd. #125, Coppell)

WOW Dems Meeting and Blood Drive —

“Here Comes the Judge – Why We Need Progressive Judges in the Texas Judiciary System.” A panel of 3 distinguished judges, Dennise Garcia, Gena Slaughter, and Elizabeth Frizell (all shown here) will speak about their backgrounds, perspectives and roles in civil, family and criminal court.

WOW Dems will also hold an Annual Day of Service with a Blood Drive to honor those WOW Dems who have passed away in recent years. Please come to the meeting on August 13 to donate blood before or during the meeting. One pint saves three lives. Our goal is fifteen pints! If you cannot donate, please bring someone who can!

(Blood drive 5:30 – 8:30 PM, Meeting 6:30 PM, at Plano Environmental Education Center, 4116 W Plano Parkway, Plano TX 75093)

Garland Area Democratic Club — (7:00 pm, Garland Women’s Activities Building, 713 Austin St. [at Glenbrook], downtown Garland)

Denton County Democrats Executive Committee Meeting — Texas Senate District 12 Committee Members Carla Collier and Gary Livingston will explain the procedure to become a delegate to the Texas Democratic State Convention and the Democratic National Convention. (7:00 p.m., Denton Elections Administration Building, 701 Kimberly, Denton)

Saturday, August 15:

North Oak Cliff Democrats — (8:30 am, Norma’s Cafe, 1123 W. Davis St., Dallas 75208)

Rockwall County Democratic Party Meeting — (9:00 am, Harry Myers Community Center, 815 E. Washington, Rockwall 75087)

Lake Highlands White Rock Democrats — We are paying a fee for the room, so we are asking members to contribute $5 to cover room and coffee and donuts. (10:00 am, The Pointe Center for the Arts and Education on campus of CC Young Retirement Community, 4847 W. Lawther Dr, Dallas 75214)

Southwest Dallas County Democrats — CANCELLED FOR AUGUST. SWDCD will resume regular meetings on the third Saturday in September.

Religious Liberty vs. Religious Refusal — Rebecca Robertson (Legal and Policy Director, ACLU of Texas) will discuss how lawmakers are making blatant attempts to expand the protections for religious practice to include acts of discrimination. Speaking at College of Complexes meeting. $3 plus $5 food or drink purchase. (6 PM, Barbec’s Restaurant, 8948 Garland Road, Dallas 75218)

Monday, August 17:

Hillary For Texas Rockwall Area Grassroots Organizing Meeting — RSVP to Susie Stansel by email to fairesrfun AT yahoo.com. (Registration 6:30 pm, Meeting 7:00 pm, Harry Myers Community Center 815 East Washington, Rockwall 75087)

North Texas Asian Democrats — (7:30 pm, Jeng Chi Restaurant, 400 N. Greenville Ave. Suite 11, Richardson 75081)

Tuesday, August 18:

Collin County Young Democrats — (6:30 PM, Mexigo, 6205 Coit Road Ste 396, Plano 75024)

Stonewall Democrats of Dallas — (6:30 pm, Ojeda’s Restaurant, 4617 Maple Ave., Dallas)

Wednesday, August 19:

Garland Democratic Women’s Club — Our speaker is Colleen Jamison of New Beginning Center, the shelter that provides counseling and outreach services to victims of domestic violence in North East Dallas County. GDWC has long supported New Beginning as our special charity. This school year we have been tasked with needs other than school supplies. The shelter is in need of towels, single sheets, pillow cases, new women’s pajamas, new children’s pajamas and paper products such as paper towels, toilet paper, plastic utensils, cups, plates, and bowls. Bring your supplies to our meeting or you can drop off at 218 N Tenth St in downtown Garland, 75040 or donate on line Newbeginingcenter.org. (11:30 AM – 1 PM, Siciliano’s Italian Restaurant, 2210 W Buckingham Rd.)

NW Dallas County Democratic Club — (7:30 pm, Taco Cabana on Webb Chapel, just south of LBJ 635, Dallas)

Thursday, August 20:

Last day to submit applications to fill Precinct Chair vacancies.

Far North Dallas Richardson Democrats — Our scheduled speaker is Dr. Wendy Chung, Chief Epidemiologist for Dallas who has been asked to talk on a variety of topics including Ebola, West Nile, coordination with the CDC and vaccinations. (socializing at 6:30, meeting at 7 PM; Sonny Bryan’s, 1252 W. Campbell Road, Suite 240, Richardson 75080)

Friday, August 21:

Drinking Liberally for McKinney — (6:30 PM, Cafe Malaga, 107 South Church Street McKinney, 75069)

Saturday, August 22:

Rowlett Democratic Club — (5:00 pm, First Christian Church, 7301 Miller Rd. at Chiesa Rd., northeast corner, Rowlett)

The Austerity Deception — John Beesley, English born author, will discuss how Neo-cons in various countries have used austerity to effectively sabotage their economies to achieve ideological ends. Speaking at College of Complexes meeting. $3 plus $5 food or drink purchase. (6 PM, Barbec’s Restaurant, 8948 Garland Road, Dallas 75218)

Monday, August 24:

DCDP Executive Committee Meeting — Quarterly meeting of the Dallas County Democratic Party County Executive Committee, consisting of the County Chair, County Secretary, and Precinct Chairs. (6:30 PM, CWA Hall, 1408 N. Washington at Bryan, Dallas 75204)

Tuesday, August 25:

Dallas County Texas Democratic Women — (6:30 pm, Sixth floor clubhouse, 1400 Hi Line Drive at 35E, Dallas 75207)

Thursday, August 27:

Reception for Judge Ken Molberg — Hosted by The Matthews Law Firm, The Law Offices of Ben C. Martin, Jeff Tillotson. RSVP by email to judgemolberg AT gmail.com. Donate online at www.JudgeKenMolberg.com (5:00 -7:00

PM, at Smith & Wollensky, Highland Village, 4007 Westheimer Road, Houston, Texas 77027)

Sunday, August 30th:

Stonewall Democrats Annual Fundraiser — Test your knowledge of all things political With your Host Edna Jean Robinson. Sponsorship levels ($100 – $1000) get you entry into the game and to the pre-Trivia reception. $20 suggested donation at the door. $20 to play trivia. Order online at stonewalldemocratsofdallas.org/donate. (3 – 6 p.m., at Round Up Saloon, Dallas)

Tuesday, September 1:

Reception for Carol Donovan — Chair, Dallas County Democratic Party. RSVP by email to carolfordcdp AT gmail.com. Facebook event page and sponsors at https://www.facebook.com/events/807605609353889/ Donate online at https://plasso.co/s/dc59NXAadg (6:00 – 8:00 PM, Home of Regina Montoya & Paul Coggins, 5230 Lobello Drive, Dallas 75229)

Saturday, September 5:

State Representative Yvonne Davis Salute to the Stars of District 111 — RSVP to 972-274-1627. (9 AM – 11 AM, Methodist Charlton Medical Center – Auditorium, 3500 W. Wheatland Road, Dallas 75237)

Labor Day, Past, Present and Future — With Gene Lantz, President Texas Alliance for Retired Americans. Speaking at College of Complexes meeting. $3 plus $5 food or drink purchase. (6 PM, Barbec’s Restaurant, 8948 Garland Road, Dallas 75218)

Monday, September 7:

AFL-CIO Labor Day Breakfast — Order tickets ($30 individual, $300 table) through Pam Resendiz at 214-826-4808. (8:30 AM, 1700 Rodeo Dr., Mesquite 75149)

DCDP Annual Labor Day Picnic — See article above. Free. Sponsorships and tables available for candidates and Democratic organizations. (Noon to 4 PM, 4930 Military Pkwy. [formerly the Catholic Czech Club], Dallas 75227)

Tuesday, September 15:

Filing begins for Precinct Chairs for 2016 Primary. (9 AM – 5:30 PM, DCDP office, 4209 Parry at Fletcher, Dallas 75223)

Saturday, September 19:

NAACP Garland 25th Freedom Fund Brunch — And Silent Auction. Keynote Speaker: Niambi Tillman FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge. Brunch table: $450.00. Individual tickets: $45.00. For more information please contact Gwendolyn Daniels, Corporate Sponsorships Chairperson 972-381-5044 Box #5. (Silent Auction 9 AM, Brunch 10 AM, Hyatt Place Garland, 5101 George Bush Highway, Garland 75040)

Dallas County East Democrats 5th Annual Casino Night — $25 Tickets (or sponsorships) on-line at https://sites.google.com/a/daced.org/daced/programs. Sponsorship opportunities available. Contact Shannon Long 214-586-5856 or Barbara Rojas 214-718-9605. (7 PM, Courtyard by Marriott, 2300 I-30, Mesquite 75150)

Saturday, October 3:

Collin County Democrats Ann Richards Gala — Joaquin Castro, US Congressman for the 20th District of Texas and Chief Deputy Whip for the House Democratic Leadership, will deliver the keynote speech. He will be joined on the podium by Mike Collier, Finance Co-Chair for the Texas Democratic Party. All proceeds go to support the Democratic Party of Collin County. For more information see http://www.collindemocrats.org/2015-ann-richards-dinner/ For tickets ($75) and sponsorships ($250 – $5000) see https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/annrichards (6:30 pm, Hilton Garden Inn, 705 Central Expressway S. [at Bethany], Allen 75013)

Thursday, October 8:

State Representative Yvonne Davis Annual Fundraiser & Fashion Show — For more information call 972.274.1627. (6:30 PM, Edison’s, 1724 Cockrell Ave., Dallas 75215)

Tuesday, October 13:

First Democratic Presidential Debate Watch Party — Hosted by: Judge Ken Molberg, Judge Eric V. Moyé, Judge Dominique Collins, and Tax Assessor/Collector John R. Ames. Thanks to our hosts, the event is free to attend. Registration is required to help us track attendee count, in case we need to rent a larger or additional theater. Register online at https://dallasdemsdebatewatch.eventbrite.com. Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/301469453310704 (7:30 PM to 10:00 PM, Angelika Film Center at Mockingbird Station, 5321 East Mockingbird Lane, Dallas 75206)

Tuesday, November 3:

Constitutional Amendment Election — Seven proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. See ballot language and explanatory statements at http://votetexas.gov/november-3-2015-constitutional-amendment-election-explanatory-statements (7 AM – 7 PM, local precinct polling places)

Saturday, November 14:

Filing begins for public office for 2016 Primary. (9 AM, DCDP office, 4209 Parry at Fletcher, Dallas 75223)

Monday, December 14:

Filing ends for 2016 Primary for public office and Precinct Chairs. The deadline is set by law for 6 PM. (9 AM – 6 PM, DCDP office, 4209 Parry at Fletcher, Dallas 75223)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016:

Democratic Primary — (7 AM – 7 PM, Local precinct polling places)

Saturday, March 19, 2016:

Senate District Conventions — (Various locations and times)

Thursday, June 16 through Saturday, June 18, 2016:

Texas Democratic Party State Convention — San Antonio

Monday, July 25 through Thursday, July 28, 2016:

Democratic National Convention — Philadelphia

The post Dallas County Democratic Party Weekly Roundup: August 11, 2015 appeared first on Burnt Orange Report.

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