
Natalie Whittaker is currently studying for her AS Levels, so how does she find the time to be a student volunteer?

Natalie hasn’t got much free time on her hands, so when a volunteering opportunity came up in Nelson she had to find creative ways to fit it into her schedule…

“I volunteer at a British Heart Foundation charity shop in Nelson. I’ve been there since November and I’ve met lots of new people! When you’re volunteering you get the opportunity to support a great charity helping people in need.

Volunteering is a great way to make use of free periods between lessons; just an hour or two a week can make a big difference and it is very rewarding, especially if you’re passionate about the place or organisation you’re supporting.”

If like Natalie you think you could spare a few hours a week helping a charity or cause, come and speak to the student volunteer team at Student Services. All week we’re holding events and information points in the Atrium to celebrate Student Volunteers Week, so make sure you come down and see what all the fuss is about!

The post Why does Natalie Whitaker love being a student volunteer? appeared first on Burnley College.

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