
We all have Candida Albicans in our gut flora – when it begins to take over is where it can wreak havoc on our body.  With our modern diet of sugar and refined processed foods, our over use of antibiotics, and our stressful lifestyles –  Candidiasis is becoming more prevalent. Unfortunately many doctors do not yet recognize that our ailment could be a systemic issue and only treat the symptoms.  Candidiasis symptoms can be mis-diagnosed because they mimic so many other health issues.  There is a questionnaire that can help you determine if Candidiasis is what ails you.  The good news is that with some changes you can tame the overgrowth back down to a normal level and soon you will most likely feel better than you have in quite some time!

The Candida Diet website has answers to probably any questions you may have about Candida, here are some highlights.

Candida Symptoms

THE WAY YOU FEEL – Inability to focus, Brain fog, Irritability, Anger, Dizziness, Depression, Persistent extreme fatigue, Hyperactivity, Cravings for sweets and alcohol, Insomnia.

YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM – Acid reflux, Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation,  Indigestion, Burping after meals, Hemorrhoids.

YOUR SKIN – Acne, Night sweats, Psoriasis, Eczema, Athlete’s foot, Body odor.

YOUR MOUTH – Metallic taste in mouth, Bad breath, Canker sores.

YOUR RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – Persistent cough, Mucus in throat, Sore throat, Sinus congestion, Chronic post-nasal drip, Hay fever symptoms, Asthma.

YOUR EARS AND EYES – Itchy eyes, Sensitivity to light, Bags under eyes, Ringing in the ears, Ear infections.

YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM – Frequent colds and flu, Allergies, Sensitivities to food, fragrances and chemicals.

OTHER SYMPTOMS – Headaches, Chronic body pain and/or joint pains, Muscle aches and stiffness.

Candida and your diet – The modern diet is like a feast for Candida, since it is a yeast that needs sugar to thrive and multiply. That includes sugar itself, foods containing sugar and also anything that converts to sugar. Refined carbohydrates like processed food made with white flour, other refined grains and alcohol can all contribute to Candida growth.

Candida and antibiotics – The most common culprit in an outbreak of Candida is antibiotics. A full course of antibiotics kills the harmful bacteria for which it is prescribed, but it also destroys beneficial and friendly bacteria that live in your gut. This can leave your body defenseless to harmful bacteria and fungi, such as the fast-growing Candida yeast that quickly dominates the small intestine and causes problems.  Of course there are times when you do need that antibiotics prescription, but the truth is that doctors prescribe it for many health issues unnecessarily, like the common cold or a sore throat. Make sure there is no alternative treatment to your condition and, if you must take them, be sure to take an good probiotic supplement during and after the treatment to replenish the healthy bacteria population.

Candida and stress – Stress affects your body in two ways, both of which can lead to excess Candida. One of your body’s first reactions to a stressful situation is to release Cortisol, a hormone that depresses your immune system and raises your blood sugar level. The Candida yeast feeds on the extra sugar, while your weakened immune system is powerless to stop it. Quickly it overpowers the balanced mixture of microorganisms in your small intestine. Prolonged stress can also weaken your adrenal glands, which are an important part of your immune system. These small organs release hormones that regulate several different systems within your body, and they are responsible for production of the ‘fight or flight’ hormone adrenaline. If your adrenals become drained you will feel constantly tired, and probably find yourself drinking cup after cup of coffee. Your immune system becomes similarly drained and unable to respond properly to pathogens like the Candida yeast.

Candida and the Pill – In other sufferers, an outbreak of Candida can be traced to the contraceptive pill. The stomach is a delicate organ, containing a precise mixture of microorganisms and yeasts that help process and digest food. They depend on the right balance of chemicals to support them, but this equilibrium can be thrown off by the hormonal imbalances caused by the Pill. By disturbing this balance, the Pill opens the door for Candida to once again outgrow its competitors in the gut. Estrogen, the major ingredient in the Pill, is known to promote the growth of yeast.

Mercury in your Fillings – Silver amalgam fillings contain at least 50% mercury, and this is poisonous to the body. Mercury particles and vapor are continuously released in the body as you chew, grind and brush your teeth. Mercury significantly weakens the immune system and can be the cause of many health problems. One of these is Candida. The mercury leaks from the dental fillings and kills the friendly bacteria in your gut, allowing Candida to take over.

Chlorine and Fluoride – Both chlorine and fluoride kill the beneficial bacteria in your gut. This weakens your immune system and allows the small number of Candida yeast cells in your gut to grow into a Candida infestation.

If I would have known this about 20 years ago I could have saved myself years of intense headaches and other health ailments!  If you “find yourself” among the above list, I encourage you to take their Candida Questionnaire.  The Candida Diet website can support you through the process of regaining your health. Dragging through life is not an enjoyable way to live; aiding our bodies to function at their best is rather simple with a diet and lifestyle adjustment (the hardest part may be the choice).  Here’s to choosing to live a simple and healthy life!

Featured Image Source: Wikipedia      Article Image Source: Flick

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