
Take part in the Go DTO campaign simply by not driving your car to work. Downtown Orlando commuters can earn points, badges and prizes for logging their alternative commute trips at GoDTO.org from May 1-31, 2016.

Prizes range anywhere between free popsicles from Pop Parlour to special t-shirts.

Besides the commuting check-in contest, Go DTO events also include:

May 3: 4 – 6 p.m. – Commute Challenge Kick-off at Ferg’s Depot, hosted by the Downtown Orlando Partnership. $5

May 5: 8:30 a.m. – What’s Up Downtown, Transportation Update at Central Station, hosted by the Downtown Development Board. FREE

May 6: 7:30 a.m. – Bike to Work Day group ride starts from Orlando Festival Park, hosted by the City of Orlando. FREE

May 12: 7:30 a.m. – Coffee & Commuting, networking event at the Downtown Orlando Information Center. FREE

May 19: 12 p.m. – Bike Like A Boss, instructor-led bike ride, meet at the Downtown Orlando Information Center. FREE

May 26: 12 p.m.: Go DTO Scavenger Hunt, fun team-building event, meet at the Downtown Orlando Information Center. FREE

Fore more information on the Go DTO campaign, click HERE.

EDIT – Even people who drive their car to work are able to participate in the contest. There are special “badges” for car commuters.

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