
A new pilates studio has opened in Allentown, at the corner of Utica. What was formerly the Silver Kaleidoscope is now a sleek, modern Pilates facility that features two pilates reformers, a pilates chair, rollers, balls, bands, and rings – everything that one needs to get fit, strong and flexible. If you’ve been looking for an intimate place that specializes in pilates, Long + Lean Pilates is dedicated to working closely with clients so that they will ensure that they are in appropriate form and alignment when exercising.

“Our instructors know all of the clients’ backgrounds, even in the group class setting, so they know if a client needs a modification because they’re dealing with a bulging disc, or another client is advanced and likes extra challenges,” says owner Hayley Sunshine. “We make sure each client gets the best workout for their individual needs.”

Pilates is not only great for getting into tiptop shape, it’s also recommended for healing injuries, toning the body, strengthening the abdominal and back muscles (the core), and improving posture. “We build our classes and workouts to counteract the negative stuff our day to day lives do to our bodies such as tight chests and shoulders, tight hips, rounded upper backs, and low back pain (sciatica). Even if you are 25 and pain free, it is important to start addressing those issues now to prevent unnecessary wear and tear and injuries. Plus Pilates flattens your belly, tones your arms, tightens your rear, and slims your hips and thighs; who doesn’t want that!?”

Those looking to start up with pilates classes can either consider private lessons, duet lessons or small group classes.

Long + Lean Pilates | 515 Elmwood Avenue studio | www.longandleanpilates.com | info@longandleanpilates.com | 716-881-2057 | Facebook

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