
To take your real estate sales business to a whole new level in the next 90 days requires 3 areas of focus…1) an understanding of your current position,

2) clarity on what you want to accomplish,

3) action steps to make it happen. This blog covers all three parts.

The strategies I’m going to share with you can be implemented at any time. They are not time-dependent. The “next 90 days” you choose could be:

— A powerful year-end push

— A year beginning incentive

— A midyear “kickstart to my sales business”

Also, it doesn’t matter at what point in your real estate sales career you decide to make this transition. The techniques and ideas you’re going to learn can be implemented by the rawest of rookies or the wisest of veterans. Here’s a motivating metaphor to prove that point…

In September 2013 US endurance swimmer Diana Nyad was the first human to swim from Cuba to the Florida Keys nonstop without the benefit of a shark cage. It is a 103 mile swim and it took her 53 hours – Saturday morning to Monday afternoon at 2 PM. An amazing feat in itself, it becomes even more so when you learn that Ms. Nyad was 64 years old!

Diana is a very determined individual… this was her fifth attempt to make this crossing nonstop. When she came on shore she was amazingly lucid and passed on these two messages… “never give up and you are never too old to chase your dream”.

Based on that advice let me say the same to you… regardless of where you are in your career, never give up and it’s never too late to raise the bar on what you can accomplish in your real estate sales business.

Here then is your step-by-step guide to selling dramatically more real estate in the next 90 days. Take on these 10 Focus Items and your results will explode! Your business will never be the same…

Focus item #1. Where Am I Now?

You need to draw a line in the sand and establish your position and your productivity for the past year. It’s hard to get to where you want to go if you don’t know your starting point. Take the time to calculate your actual results for the past 12 months in the following 6 categories:

My Production for the Last 12 Months

Listing Appointments: _____________________________

Listings Taken: ___________________________________

Listings Sold: ____________________________________

Buyer Sales: _____________________________________

Transactions Closed: ______________________________

Commissions Received: $ __________________________

Focus item #2. Where Am I Going?

Now that you know what your production was for the last 12 months, you can then create some targets to be achieved in the next 90 days. Use a mentality that reflects you being “realistic with a stretch”.

Take your production for the past year and divide by 4. This will give you your average production for 90 days. Now the “stretch factor” so that you can put an inspiring target in place for the next three months.

Push yourself to overachieve but not so much so that it becomes demotivating:

My Production for the Next 90 Days

Listing Appointments: _____________________________

Listings Taken: ___________________________________

Listings Sold: ____________________________________

Buyer Sales: _____________________________________

Transactions Closed: ______________________________

Commissions Received: $ __________________________

Now you know the results that you want to achieve for the next 90 days. This is the “action speaks louder than words” part. The following 10 Action Steps will make the difference between more of the same versus you selling homes at a much higher level. Here’s how to make it happen!

Focus item #3. 10 ‘Must Do’ Action Steps for Selling More Homes in the Next 90 Days

Action Step #1. Identify Your Keystone Habit

Identify Your Keystone Habit

Experts tell us that 95% of what we do is habitual. A great percent of what we do is almost unconscious. Activities like the way you brush your teeth, turning right when you drive, how you answer the phone, how you start work in the morning, the way you show houses… everything! Each of us does it the same way every time.

When you recognize that a high percentage of your ongoing activities are habitual there is a very pleasant discovery at the end of this rainbow. You can forget about self-discipline and willpower… they can easily be overcome just by developing good habits. Successful people have simply developed more good habits than unsuccessful people.

Critical Point– your Keystone Habit is the one that drives all the “follow on” habits. Visualize dominoes falling in a row and you’ll see what I mean. Here’s an example:

One of my Coaching Clients was having difficulty starting his daily prospecting for home buyers and home sellers at 9 AM every morning. Andrew’s plan was to prospect two hours every day five days a week. He was falling short of that mark consistently because he was not starting at the same time every day and then became distracted easily (sound familiar?).

In Coaching this real estate agent, it became obvious to me that Andrew did not have a solid routine in place. So we walked through his process together. He explained that in order to be on the phone by 9 AM the following sequence of events had to take place (in reverse order):

— Be in the office by 8:30 AM

— Leave home by 8 AM

— Get up at 6:30 AM

— Go to bed at 10:30 PM the night before

Interestingly enough, as it turned out, Andrew’s Keystone Habit was not as simple as “go to bed at 10:30 PM”. It went a little further than that… we discovered that what he really had to do was make sure he “turned the TV off at 10 PM”. When he did that, everything else fell into place.

He got to bed by 10:30 PM… the dominoes started falling one by one… and ultimately he started his phone calls at 9 AM the next morning. Andrew’s Keystone Habit was to make sure that the TV was turned off at 10 PM. Eureka!


When you identify your Keystone Habit everything else falls into place very nicely. Your routine becomes automatic and you go through the day with your activities happening as planned. Not complicated and at the same time – very powerful.

Action Step #2. Create a Series of Minimum Standards

Create a Series of Minimum Standards

Set up a series of minimum standards which establish “a level below which you will not go”. These minimum standards will guide you in both your personal and your business life. Your list can be quite varied. In every case you will not allow yourself to slip below the mark. Here are some examples of personal items you could consider:

— What time you get up in the morning

— What and how much you eat

— Your exercise program

— Who you associate with (& who you don’t associate with)

Examples of business items for your minimum standards list:

– Lead generation… number of hours and contacts each day and who you are calling

— Home Sellers…how you prequalify, not cutting corners in your listing presentation, proper pricing, minimum commission percent, do they treat you with respect

— Home Buyers…how you prequalify, number of homes shown per outing, the use of the Buyers Agency Agreement, no lowball offers, do they treat you with respect

— Improving Your Skills… how often you actually role-play/practice your real estate scripts and dialogues each day

— *** Important: Minimum time off during a 7 day workweek (Action Step #4 below)


By setting minimum standards for yourself you are achieving two very important goals:

The first is that you are saying “this is the lowest acceptable circumstances under which I’m going to operate and perform. Nothing less.” In doing so you are making it very easy to measure the quality of your performance on an ongoing basis.

Secondly, by always staying above the mark you are adding to your self-confidence consistently. This is hugely important. Your minimum standards tell you who you are every day. You can look in the mirror and know that you are being your word. You are building on you… and that’s a great feeling.

Action Step #3. Have a Plan for Accountability

Have a Plan for Accountability

The value of effective accountability is based on the reality that everyone is capable of accomplishing more than they are doing currently. The easiest example for most to relate to is the use of a personal trainer at the gym. You will definitely do more push-ups when someone is exhorting you to “just do a couple more” than if you are left to your own devices.

By taking on an accountability partner you can be guaranteed a greater level of success. As a successful real estate Salesperson I used this approach unfailingly for many years. It pays off big time! Here is a suggested plan:

— Pick someone reliable you can check in with everyday. They hold you accountable and you hold them accountable in return

— Have a quick five minute conversation every morning before you get started (over the phone is more efficient, it cuts out the “chatting” component)

— Each of you must identify 3 items you intend to accomplish that day – NO Excuses

— The next morning you report how you did (plus identify 3 new items for that day)

— Make sure you have someone who will not let you off the hook – tough love is critical

— Do this five days a week and create a solid routine (“Here’s what I did yesterday and here’s what I’m going to do today”)

You will be amazed at how your focus will become more acute.

Now comes the real level of commitment… BUILD IN A PENALTY. This falls under the “no pain no gain” concept. It also separates those who are really committed to doing more from those who are just paying it lip service.

Penalty Example #1: give each other an undated cheque for $50 that can be cashed immediately if yesterday’s 3 items are not completed. This works like a charm! I can tell you from personal experience that you only let it happen once and then you’ll never let it happen again!

Penalty Example #2: I had a Coaching Client who promised to take her four-year-old daughter to Disneyland if she prospected every day for 90 days. No prospecting = no Disneyland! Every night when she came home Lisa was asked, “Mommy did you prospect today?”. You can be sure there was never any chance of her not prospecting and…everyone had a great time at Disneyland.


If you are saying, “Penalties don’t work for me Bruce!”…sorry, I don’t buy into that. That’s just an excuse to avoid accountability. If penalties didn’t work then we wouldn’t have rules, laws, policemen, etc. Accountability will make you better – guaranteed.

That’s why people hire Coaches. A great Real Estate Coach is “someone who will not let you settle for what you think is your best”. A great Coach helps you become who you are REALLY capable of being. I have seen literally hundreds of my Coaching Clients overachieve in dramatic fashion as a result of my holding them tightly accountable. Step up to the mark… get a daily accountability partner AND a Coach. Now you have the winning formula.

Action Step #4. Have a Time off Plan

Have a Time off Plan

Have a Time off Plan

In studying athletes at the Nick Bollittieri Tennis Academy in Bradenton, Florida they concluded that it was literally impossible to keep going in definitely without building in some “refresh time”. Not doing so resulted in inevitable mental and physical breakdowns for the young tennis phenoms they were studying.

Selling real estate is no different. It can be a very all-encompassing profession. If you are not careful you can easily fill up seven days a week with seemingly justifiable activity. Not a good idea. Make sure you plan time off in two very important ways:

Time off Strategy #1. Plan on working 5 ½ days a week. Schedule 1½ days off every week and put it in your daily planner. Make it visible. In essence, you are setting an appointment for time off. This is one of the habits you are building into your routine as mentioned in Action Step #1. Do not change this arrangement unless something comes up like a home buyer or home seller offer that is time dependent. Otherwise – NO Excuses.

A Caution: don’t be one of those real estate Salespeople where the exception becomes the rule and you are always working because “I didn’t have any choice, it was the only time they were available”. Recognize that saying NO is sometimes more important than saying yes.

Time off Strategy #2. Schedule specific vacation times throughout the year in advance. Using a Year at a Glance Calendar is a great technique. Put a red “V” on each of the days coming up for your summer vacation, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Do this in advance. Post it on the wall so you can look forward to these dates in the coming weeks. This will help keep you on track for the time in between.


Recognize that “if you don’t give your mind and body a rest periodically, it will do it for you”. Pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion results in your becoming increasingly less efficient. Understand that at some point, Less Is More. Schedule regular time off and two very positive things will happen:

It gives you something to look forward to, something to justify “why I’m working so hard”.

Because of this, you will be significantly more effective when you are working. You will absolutely get more done this way.

Action Step #5. Track Your Consistency

Track Your Consistency

Not only do you need to “know where you’re going”, you need to know where you stand at all times as you are “getting there”. Why? Because it may be necessary to make some adjustments along the way to ensure that you end up at your final destination successfully.

Think of the process of driving a car down the road. You watch where you are and you pay attention to where the car is heading. As it starts to veer to the left or right you make adjustments. This is done over and over on an ongoing basis. By paying attention to the accuracy of your direction you can easily make small adjustments before you “end up in the ditch”.

Ongoing tracking allows small adjustments to be made easily every day, instead of a large adjustment which would be much more difficult.

Here are two simple approaches that work extremely well for hundreds of people I have Coached:

Lead Generation…use the Year at a Glance Calendar mentioned in Action Step #4 to monitor your consistency for your daily prospecting. At the end of each day you record the number of days in a row you are on track.

Example: If your minimum number of contacts per day is 20 then just before you leave your office, enter your result in the blank square. If it’s your 7th day in a row you would enter the number seven. It becomes progressive… 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. If you miss a day you have to put an X in that square and start all over again tomorrow. You have broken the chain.

I have been doing this for years and I still do it in my business today. Once you see your momentum building you will not want to start over again. Stay consistent.

Sales Results…you can post a simple hand-drawn thermometer on the wall for the critical items you want to track. Things like homes sold and commissions earned. If your target for the year is 36 homes sold then create a simple chart on the wall reflecting that number. Every time you sell another home, mark off that transaction in red. Watch the thermometer as it works its way to the top. You’ll start looking forward to making this happen every week.


Simply put, “Trackers are Winners, Guessers are Losers”. Get in the habit of checking your progress on a regular basis. As a minimum, track your lead generation numbers daily (# of contacts made) and your sales results weekly (listings taken, listings sold, buyer sales).

Action Step #6. Review Your Past Client and Center of Influence Follow Up Plan

Review Your Past Client and Centre of Influence Follow Up Plan

Fact #1…the most productive source of business for 99% of all real estate Salespeople is their Past Client and Center of Influence List

Fact #2… 85% of all home buyers and home sellers report that they would do business with the same agent again but only 15% of them actually do…only15%!!! (NAR statistic)

Why does that happen? Why does this plague most real estate Salespeople? Answer: because they don’t stay in touch, they don’t follow-up with their database consistently.

Here is a simple 6 Step Plan to ensure that this never happens to you:

Contact them personally every 90 days

If not, home leave a message…

“Hi Mr./Mrs. Past Client… this is Bruce Keith from ABC Real Estate. Sorry I missed you, I was just   touching base to see how you’re doing. If you have any questions about the real estate market or if you know of anyone that needs my help, please give me a call. Again, it’s Bruce Keith from   ABC real estate… my number is 705-729-1908. Have a great day”

Send them a surface mail market update every 90 days (Example: www.MarketConnections.ca)

Send them an e-mail market update every 30 days (if you don’t have their e-mail address, this is a great excuse to give them a call… “Hi Mr./Mrs. Past Client… we are just updating our records and…”)

Bonus Ideas – periodic drop-bys or personal notes are also very effective. Customer events are also an activity you might consider.

CRITICAL POINT… by following the above plan, you can expect a 10% return per year (ie: if you have 100 people in your database, that works out to 10 additional transactions per year!). Very profitable.


For the first month of this plan, start by phoning everyone in your database and ask for business. Find out their current status (You never know, they might be moving) and then ask for referrals. Here’s a great line you can use that is easy to deliver and comes across very naturally without you being salesy or “pushy”…

“As you know, I’m always looking for more people to help in real estate and I was wondering– who do you know that needs my help to buy or sell a home in the next little while?”

One final point… don’t worry if you haven’t spoken to them in a while. No matter how long it’s been (even years in some cases!)… rest assured, they haven’t been keeping track.

You will be pleasantly surprised how happy they are to hear from you. I have one Coaching Client who started this program and did two transactions (a listing sold and a home purchased) as a result of following up with a customer she had not spoken to in 12 years! Guess what – they weren’t mad.

Next, put them in your regular schedule and follow-up every 90 days as per the plan outlined above. Don’t forget to expect a minimum of a 10% return… it’s very doable and invariably happens if you stay in touch.

FYI… the above lines regarding the voicemail message and asking for referrals are taken directly from our “All the Right Words” Scripts and Dialogues Package.

Action Step #7. Review Your Lead Follow-Up System

Review Your Lead Follow-Up System

Another failing of many real estate Salespeople is not following up with their existing leads in a timely fashion. Strange but true… you spend all that time looking for new leads and then they “slip through the cracks” because a competitor does a better job of following up.

This Action Step is all about checking the way you are doing things now and making sure that you have an airtight lead follow-up system to support your front-end lead generation activity.

You really have 2 types of leads to keep track of… Long Term Leads who need periodic contact and short-term HOT leads (doing something in the next 30 days) . Here’s how to do both:

Long Term Leads

Keep these in your CRM for ongoing follow-up. There are many good systems available, some more economical than others (IXACT Contact, Top Producer, etc.). Be sure to have a specific time set aside every day in your schedule as to when you are going to do your follow-up. Don’t leave it to chance, that’s how you fall behind and your leads get missed or even forgotten.

A good rule for how often to call them is this…do so in half the time that they expected to hear from you. Meaning… if they expected to hear from you in two months, give them a call in 30 days. It’s much better to call more often than not often enough.

Short Term HOT Leads

Here’s a technique that is very simple to follow and ensures that your best leads will not be overlooked. Start by putting them in your CRM as per the details above for your longer-term leads.

In addition… exclusively for your 30 day leads, use a follow-up sheet printed on “neon” paper. Something that really stands out – many of my Coaching Clients use HOT Pink paper (Staples can do this for you easily). A real estate Salesperson from Vancouver tells me, “Bruce, this is one of the best Coaching ideas I’ve ever received. It eliminates the need for me to worry about finding a particular 30 day lead quickly. They just jump off my desk!”.

For your HOT leads the use of a 30 day Accordion File is very effective. That way you will not have unnecessary paperwork cluttering up your desk. Once you have spoken to them, just file them in the date you are to contact them next.

Every morning just pull out the items slated for you to deal with that day. As for the longer-term leads, make sure you have time set aside in your schedule to make these calls every day.

NOTE: both of the Pink lead sheets and the Accordion Files are part of our “All the Right Time” Time Mastery package (along with the Year at a Glance calendar)


Here is another very important habit to build into your routine… every time you contact one of your leads, short-term or long-term, you must record the date when you are to follow-up with them next. Never file things away in your CRM or on a piece of paper that doesn’t have a specific follow-up date recorded. This is one of those NO Excuses habits that will make a huge difference to your overall results.

Also, make sure you don’t fall into the trap of putting all your leads together in one pile. Remember this, “the bad leads hide the good leads”. A longer-term lead has much less probability of turning into a home sale than a 30 day lead. This is another reason why the Hot Pink approach is very effective.

Action Step #8. Upgrade Your Personal Development Plan

Upgrade Your Personal Development Plan

A gap exists for most real estate Salespeople. This gap is the difference between who you are today and who you see yourself being. This is good news. The alternative is complacency and not moving forward or growing beyond your current status…ie: standing still.

The fact that you recognize this gap is already a step forward. Your job is to close that gap and be a reflection of your best self. There are three main ways to close this gap. You must address… your energy level, the way you think, and your overall real estate Sales Skills.

#1.Your Energy Level

There is no doubt that very high on the list of factors contributing to success in real estate Sales is the energy level you exhibit. Your energy is what attracts or repels the people around you – including your customers. There are two aspects to the way you should look at your energy level.

The first is Intake…are you exercising consistently, is it built into your routine so like everything else it becomes automatic?

Eating habits – are you putting the right things into your body to keep your energy at the highest level? Is your alcohol consumption at a reasonable level?

And finally, are you getting enough sleep? A simple barometer would be to look at how you feel when you get up in the morning… do you jump out of bed energized and ready to go or do you “wish I had gone to bed earlier”?

The second is your Physiology… how does the rest of the world view you? Do you appear energized and enthusiastic? Is there a controlled sense of urgency in the way you move? A smile on your face, a firm handshake, good eye contact? Are you being the person you want the rest of the world see you as?

Sometimes you have to “fake it till you make it”. You’re not always going to feel energized. There is a side benefit to all this… sometimes when you force yourself to be more energetic, you start feeling that way anyway! Besides, what’s the alternative?

#2. The Way You Think

The recently deceased and much loved personal development guru Wayne Dyer said, “We have to fill up our tanks every day”. He said if we change the way we think we change the person we are being and ultimately the world around us.

The Way You Think is clearly affected by the two main things… who you spend time with and what outside knowledge you are exposing yourself to.

Make sure you are surrounding yourself with inspirational people… people who can contribute to you being more than you are right now. Conversely, stay away from those who drag you down and are always looking at the dark side of things. It’s not hard to tell them apart… just make sure you are guarding your mindset and filling up your tank in a good way.

Take time either early in the morning in the quiet of your home or late at night before you go to bed to read inspirational material. Inspirational material is the food for your mind. Constantly feed yourself with good books or listening material to add to your personal development. There is no shortage of material or gurus to follow. Jim Rohn, Oprah Winfrey, Jack Canfield, John Wooden, John C. Maxwell, Tamara Lowe, Mel Robbins, etc.

Here’s 2 great books I just finished… “The No Complaining Rule” by Jon Gordon and “The Go-Giver” Burg & Mann

#3 – The Real Estate Skills You Deliver

In order to be “a reflection of your best self” you must also exhibit strong Selling Skills. What plan do you have in place for that? Here’s 2 suggestions to help you get started:

Role-play five days a week for 30 minutes before you start your prospecting. Fact: most real estate Salespeople resist this idea for all the wrong reasons. I role-played for years and it alone was the number one item that contributed to my ability to sell in excess of 100 homes per year. It pays off huge. As the question goes… who are you practicing on…your peers or your customers?

Before you tell yourself there is no one to role-play with, I’m asking you to keep an open mind on this one. Be reminded that there are in excess of 2 million real estate Salespeople in North America…there is no shortage of supply. More importantly, there’s plenty of good role-play candidates.

Those who are committed to role-playing consistently never seem to have that problem. Those who don’t… always have that excuse as their stopper.

Also, there is no shortage of material available to get you started. Practice the in excess of 286+ scripts and dialogues in the “All the Right Words” package.

All other professions require the top producers to practice. Athletics, theater, etc. Here’s two more books to help you along the way…

“Practice Perfect” by Doug Lemov & “Relentless” by Tim S. Grover.

The material you expose yourself to on a daily basis. As personal development expert Brian Tracy suggests, turn your car into a “university on wheels”. From 8 AM to 5 PM never turn on the radio. Just listen to CDs and downloaded material to help strengthen your mindset and your skills.

Listen to audio books, listen to “All the Right Words” Scripts & Dialogues, listen to Darren Hardy’s interviews in each edition of Success Magazine. Another good idea is to use this same approach when you are exercising. Physical activity and mental reinforcement are a great combination.


Your job is to constantly be working on closing the gap between who you are and who you want to be. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with who you are right now – it just means you know you can be better. This is what keeps you young, this is what keeps you growing, and this is what attracts more and more home buyers and home sellers. This is what attracts success!

Here’s a great question to be asking yourself every day… “Would I buy from ME right now? Am I being the Salesperson that attracts serious home buyers and home sellers?”

By working on this every day there are three huge benefits… needless to say, you will do more business. Secondly, your customers will get more from you on an ongoing basis. And lastly… your confidence level will skyrocket and you will enjoy yourself and your life even more. Have a solid personal development plan and keep enhancing it. Everybody wins!

Action Step #9. Am I Working with the Right Leads?

Am I Working with the Right Leads?

No real estate Salesperson intentionally works with weak leads. No one shows homes to buyers who don’t intend to make a home purchase. No Salesperson lists property for someone who does not want to move.

The challenge is how to best deal with those prospects who are in the middle. It is those “fence sitters” who can’t seem to make up their mind that can take up the most of your time. These are the Times Vampires. You need to have a strategy to deal with those hesitant home buyers and home sellers who can’t make a decision.

Here is a plan to help them get off the fence. 4 simple questions that will let you decide whether you want to carry on or not:

Q #1. I’m sensing some hesitation in your moving forward to (by this house/list your home/etc.). Is that true.

Q #2. Thanks for explaining that, what specifically is holding you back?

Q #3. If we were able to deal with those issues to your satisfaction, is there anything else getting in the way? Would you then be able to go ahead with your plans?

Q #4. I have some specific ideas on how we can solve these concerns for you. Let’s get together for a 15 minute strategy session and we can discuss your options and help you get moved. Do you want to see me today at 5 PM or tomorrow at six?

By using this approach you can isolate their objection and then decide whether or not you want to proceed.


There is one additional dilemma that does show up periodically that you have to be prepared to address. It’s that situation where you say to yourself, “This lead isn’t really working out all that well but I have SO much time invested in these people, I can’t afford to let them go now”.

Logic would say this is not a good business approach. What you really should be asking yourself is this, “If I had more good leads, would I still be working with these people?”

So here’s the 2 step business approach to follow to keep you on the right track…

Step 1. Ask the 4 questions above to clarify your position with this particular prospect (Do I carry on?)

Step 2. Make sure that you are consistently filling up your “conveyor belt” with new leads as a result of your scheduled daily prospecting. When you’ve got lots of good leads, it’s much easier to get rid of the “fence sitters” who are not motivated.

Now you have a plan to make sure that you are working with only the best leads. Remember that you need to keep checking on your prospect’s motivation as the sales cycle evolves. Sometimes your lead’s motivation will increase and sometimes it will decrease. It’s your job to know exactly where they stand by asking the right questions on an ongoing basis. Protect yourself and protect your time – it’s valuable!

Action Step #10. Beware the Law of Diminishing Intent

Beware the Law of Diminishing Intent

As the title suggests, this law states that “as time goes by your intention to accomplish something will diminish”. The longer you are at something, the greater the chance that you will lose your intention to continue (at least until it becomes a rock-solid habit).

A simple example would be those people who go on a diet and exercise program on January 1 and then “fall off the treadmill” by February 1. Their commitment shrinks in the month of January and the Law of Diminishing Intent takes over.

DANGER! Make no mistake, the above 9 Action Steps are at risk because of this law. Be sure to nip it in the bud when it shows up… and it will. Here’s two examples of where it usually rears its ugly head first… your start time every day and/or your daily prospecting in the morning.

After you have started doing something for a while the “novelty wears off and it simply becomes hard work”. It’s not fun anymore.

The Law of Diminishing Intent becomes even more powerful if the results you are looking for don’t show up as fast as you expected. Look at a particular type of prospecting as an example, remember in Action Step #6. Review Your Past Client and Center of Influence Follow Up Plan, I showed you a plan for staying in touch…

This is not an immediate source of business – it typically does not generate results as quickly as for sale by owners or expired listing prospects. It is not uncommon for me to be confronted by a newer real estate Coaching client who says… “This doesn’t work, why shouldn’t I just go back to what I used to do?” The Law of Diminishing Intent was gaining power.

The reality is that the Coaching Client’s expectations were not realistic and they had not been working that source of business long enough. Once we sorted that out, everything worked out and the results did show up (10% return or more).


Avoid the temptation of the quick fix. Selling real estate and building your business is not an exercise in instant gratification. It takes time. So be prepared and be aware…”Hurry up and fail, take time and win”.

The Law of Diminishing Intent will impact everything we’ve covered so far. All of these great Action Steps will get sabotaged if you don’t commit to doing them long enough until they generate results. Be prepared to fight off the tendency to “take your foot off the gas pedal”. Have faith that the results will come.

Just be clear on this promise I am making… every single one of these strategies has worked for thousands of others, has worked incredibly well for me, and will work incredibly well for you. Be committed to having the courage to stick it. Push doubt aside even when that little voice tells you “this is not working”…



Follow these Action Steps and do them no matter what! And remember… figure out your Keystone Habit for success and after you do all this, expect the Law of Diminishing Intent to show up in about 30 days. Let your momentum steamroll right over top of it and keep on going. You are going to have the best four months of your career coming up! Congratulations! My prediction…your business will never be the same.


What did you discover is your KEYSTONE HABIT??? Let us know, leave a comment below…looking forward to your input..Bruce Keith

The post “A Step by Step Guide for Selling More Homes in the Next 90 Days” appeared first on Bruce Keith Results.

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