
Important: Tonight please join Bryan Kemper, founder of the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity, Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, and Dr Alveda King, niece of Dr Martin Luther King JR at 9:00 PM (EST). We will be discussing the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity and will have a lawyer from the ADF to talk about student’s rights. Go here for the webinar and please submit questions now at – http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventID=46335333


The 2013 Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity is just around the corner on October 15th. If you have not yet registered for this year’s event, please do so at http://www.silentday.org

Instagram and Social Media Blast

We want everyone to take photos of the event all day and instagram those photos using the hashtags: #silentday and #prolifeday. You can also post them to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

Like us on:

Instagram @prolifeday

Twitter @prolifeday





Please be sure to join the Facebook page and event, and use them to promote the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity to all your friends.

Page: https://www.facebook.com/prolifeday

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/198321757016667/


We have teamed up with Students for Life of America this year to provide a special postcard exposing Planned Parenthood.


The 2013 Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity is just around the corner on October 15th. If you have not yet registered for this years event, please do so at http://www.silentday.org

We are excited to release the official t-shirt for this year’s event, “Pretend I’m A Tree And Save Me”. This shirts can be ordered now at http://www.prolifeworld.com


We know that this event not only saves lives on the day it takes place, but also has a continued effect throughout the year. We hear from students all the time who tell us that girls approach them about being pregnant, because they remember them from the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity. The students that take part in this event are able to minister to girls all year because they stood up for life.

We need you to stand with us right now as we prepare for the 2013 Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity. Your sacrificial donation will ensure that we are able to make this event bigger and more successful than ever.

Can you donate $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can, to make sure Stand True is able to continue to educate, activate and equip these young people to spread the pro-life message ? – If you can donate please do so at https://donate.cornerstone.cc/?mid=STANDTRUE or on the donate button at standtrue.com Donations can also be mailed to Stand True – PO Box 890 – Troy, OH 45373 or call 540-538-2581 to donate by phone.

Bryan Kemper

Director of Youth Outreach for Priests for Life and Stand True Pro-life Outreach







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