
While there are many people who claim certain foods burn more calories while you chew and digest them, than they give you overall, the negative calorie claim may be a little far fetched. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t super foods that are also amazingly enough low in calories, making it easier to keep our diets in check throughout the day. Check out our list of foods that made the list!

Arugula – Low in calories, fat and cholesterol this salad favorite is loaded with fiber, vitamin A, C and K and potassium. It’s dark leaves pack antioxidants that can help absorb toxins and is a great addition to any salad or sandwich.  4 calories per cup


Broth – This high volume food can provide you the feeling of being full with very few calories. Add in some lean meats and some green veggies and you have a healthy, low calorie meal. However, even though you are slurping up very few calories, broth is usually very high in sodium, so make sure to check the sodium levels before whipping up a batch. 10 calories per cup.


Celsius Negative Calorie Drink –  This delicious drink mix is made to help you burn 100 additional calories when you drink it before physical activity. Enhance your workout with a boost of energy aided by the combination of green tea extract, ginger root, guarana seed and B-vitamins to send your metabolism soaring. 10 calories per serving.


Mushrooms – Diverse and meaty, mushrooms provide antioxidants, potassium, fiber and Vitamin D to your diet.  Grill them, bake them, or mix them with soup, there is no wrong way to include this low calorie favorite to any recipe. 15 calories per cup.


Lemons/Limes – Not only will you be loading up your immune system with the always helpful Vitamin C, but you can add zesty flavor to any meal for only a handful of calories. Snack on these sour summer favorites for a pep of energy without the added fat or cholesterol! 20 calories per fruit.


Pumpkin – Not just a fall favorite, pumpkin is rich in potassium and antioxidants. It’s naturally sweet and meaty texture brings a lower calorie option to baked goods and may also be good in lowering blood pressure. 30 calories per cup.


Celery- The ultimate high volume food, celery is very low in calories and contains Vitamin A and C to keep your skin and immune system at it’s best. Keep this fibrous veggie on hand for whenever you need a quick snack. 16 Cal per cup


Your Turn: What low calorie foods do you enjoy or sneak into your daily lifestyle?


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