
Fueling your body for weight loss, performance, or overall health does mean you have to go “paleo,” follow the Zone Diet, or starve yourself.  By choosing real food, composing balanced meals, and planning ahead you can achieve your ideal weight, physique, or fitness level.

Creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is different for each individual. Depending on schedule, goals and overall health, each individual should establish a fitness and wellness routine to meet their needs. Fueling your body for weight loss, performance or overall health does mean you have to starve yourself. By choosing real food, composing balanced meals, and planning ahead you can achieve your ideal weight, physique or fitness level.

Forget what you think you know about nutrition and everything you have heard about dieting.  Dieting is not the best way to lose weight. In fact, recent studies show just the opposite; people who diet end up gaining back whatever weight they lose, plus some. 

Forget Dieting
Stop searching for a quick or the diet cure-all.   The most effective and healthiest way to shed unwanted weight and gain muscle is to alter your lifestyle.  This means making a change that goes beyond a day, week, or month.  Transform your lifestyle by fueling your body with foods that will give you sustained energy and optimal health.  

Addressing the Problems
To understand what we need to change, we have to take a look at what we are doing wrong.  First, the foods that have become the staples of the American diet are killing you.  These foods are fake and contain little or no nutritional value.  Finally, the American plate is outdated and contributes to the U.S. obesity epidemic.  In order to make improvements in your lifestyle, health, and fitness levels, you have to eliminate processed foods from your life and fuel your body with real foods.

Your Food is Killing You
We have been tricked into believing that highly processed refined foods that are loaded with preservatives, coloring, flavoring and additives are acceptable.  If you paid for your meal through the window of your car or open a bag or box to access your dinner, chances are it is fake.   Don’t let the flashy marketing schemes, endorsements, or convenience of prepackaged or premade meals fool you. Foods that can sit on the shelf of a grocery store month after month, without spoiling are dead.  Think about what has gone into a food to transform it from perishable to nonperishable.  Not only do these foods lack real nutritional value, they contain harmful chemicals and toxins that are harmful to your body.

I think it’s clear that highly refined foods that have been altered from their natural state are hazardous to our health, but how do they affect our body? Simply put, these foods enter the bloodstream like an injection of sugar.  Our bodies attempt to use this shot of sugar, or glycogen, as energy shutting down our metabolism in the process.  Instead of converting this food to fuel the excess gets stored as fat because there is already enough glycogen in the blood, muscles, and liver.  The rise and fall of insulin in the blood leaves you tired and the lack of nutrients in the fake food leaves you unsatisfied.  Thinking that you are still hungry, you continue to eat and the fat storage process repeats itself.

Begin to slowly transform the way that you eat by increasing the amount of vegetables, meats, and fruits that you are eating while avoiding processed foods, and educating yourself about portion sizes.  Shift your thinking away from the 3 “square meals” that many of us have grown up on.  The days of a meal that consists of meat and potatoes, with little or no vegetables on the plate are obsolete.  Green, leafy and/or colorful vegetables should be the star of your plate, followed by a 4-6 ounce serving of a lean protein source, and a small portion of wholesome carbohydrates like sprouted whole grains or beans.

Instead of looking to instant meals or drive-thru windows for your next meal, start eating real food.  By real food I mean food that is fresh, local when possible, comes out of the ground, off of a tree, or from an animal.  Real food is perishable; it does not come out of a box or bag. The fewer ingredients listed on the label, the better.  Eating in this manner will improve the way you perform, recover, look, and feel.

What should I eat?
Simply put, your diet should be based on lean animal protein, fresh vegetables, (green leafy and colorful) some fruit, healthy sources of fat, limited number of starches, and no added sugars.

The number one way to meet your nutritional needs is to consume a diet rich in whole foods.  For this reason you want to consume foods that have a high net gain – foods easily digested and utilized by your body.  The foundation of your nutritional intake should be fibrous vegetables, fruit, legumes, seeds, and pseudograins, and cold-pressed oils, nuts, avocados (healthy fats) and starchy vegetables and other grains.

Fibrous Vegetables: Beets, Bell Peppers, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Arugula, Spinach, Beet Greens, Kale, Green Beans, etc.

Fruits: Apples, Banana, Berries, Pear, Orange, Grapefruit, Cherries, Grapes, Dates, Figs, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Mango, Melon, Peach, etc.

Legumes: Beans (black, fava, kidney, adzuki), Lentiles, Peas, etc.

Pseudograins:  commonly known as carbohydrates, these foods are actually seeds or grains that are sprouted or cooked.  They are also high in protein and fiber and gluten free.  Amaranth, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Wild Rice, Sprouted/Gluten free bread (Eziekle 4:9)

Seeds:  Flaxseed, Sunflower, Pumpkin, hempseed, Sesame Seed, Chia Seed

Oils: (raw, cold-pressed) Coconut, Flaxseed, Hemp, EVOO

Raw Nuts: Brazil Nuts, Cashew, Hazelnuts, Pecans, Pine nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts

Starches/Whole grains:  Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Oats, Rice, Rye, Spelt, Barley

When and how much?
You have probably heard that when it comes to losing weight you have to eat 6 small meals spread throughout the day.  While smaller meals and snacks are best, there is no scientific evidence that shows eating more than 3 meals per day will have an impact on the metabolism or fat burning.  With that said, there are studies that show a negative impact on the metabolism if you are not eating at least 3 meals per day. 

I suggest 3 meals during the day, with 1-2 snacks depending on hunger and activity level.  Try not to go more than 4 hours without eating to keep your insulin from spiking and crashing.  Your meals should feature a protein source, healthy fat, and vegetable or fruit.  Snacks can be vegetables, fruit, nut/seeds, or a combination of your choosing.

For example:

Complete meal: 4-6 oz of chicken, 1-2 tablespoon coconut oil, and all you can eat roasted veggies. Yes, it's that simple.

Snacks: 3+ hours before a workout: 2-4 oz of lean turkey breast, ½-1 cup broccoli, 2 tablespoon avocados. Because of the protein, fat, and fiber contained in these foods it is best to allow for digestion before a workout.

If you become hungry throughout the day, try one of these healthy snacks instead of starving yourself or hitting the drive-through. It is the smaller portion size that constitutes a snack.

Shredded, unsweetened coconut

Larabar or make your own by using a food processor to combine dates and your nuts/seeds of choice

Banana, berries, or pumpkin mashed with egg white protein powder

Hard boiled eggs

Apple or pear, sliced, and dusted with cinnamon

Canned tuna, salmon, or sardines

Veggies dipped in salsa or guacamole

Almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds

Dried mango, goji berries, mulberries, or fruit leather (read the label to be sure it is unsweetened)

Nut butter (I stick with almond, hazelnut, or sunflower seed butter)

Sliced or cubed fruit or veg. (this might include cantaloupe wrapped in turkey or smoked salmon, or using kale or lettuce as a wrap for chicken/tuna)

Modify your food intake based on your activity level:
Because you do not burn the same amount of calories every day, consider changing your food intake based on your activity level for the day. On days that you are not training, or exercise at a low intensity you will not need to consume as many calories or carbohydrates as you would on a heavy training day.  On recovery or low activity days limit the amount of grains and starches opting instead for lean proteins, vegetables, and fruit.  Simple, fast digesting carbohydrates will also play a less critical role, as you will want to consume high glycemic fruits like pears, apples, and berries.

Time your Carbohydrate Consumption:

Front-load your carbohydrates, taking in the majority of your carbohydrates earlier in the day.  You will be more likely to burn these excess sugars throughout the day, and it will not affect your insulin levels before bed.  Breakfast, mid-morning snack, and lunch might feature psedograins or sprouted bread, and then the second half of the day would feature fruit, healthy fat, veggies, and lean protein.

Fuel your workouts with easily digestible carbohydrates.  Ideally, you would want to consume a whole-food meal about 2 hours prior to a workout. Then, 15-30 minutes before you can consume a pre-workout snack.
In workouts that are conducted at a low intensity or last less than 45 minutes, you will not need to take on excessive amounts of carbohydrates because your body will be carrying a sufficient amount of glycogen to be used as energy.
For training sessions that are conducted at a high intensity or last 60+ you will want a pre-workout snack that is made up of simple carbohydrates (high glycemic) such as fruit.  Dates, banana, mango, a handful of pumpkin and sunflower seeds with raisins, or other fruits work great here.

Take advantage of the post workout recovery window, consuming a snack within 35 minutes post workout.  After a workout, the best snack is a simple carbohydrate, similar to those consumed before the workout.  However, you want to limit your intake of fats and protein.  Ideally, you want to take in a ratio of 3:1 simple carbs to protein.  Then, after about an hour has passed you will want to take in a complete, whole food, nutrient rich meal. Eating a snack after training is not required.  If you prefer or are able to eat a whole food meal within 45 minutes of training, a well-balanced feeding will suffice.

Here is a look at some of my pre and post workout food choices.

Pre-workout (30 min), high intensity cardio:  half of a banana.  I would have eaten a substantial meal or snack 3 hours prior, similar to the meal or snack I described above.  Just before the workout, I would top off my glycogen stores with the simple sugars in the banana.  After this workout, depending on when I can get a whole meal in, I might down the other half of the banana or just wait to eat a full meal.

Pre-workout (30-40 min), low intensity weight training:  8 oz coconut water with 1 scoop of egg white protein powder.  This snack provides some essential nutrients like potassium and sodium, a small amount of sugar, and the crucial aminos from the protein.  Similar to my cardio workout above, depending on when I am eating next, I might have some more protein or just refuel with a complete meal.

Post-workout (within 30 min), following a 90+ min bike or run:  8-10 oz water, 3-4 tablespoons of glucose, and 1-2 tablespoons of egg white protein.  During and after a long endurance effort, I compromise my nutritional rules to allow for the consumption of fast, easily digested sugars.  This can include sports gels, drinks, or glucose.  Post-workout I aim for a 3:1, or 4:1 simple carb to protein ration to promote recovery.  When I get hungry, usually 1-2 hours later, I eat a complete meal featuring yams or sweet potato as my carb of choice.

What to avoid?
Stay away from added sugars, artificial flavors and sweeteners, and processed carbohydrates.  The most obvious examples include candy, soda, chips, rice, bread, and pasta.  These high glycemic carbohydrates cause the blood sugar to rise rapidly during digestion resulting in the storage of fat and insulin sensitivity.  High glycemic carbohydrates wreak havoc on blood sugar, creating insulin sensitivity resulting in degenerative diseases such as type II diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Opting for low glycemic carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will improve your energy levels, promote weight loss, and satisfy hunger.

Eliminate Inflammatory Foods:
Corn, wheat, gluten, dairy, peanuts, and soy are foods that can cause inflammation in the body.  Without knowing it, many people have developed intolerances or sensitivity to these foods because the body cannot digest them properly.  They may leave you feeling bloated, crapped, and unsatisfied.  Attempt to slowly remove these foods from your diet over the course of a month.  Try one at a time and record how your body responds.  Do you feel better, worse, have more energy, less discomfort? Make lasting changes to you diet based on your observations.

Do not drink your calories.  Drink water, brewed tea, and black coffee.  Hold the mayo, be weary of the salad dressing, and don’t add salt. 

Truthfully, it is that simple.  Follow these basic guidelines and you will see a change in your body composition, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Take Action; How to Implement this Guide

Identify your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle goals, be specific and realistic.  How long will it take to achieve these goals? Identify a timeline for completion of these goals, checkpoints along the way, and obstacles to your success.

What foods will help you reach these goals?  Prepare a list of foods you use as a template for trips to the grocery store.  Keep a notebook or spreadsheet of foods, meals, and recipes that you enjoy.  Expand your palate, knowledge of food, and your cooking skills. Do not purchase foods that are not on your list or those foods that will keep you from achieving your goals.

Stock up on Tupperware containers that will be used to store prepared meals and snacks that you can take with you to work or on the road.  Purchase a lunchbox or collapsible cooler to transport meals and snacks, so that you will not be tempted to make a stop for fast food when hunger strikes.

Plan ahead. Develop a menu for the upcoming week.  Grocery shop according to this menu, purchasing the ingredients you will need for your weekly menu comprised of foods that are from your approved list.

Set aside one day to prepare, cook and store meals for the week based on your menu.  Prepare foods in bulk.  Pack Tupperware containers with proper servings of your foods, and load up the fridge.  You can also create snack size baggies of nuts, trail mix, vegetables, and sliced fruit for the week ahead.

Enjoy your new, healthy lifestyle without having to think about what you are supposed to eat, when or how much.


BONUS 1:  Top 10 Fat Burning Foods
When it’s possible consider work these foods into your diet to increase your metabolism, burn more fat, and up your antioxidant intake.

Cayenne Pepper: helps the body production of heat, increasing lipid oxidation; burning fat for energy.  Also decreases appetite and slows the growth of fat cells.

Cinnamon:  Adding this spice to your coffee, tea, or snacks adds flavor and has been found to lower blood sugar levels.

Ginger:  Known to be a metabolic activator increasing metabolic function, suppressing the appetite, and helping improve digestion and even relieve an upset stomach

Citrus Fruits: Vitamin C oxidizes body fat, increasing the use of fat for energy.

Berries and Apples:  Packed with pectin, quercetin, vitamin C and malic acid these fruits regulate energy levels and because they are water based and high in fiber they help satisfy your appetite.

Wild Salmon: Fresh, wild salmon, not farmed raised, contain essential fatty acids or EFAs a key nutrient for overall healthy.

Garlic: enhances thermogenic properties; your body’s ability to burn fat.  Garlic has also been linked to lower blood sugar levels.

Green Tea: EGCG, a chemical in green tea revs up the heart, metabolism, and fat burning abilities. Catechins, the powerful antioxidants found in green tea, are known to increase metabolism.

Raw Almonds:  Build muscle, keep you full, and stay healthy with the protein, fiber, vitamin E and magnesium in raw almonds.

Eggs: Full of vitamin B12, protein, and animo acids eggs help build muscle and burn fat.


BONUS 2: Hybrid Guide to Healthy Grilling
Keeping your performance and weight loss goals in mind, use The Hybrid Guide to Healthy Grilling as you create your own food spread that will both impress and satisfy.

Go Lean
If you are going to be doing burgers on the grill, choose a leaner cut or consider substituting bison or turkey for beef.  Buffalo are required by law to be raised without steroids or growth hormones making them safer and more nutritious.

When choosing a cut of meat look for eye of round roast, top round steak, bottom round roast, top sirloin steak or round tip roast. These cuts are leaner than 95% lean ground beef.

If you aren’t into red meat or prefer an alternative, pick up some chicken or fish.  Tuna and salmon can go right on the grill and you can pack more delicate fish like tilapia in a foil with some fresh lemon and herbs.

Top it off
If you are looking to cut calories or carbs, try an open-face burger with the bun on the bottom. Better yet, pack you burger between two grilled slices of portabella mushrooms or egg plant and get after it with a fork and knife.  If that doesn’t work, use fresh or grilled romaine lettuce to wrap or sandwich your burger.

Be wary of the ingredients and calories condiments pack. Some, like ketchup can have preservative and high fructose corn syrup, while others like store bought barbeque sauce and marinates can be loaded with sugar.   Opt for the low calorie, organic and or preservative free offering when possible.  Otherwise, try topping your burger off with fresh vegetables, avocado or salsa.

Soak it up
Whipping up a marinate is an easy way to bring some flavor to the party.  In addition to the flavor, marinades protect the meat from carcinogens created by smoke and high heat cooking.  Start with an acid-based liquid, some healthy fat cooking oil and some fresh herbs.  You can even get creative and come up with something like my Mojito Marinade; olive oil, lime juice, lime zest, fresh mint, sea salt and a splash of rum.

Rub it in
Like a marinate, creating a wet or dry rub is easy and less expensive than store bought alternative.  Like the name suggests a dry run is just a combination of herbs and spices that you rub on whatever you are cooking before it hits the grill.  As the name would suggest a wet rub has some liquid component, usually oil or mustard.  I am a fan of using coffee and pepper as a dry rub, but you can mix and max combos to come up with something that pleases your palate.

Slice and Skewer
Pick up some grilling skewers, slice up your meat and veg of choice and toss it on the grill. MEAL DONE!  If you want to get fancy with your kabobs you can marinate your meat and vegetables before cooking or add sliced fruit like pineapple to the mix.  Making kabobs ahead of time is great for entertaining.  You get all the work done before anyone arrives and can create meat, veg and marinate combos that everyone can enjoy.

Super Sides
Summer is the perfect time to hit up the farmers market for the freshest fruits and vegetables.  You can’t go wrong with nutritious and low calories sides like sliced fruit, grilled vegetables and homemade salsa or guac.

Simply take your vegetable of choice, slice ’em up, add olive oil and herbs then make room on the grill.  Depending on the veg, you can go straight to the grill top, create mini foil packets or use a grill basket while cooking.

For me, no cookout is complete without sliced watermelon, but feel free to go with whatever works for you.  Maybe you prefer berries, fruit salad or sliced fruit that has been “marinated”; hey I am not judging.  If you are feeling adventurous, try some grilled fruit.  Try this, half so pears, dip them in balsamic vinegar and grill them off.

Finish off your food offerings with some homemade salsa.  The store bought stuff is lame.  It has a ton of unnecessary ingredients and lacks in taste.  Try chopped peaches, mangos, onion, chilies and cilantro in addition to some fresh cut tomatoes.  Or, if you prefer, cub some avocado and add it to some sliced tomatoes, lime juice, shallots and spices to taste.



©Copyright 2012, Hybrid Athlete LLC. All rights reserved. No duplication or reproduction of this document is allowed in any form without written permission from Hybrid Athlete LLC. The opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of Hybrid Athlete LLC. No claim or opinion in this guide is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet or exercise program. The food and drug administration has not evaluated any of the claims made in this book. The information or products mentioned in this document are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The respective authors of the document and Hybrid Athlete LLC make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in this guide for any purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use of its contents remains with the recipient. In no event shall the respective authors of this document and or Hybrid Athlete LLC. be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages whatsoever. By reading and following the principles in this guide, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


Joe is a one of the nation’s top fitness trainers, a freelance writer, and the co-founder of Hybrid Athlete -an online and on-location exercise resource for fitness seekers and facilitators.

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