
Recently, I was at the Denver ComiCon and I saw a very questionable demonstration of self-defense techniques. Granted, the demonstration's title indicated the content would be the martial art used by the Dark Knight choreographers in the most recent Batman movies, so I wasn't expecting much. However, the demonstration indicated that one could become proficient in the demonstrated style in a matter of months, learning only 40 techniques, and thus be able to defend oneself.

The demonstrated techniques included a side control escape that I could not see working against a resisting opponent. A demonstration of the "inferior" Muay Thai kicks, "which do not follow through" didn't seem to ring true. The remainder of the demonstration consisted of other techniques that would only appear to work against a static, non-resisting opponent.

So, I decided to look the instructor up after the event. What I found was the standard set of red flags of a Bullshido artist that typically graces the MABS sub-forum. The "high belt rank or teaching certifications in 18 different arts" seemed par for the course. My inability to find a fight record, amateur or professional, makes me question the accuracy of the term "retired professional fighter" as applied to Dr. Rick Rogers.

Here's a link with the text quoted for posterity:



Dr. Rick Rogers Ph.D. C.S.C.S.

Rick comes to us from the West coast with a wealth of experience, versatility and education.

A retired professional fighter, he has 30 plus years of training in the combat arts, over 25 years of teaching experience and 13 years of competing under his belt.

He has trained and taught the world over, having worked with every level from complete beginners to seasoned professionals, Military, and Federal and local law enforcement agencies.

Rick holds high level belt rank or teaching certifications in 18 different systems specializing in Defence Labs SDX program, the Filipino martial arts, Bruce Lees Jeet Kune Do Concepts, Muay Thai kickboxing, Krav Maga, MMA and other self defense and weapon systems.

Having literally grown up in the health and fitness field, he holds a Doctorate degree in Sports Education, a Masters degree in Exercise Science with concentrations in functional strength and conditioning and fat loss, a Bachelors degree in Kinesiology ( the study of human movement) with a minor in nutrition as well as being a certified master personal trainer, certified master group fitness instructor and nutritionist.

He also has certifications in Crossfit, 3 forms of yoga, mat pilates and is a level 3 kettle bell and gymnastics instructor.

He can be seen using his expertise as a Physical Therapy assistant helping rehabilitate an injury one moment and shortly after using his Mixed Martial Art Conditioning Specialist certification to prepare a fighter for their next competition then helping a new person get on track to lose that first 5 pounds.His classes are fun, effective and intense, and when not teaching he can be seen around the gym helping people with everything from proper technique, wrapping hands to answering fitness questions of all types all the while with a smile and a kind word or a really cheesy joke.

Based on that information, I sent a couple of different emails to the Defence Lab Denver and Synergy Martial Arts and Fitness contact pages. Here is a copy of what I sent, minus the greeting and salutation.


I was at the Denver Comic Con today and I saw only a portion of your presentation. But what I saw piqued my interest.

I am interested in learning more about your school, martial arts style and instructors.

How long has this school been operating? The presentation indicated that only a short time was needed to develop proficiency in your style, is this the Keysi Fighting Method style? Are there other styles that are taught as well?

I read Dr. Rick Rogers' bio and it references a professional fighting career. Can you tell me what kinds of bouts these were? What promotions were these bouts in? I wasn't able to find any additional information when I did a quick internet search.

Can you provide any additional information on Dr. Rogers' martial arts history? 18 styles and/or systems seems like a very impressive number of certifications And teaching authorizations. Can you clarify what these ranks are and who awarded them?

I did not receive a response to either inquiry. I haven't yet planned a visit to the school, nor have I contacted anyone from Defence [sic] Lab by phone.

I'd be interested to hear the opinions of others here.

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