
The first beta of BuddyPress 1.9 is ready for testing!

Whether you are a BuddyPress developer, or a tinkerer with a development/testing environment, or simply an intrepid soul, we’d love for you to put this latest and greatest version of BuddyPress through its paces before its general release in a few weeks. Major changes and features that could use attention:

The new Notifications component, which adds a Notifications menu to user profiles

New widgets: Friends and Log In

Dynamic BuddyPress links for nav menus created at Dashboard > Appearance > Menus

Improvements in the performance of BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE

Improvements to the way that scheduled posts are handled in the Activity stream

For a complete list of closed tickets in the milestone, check out http://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/query?status=closed&group=resolution&milestone=1.9.

Find a problem or have a suggestion? Our development home is buddypress.trac.wordpress.org, and our support/discussion forums can be found at buddypress.org/support.

A reminder that BP 1.9-beta1 is beta software. We don’t recommend that you run it on a production server. Get your copy today via Subversion, or via zip: buddypress.1.9-beta1.zip. Thanks for helping us move toward 1.9!

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