
It’s that time of year again, when we are happy it’s chilly but we miss the sun; when we’re ready for the first snow but dreading the ice. The roller coaster of winter emotions is highlighted by being with family and friends and colleagues we like (and those all-of-the-above we don’t always like … and then we’re happy again about the stories we now have about how they embarrassed themselves at the holiday party … See? Roller. Coaster.)

As the days turn shorter, our capacity for self-soothing grows. Soups, hot cocoa, winter stews and glühwein brighten our days and nights. So, grab something to drink, a blankie for snuggling and come warm up to my Top 5 Holiday Posts for Winter 2014, in no particular order:

The Top 10 Winter Holiday Destinations for 2011/12, by Alison at CheeseWebEU

Alison does what she does best here: she gives us the lowdown on pretty much everything. Here, we’re talking holiday destinations. Even though the post was back in August of 2011, it’s still so timely. Snow, sun, warm, dry – it doesn’t matter. This post has everything for anyone. Pardon me while I go book my next trip.

How to make a delicious Moelleux (Molten Chocolate Cake): 5 easy steps, by Elisa Depypere at Belgian Smaak

Wait? You thought I actually only meant winter holidays? No way, José. This post is alllll about summer and how to spend your “holidays,” whether they are spring, summer, winter or other. Cozy up to the reality of life in Brussels – rain, clouds, grey. Brighten your day with an oozingly delicious, inspiring chocolate cake recipe with step-by-step photos to boot!

Christmas Menu: Elderflower Prosecco, by Jasmina at Why not Monday

Okay. Now I am getting hungry. And thirsty. All that talk of chocolate, and then thinking about topping it off (*ahem* washing it down) with a glass (okay, okay … a BOTTLE … or two) of Elderflower Prosecco, has got me in a tailspin. This has to be the simplest, most ingenious recipe I have seen all day. Okay, okay, you got me – I haven’t read a lot of posts today, but for real, it’s so simple, it’s ridiculous. Drink up. But first, let’s make that chocolate cake up there. Or maybe we should make the drinks first? Decisions, decisions.

Calamars farcis au riz et aux herbes (Stuffed squid with rice and herbs), by Sylvain at Un peu gay dans les coings (French) (If you want it in English, open the link in Chrome, right click on any white area on the page and click “Translate to English.” You’re welcome.)

So, now that you’ve read the first three posts, you must be thinking you might peruse that list from Alison again just for fun. I don’t blame you. But before you do, if you can’t go to the seaside, bring the seaside to you with this yummy calamari post from Sylvain instead. With easy-to-find ingredients, you, too, can have a little taste of summer, even when it’s cold, windy and rainy. Let me know when you make it, though – I’ll be there with 10 minutes to spare.

Mavra Kalvan – Curry de poisson – Fish Curry, by Apolina at Bombay Bruxelles (French and English – yep, in the same post!)

Wait. What? We’re at the end of the list already? No way. Well, if we have to be done, let’s end it on a good note – a little memory of childhood, a story about trains, planes and automobiles. Okay. Just trains and buses, but you get the picture … memories of days gone past, bringing us full circle to the real glue of the holidays – smells that fill our homes and bring up olfactory memories – the stuff that nostalgia is made of.

So, now that you’re done reading all these sweet posts, take a moment to think back to those memories that make up your life. Now, open up that “New Post” window and share those memories with us. Your favorite recipe, your grandparents’ prized dish, your not-so-tasty experiments that turned into ordering takeout on Christmas. Don’t pretend that’s never happened to you. Just remember to tag us when you tweet, IG or post on FB so we can keep up with you. #BxlFF all the way, baby.

Happy holidays.

With love,



About HumidFoodie:

We’re just a few locals, enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes of New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA, for locals), no matter where we are in the world. And, if we’re abroad, we bring those different connections together with New Orleans favorites, as best as we can, melding the cultures, flavors and love of life.

Born and raised in the New Orleans region, eating great good, visiting with friends and family and suffering through the hottest, most humid summers on earth, one learns the things that are important: ice-cold water, air conditioning and a breeze in a French Quarter restaurant courtyard, all while taking in the sights and sounds over a favorite local beverage. Any true New Orleanian is a Foodie for life. The richness of New Orleans permeates everything, including our Sunday best from the never-ending sauna that is New Orleans.

Aspiring to bring New Orleans to the world, one plate at a time.

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