
ttd@vz2:~$ /usr/games/openttd -D -c openttd.cfg

dbg: [net] Starting dedicated version 1.5.0-beta1

dbg: [net] [core] starting network...

dbg: [net] [udp] initializing listeners

dbg: [net] [core] network online, multiplayer available

dbg: [net] Detected broadcast addresses:

dbg: [net] 0)

Error: Assertion failed at line 141 of /bamboo/src/core/math_func.hpp: min <= max

Crash encountered, generating crash log...

*** OpenTTD Crash Report ***

Crash at: Sat Jan 24 22:39:33 2015

In game date: 2051-05-09 (27)

Crash reason:

Signal: Aborted (6)

Message: Assertion failed at line 141 of /bamboo/src/core/math_func.hpp: min <= max

OpenTTD version:

Version: 1.5.0-beta1 (0)

NewGRF ver: 150069d8

Bits: 64

Endian: little

Dedicated: no

Build date: Dec 24 2014 19:49:15


[00] /usr/games/openttd(_ZNK12CrashLogUnix13LogStacktraceEPcPKc+0x39) [0x7f7c769bc549]

[01] /usr/games/openttd(_ZNK8CrashLog12FillCrashLogEPcPKc+0xf7) [0x7f7c7687f3c7]

[02] /usr/games/openttd(_ZNK8CrashLog12MakeCrashLogEv+0x7e) [0x7f7c7687f65e]

[03] /usr/games/openttd(+0x3a448f) [0x7f7c769bc48f]

[04] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x321e0) [0x7f7c7475c1e0]

[05] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35) [0x7f7c7475c165]

[06] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x180) [0x7f7c7475f3e0]

[07] /usr/games/openttd(+0x390ba8) [0x7f7c769a8ba8]

[08] /usr/games/openttd(+0x513a4e) [0x7f7c76b2ba4e]

[09] /usr/games/openttd(_Z12ResizeWindowP6Windowiib+0x127) [0x7f7c76b2dc97]

[10] /usr/games/openttd(_Z16ReInitAllWindowsv+0x35) [0x7f7c76b30d95]

[11] /usr/games/openttd(+0x3908cc) [0x7f7c769a88cc]

[12] /usr/games/openttd(_Z12openttd_mainiPPc+0x15b1) [0x7f7c769aa591]

[13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x7f7c74748ead]

[14] /usr/games/openttd(+0x1a75b1) [0x7f7c767bf5b1]

Operating system:

Name: Linux

Release: 3.2.0-4-amd64

Version: #1 SMP Debian 3.2.54-2

Machine: x86_64

Compiler: GCC 4.7.2 "4.7.2"


Blitter: null

Graphics set: OpenGFX (1021)

Language: /usr/share/games/openttd/lang/english.lng

Music driver: null

Music set: OpenMSX (96)

Network: no

Sound driver: null

Sound set: OpenSFX (87)

Video driver: dedicated


Small: sprite

Medium: sprite

Large: sprite

Mono: sprite

AI Configuration (local: 0):

0: Human


FontConfig: 2.9.0

FreeType: 2.4.9


LZMA: 5.1.0alpha

LZO: 2.06

PNG: 1.2.49

SDL: 1.2.15

Zlib: 1.2.7

---- gamelog start ----

Tick 62675: game loaded

Conversion from OTTD savegame without gamelog: version 4, 1

Revision text changed to 1.5.0-beta1, savegame version 194, not modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x150069d8

New game mode: 0 landscape: 1

---- gamelog end ----

*** End of OpenTTD Crash Report ***

Crash log generated.

Writing crash log to disk...

Crash log written to crash.log. Please add this file to any bug reports.

Writing crash savegame...

Crash savegame written to crash.sav. Please add this file and the last (auto)save to any bug reports.

Writing crash screenshot...

Writing crash screenshot failed.


ttd@vz2:~$ cat openttd.cfg


display_opt =

news_display_opt = 2863311530

news_ticker_sound = true

fullscreen = false

language = english.lng

# This is an absolute minimum resolution.

# But it reduces the cpu-usage drastically. /Osai

resolution = 1,1

screenshot_format =

savegame_format =

rightclick_emulate = false

sprite_cache_size = 2

graphicsset =

soundsset =

musicset =

videodriver =

musicdriver =

sounddriver =

blitter =

small_font =

medium_font =

large_font =

mono_font =

small_size = 0

medium_size = 0

large_size = 0

mono_size = 0

small_aa = false

medium_aa = false

large_aa = false

mono_aa = false

sprite_cache_size_px = 128

player_face = 0

transparency_options = 0

transparency_locks = 0

invisibility_options = 0

keyboard =

keyboard_caps =

last_newgrf_count = 0


playlist = 0

music_vol = 100

effect_vol = 100

custom_1 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,20,0,0,0,0,0

custom_2 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

playing = false

shuffle = false

extmidi = timidity


rate = 1

separator =

to_euro = 0

prefix = ""

suffix = ""


max_join_time = 5000

pause_on_join = true

server_bind_ip =

server_port = 3979

server_advertise = false

lan_internet = 1

player_name = publicserver

server_password =

rcon_password = rconpass

server_name = #moo - The Public Server

connect_to_ip =

network_id = 913eb7047e1fcd5362544ed5710e319b

autoclean_companies = false

autoclean_unprotected = 12

autoclean_protected = 36

restart_game_date = 0

restart_game_year = 0

max_companies = 5

max_clients = 10

max_spectators = 10

net_frame_freq = 2

min_players = 2

server_lang = ANY

commands_per_frame = 2

max_commands_in_queue = 16

bytes_per_frame = 8

bytes_per_frame_burst = 256

max_init_time = 100

max_download_time = 1000

max_password_time = 2000

max_lag_time = 500

server_admin_port = 3977

server_admin_chat = true

client_name =

admin_password =

default_company_pass =

autoclean_novehicles = 0

min_active_clients = 0

reload_cfg = false

last_host =

last_port = 0

no_http_content_downloads = false




language = english

responsiveness = 4

use_irc = no

use_mysql = no

use_console = yes

randomize_password = yes

password_list = /usr/share/dict/words

password_frequency = 300000

authorized_players_only = no

pause_level = -1

motd1 = Welcome, NAME, to the #moo - Public Server

motd2 = For admin support, please email EMAIL

recount_frequency = 300000

smtp_server =

# The following are extra commands that can be used on an IRC channel.

# The keyword alone, preceded by a !, will elicit the response defined here.

# keyword = response


url = URL

email = My admin can be reached at EMAIL

playercount = Number of players: PLAYERS

companycount = Number of companies: COMPANIES (at last count)

fish = Today's fish is Trout a la crème. Enjoy your meal.

password = PASSWORD

hufftherabbit = PASSWORD

hello = Hello, I am The Public Server - Enjoy your game and check the !fish.


display_hz = 0

force_full_redraw = false

fullscreen_bpp = 8

double_size = false

window_maximize = false


arrival_player = full

arrival_other = full

accident = full

company_info = full

openclose = full

economy = full

advice = full

new_vehicles = full

acceptance = full

subsidies = full

general = full

open = summarized

close = summarized

production_player = summarized

production_other = off

production_nobody = off


max_no_competitors = 2

number_towns = 0

industry_density = 3

max_loan = 500000

initial_interest = 4

vehicle_costs = 2

competitor_speed = 2

vehicle_breakdowns = 1

subsidy_multiplier = 2

construction_cost = 2

terrain_type = 2

quantity_sea_lakes = 1

economy = true

line_reverse_mode = false

disasters = true

town_council_tolerance = 2


town_name = english

landscape = temperate

snow_line_height = 4

starting_year = 1950

land_generator = 1

oil_refinery_limit = 48

tgen_smoothness = 1

variety = 0

generation_seed = 150448953

tree_placer = 2

heightmap_rotation = 0

se_flat_world_height = 0

map_x = 9

map_y = 9

water_borders = 15

custom_town_number = 1

custom_sea_level = 2

min_river_length = 16

river_route_random = 5

amount_of_rivers = 2


road_side = right

train_acceleration_model = 0

roadveh_acceleration_model = 0

train_slope_steepness = 3

roadveh_slope_steepness = 7

max_train_length = 7

smoke_amount = 1

never_expire_vehicles = true

max_trains = 1000

max_roadveh = 100

max_aircraft = 100

max_ships = 0

wagon_speed_limits = false

disable_elrails = false

freight_trains = 1

plane_speed = 4

dynamic_engines = true

plane_crashes = 2

extend_vehicle_life = 0

servint_ispercent = false

servint_trains = 150

servint_roadveh = 150

servint_ships = 360

servint_aircraft = 100


build_on_slopes = true

command_pause_level = 1

terraform_per_64k_frames = 4194304

terraform_frame_burst = 4096

clear_per_64k_frames = 4194304

clear_frame_burst = 4096

tree_per_64k_frames = 4194304

tree_frame_burst = 4096

autoslope = true

extra_dynamite = true

max_bridge_length = 64

max_tunnel_length = 64

train_signal_side = 1

road_stop_on_town_road = true

road_stop_on_competitor_road = true

raw_industry_construction = 2

industry_platform = 1

freeform_edges = true

extra_tree_placement = 2


never_expire_airports = false

station_spread = 64

modified_catchment = true

adjacent_stations = true

distant_join_stations = true


town_layout = 2

allow_town_roads = true

found_town = 0

allow_town_level_crossings = true

station_noise_level = false

inflation = false

multiple_industry_per_town = true

bribe = true

exclusive_rights = true

fund_buildings = true

fund_roads = true

give_money = true

smooth_economy = true

allow_shares = true

feeder_payment_share = 75

town_growth_rate = 1

larger_towns = 10

initial_city_size = 2

mod_road_rebuild = true

dist_local_authority = 20

town_noise_population[0] = 800

town_noise_population[1] = 2000

town_noise_population[2] = 4000

infrastructure_maintenance = true


forbid_90_deg = true

roadveh_queue = true

pathfinder_for_trains = 2

pathfinder_for_roadvehs = 2

pathfinder_for_ships = 2

reverse_at_signals = false

wait_oneway_signal = 15

wait_twoway_signal = 41

wait_for_pbs_path = 30

reserve_paths = false

path_backoff_interval = 20

opf.pf_maxlength = 4096

opf.pf_maxdepth = 48

npf.npf_max_search_nodes = 10000

npf.npf_rail_firstred_penalty = 1000

npf.npf_rail_firstred_exit_penalty = 10000

npf.npf_rail_lastred_penalty = 1000

npf.npf_rail_station_penalty = 100

npf.npf_rail_slope_penalty = 100

npf.npf_rail_curve_penalty = 100

npf.npf_rail_depot_reverse_penalty = 5000

npf.npf_rail_pbs_cross_penalty = 300

npf.npf_rail_pbs_signal_back_penalty = 1500

npf.npf_buoy_penalty = 200

npf.npf_water_curve_penalty = 100

npf.npf_road_curve_penalty = 100

npf.npf_crossing_penalty = 300

npf.npf_road_drive_through_penalty = 800

npf.npf_road_dt_occupied_penalty = 800

npf.npf_road_bay_occupied_penalty = 1500

npf.maximum_go_to_depot_penalty = 2000

yapf.disable_node_optimization = false

yapf.max_search_nodes = 10000

yapf.rail_firstred_twoway_eol = true

yapf.rail_firstred_penalty = 1000

yapf.rail_firstred_exit_penalty = 10000

yapf.rail_lastred_penalty = 1000

yapf.rail_lastred_exit_penalty = 10000

yapf.rail_station_penalty = 3000

yapf.rail_slope_penalty = 200

yapf.rail_curve45_penalty = 100

yapf.rail_curve90_penalty = 600

yapf.rail_depot_reverse_penalty = 5000

yapf.rail_crossing_penalty = 300

yapf.rail_look_ahead_max_signals = 10

yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p0 = 500

yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p1 = -100

yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p2 = 5

yapf.rail_pbs_cross_penalty = 300

yapf.rail_pbs_station_penalty = 800

yapf.rail_pbs_signal_back_penalty = 1500

yapf.rail_doubleslip_penalty = 100

yapf.rail_longer_platform_penalty = 800

yapf.rail_longer_platform_per_tile_penalty = 0

yapf.rail_shorter_platform_penalty = 4000

yapf.rail_shorter_platform_per_tile_penalty = 0

yapf.road_slope_penalty = 200

yapf.road_curve_penalty = 100

yapf.road_crossing_penalty = 300

yapf.road_stop_penalty = 800

yapf.road_stop_occupied_penalty = 800

yapf.road_stop_bay_occupied_penalty = 1500

yapf.maximum_go_to_depot_penalty = 2000


no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns = true

improved_load = true

selectgoods = true

serviceathelipad = true

gradual_loading = true


settings_profile = easy

script_max_opcode_till_suspend = 10000


ai_in_multiplayer = false

ai_disable_veh_train = false

ai_disable_veh_roadveh = false

ai_disable_veh_aircraft = false

ai_disable_veh_ship = false


currency = EUR

units = metric

digit_group_separator =

digit_group_separator_currency =

digit_decimal_separator =

units_velocity = metric

units_power = metric

units_weight = metric

units_volume = metric

units_force = si

units_height = metric


autosave = yearly

threaded_saves = true

date_format_in_default_names = long

show_finances = true

auto_scrolling = 0

reverse_scroll = false

smooth_scroll = false

left_mouse_btn_scrolling = false

measure_tooltip = false

errmsg_duration = 5

hover_delay = 2

osk_activation = double

toolbar_pos = 0

statusbar_pos = 1

window_snap_radius = 10

window_soft_limit = 20

zoom_min = 0

zoom_max = 5

population_in_label = true

link_terraform_toolbar = true

smallmap_land_colour = 0

liveries = 2

prefer_teamchat = false

scrollwheel_scrolling = 0

scrollwheel_multiplier = 5

pause_on_newgame = false

advanced_vehicle_list = 1

timetable_in_ticks = false

timetable_arrival_departure = true

quick_goto = false

loading_indicators = 1

default_rail_type = 0

enable_signal_gui = true

coloured_news_year = 2000

drag_signals_density = 2

drag_signals_fixed_distance = false

semaphore_build_before = 1910

vehicle_income_warn = true

order_review_system = 2

lost_vehicle_warn = true

disable_unsuitable_building = true

new_nonstop = true

stop_location = 2

keep_all_autosave = false

autosave_on_exit = true

max_num_autosaves = 16

auto_euro = true

news_message_timeout = 2

show_track_reservation = false

default_signal_type = 1

cycle_signal_types = 2

station_numtracks = 1

station_platlength = 5

station_dragdrop = true

station_show_coverage = false

persistent_buildingtools = true

expenses_layout = false

missing_strings_threshold = 25

graph_line_thickness = 3

show_date_in_logs = false

settings_restriction_mode = 0

developer = 1

newgrf_developer_tools = false

ai_developer_tools = false

scenario_developer = false

newgrf_show_old_versions = false

newgrf_default_palette = 1

console_backlog_timeout = 100

console_backlog_length = 100

network_chat_box_width = 620

network_chat_box_height = 25

network_chat_timeout = 20

station_gui_group_order = 0

station_gui_sort_by = 0

station_gui_sort_order = 0


news_ticker = true

news_full = true

new_year = true

confirm = true

click_beep = true

disaster = true

vehicle = true

ambient = true


engine_renew = true

engine_renew_months = 6

engine_renew_money = 100000

renew_keep_length = false



none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730

none = start_date=730


none =


version_string = 1.4.4

version_number = 14486995


recalc_interval = 4

recalc_time = 16

distribution_pax = 0

distribution_mail = 0

distribution_armoured = 0

distribution_default = 0

accuracy = 16

demand_distance = 100

demand_size = 100

short_path_saturation = 80



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