
The Chamberlain College of Nursing is a great option for students like you who want to pursue a career in nursing. The Chamberlain College on Nursing is one of those colleges that are accredited by the Higher Studying Commission or HLC at the North Central Connection of Colleges and Schools found at the institutional learning. The nursing schools in Columbus Ohio are a great choice and if you want to enroll in the nursing school Columbus Ohio, you must have an ample knowledge about the college.

Schools Columbus

The school can trace its history back in 1889 when it was founded in St. Louis. It was called the Deaconess School of Nursing which was a tradition in 19th Century Europe. The school was renamed to its present name at 2006 and it evolved from a diploma school into a school of nursing. The university has colleges in:

• Jacksonville, Fl

• Phoenix, Az

• St. Louis Mo

• Chicago Il; Arlington

• Va; Houston, Tx, and:

• Online.

Chamberlain offers nursing programs like RN, BSN, MSN Online Bridge Option and specialties of Science in nursing online degrees.

These are the nursing programs in Ohio.

College Of Nursing

The Chamberlain College of Nursing is inspired by the mission: “providing potential and innovative condition care education programs providing, accountability, exceptional service and integrity.” Due to its long history as an educational institution, nursing schools in Columbus have been recognized for having a strong foundation and reputation of committed service.

Adhered to the school’s system is the undying commitment to personal and holistic growth for its students. If you are a graduate of the school, you will find it easy to excel in the nursing profession since you will be trained to work professionally in the field.

Here are a number of the nursing degrees provided in the college:

• Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree or BSN is generally takes four years to complete. But in Chamberlain, the program can be completed in just three years of year-long study. Chamberlain modifies its BSN degree program with various study tastes for students both in the field and inside the classroom.

• RN to BSN Online Degree Programs. RN to BSN Online Degree program is offered for registered nurses only. This is a flexible online agenda of Chamberlain provides students a dynamic system that enable nurses to obtain a BSN degree in just three semesters. Just like other online nursing programs, the RN to BSN program incorporates on-field training and classroom sessions.

Entering into a nursing degree program in nursing college Columbus Ohio will introduce you to a joint degree in nursing program which is unique only in Chamberlain College of Nursing Columbus Ohio. This is a 6 semester year-round program. If you have no previous nursing educational background, you will learn all about the basics of the profession in the first year of the program.

The program’s second level will enable you to acquire a joint degree and qualify you for the National Licensure Examination (NCLEX).

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